[RS] 渲染相关项目设置
- Unity 2020.3.2f1
- 渲染管线:URP
Project Settings - Graphics
Unity - Manual: Graphics (unity3d.com)
1. Shader Stripping
1. Lightmap modes:Custom
- Baked Non-Directional:Enable
- Baked Directional:Enable
- Realtime Non-Directional:Disable
- Realtime Directional:Disable
- Baked Shadowmask:Enable
- Baked Subtractive:Disable
2. Fog Modes:Custom
- Linear:Enable
- Exponential:Enable
- Exponential Squared:Disable
3. Instancing Variants:Strip Unused
GPU instancing相关变体剔除
2. Shader loading
- Log Shader Compilation:Disable
Project Settings - Quality
Unity - Manual: Quality (unity3d.com)
1. Rendering
- Texture Quality:Full Res
- Anisotropic Textures:Per Texture
每个Texutre单独设置各向异性 - Realtime Reflection Probes:Disable
- Billboards Face Camera Position:Enable
- Resolution Scaling Fixed DPI Factor:1
- Texture Streaming:Disable
2. Shadows
- Shadowmask Mode:Shadowmask
3. Other
Skin Weights:4 Bones
动画期间可以影响给定顶点的骨骼数量。 -
V Sync Count:Don’t Sync
Unity | 优化(一):V Sync Count -
Lod Bias:1
Maximum LOD Level:0
Particle Raycast Budget:512
粒子碰撞检测的预算 -
Async Upload Time Slice:2
将缓存的Texture和Mesh上传到 GPU 时花费的 CPU 时间量(毫秒/帧) -
Async Upload Buffer Size:16
将Texture和Mesh串流到 GPU 的异步上传缓冲区大小( MB ) -
Async Upload Persistent Buffer:Enable
Pipeline参数(URP Asset)
Universal Render Pipeline Asset | Universal RP | 10.3.2 (unity3d.com)
1. General
- Depth Texture:Enable
- Opaque Texture:Disable
- Terrain Holes:Enable
2. Quality
- HDR:Enable
- MSAA:Disable
3. Lighting
- Main Light:Per Pixel
- Cast Shadows:Enable
- Shadow Resolution:2048
- Additional Light:Per Pixel
- Per Object Limit:8
- Cast Shadows:Enable
- Shadow Resolution:512
4. Shadows
Max Distance:115.4
Unity相机渲染阴影的最远距离 -
Working Unit:Metirc(米)
Unity级联阴影距离的度量单位 -
Cascade Count:1
Unity - Manual: Shadow Cascades (unity3d.com) -
Depth Bias:1
Depth Bias(深度偏移)_weixin_30475039的博客-CSDN博客
Normal Bias:1
Unity - Manual: Shadow troubleshooting (unity3d.com)
关于ShadowMap中Shadow acne现象的解释 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) -
Soft Shadows:Disable
Soft shadows have a greater rendering overhead than hard shadows but this only affects the GPU and does not cause much extra CPU work.
5. Post-processing
- Grading Mode:High Dynamic Range
- LUT Size:32
Color Grading使用的LUT贴图的尺寸
基于物理的渲染—HDR Tone Mapping - UWA Blog (uwa4d.com)
6. Advanced
SRP Batcher:Enable
大量不同材质,使用相同Shader时,SRP Batcher能提升CPU渲染性能(不影响GPU) -
Dynamic Batching:Disable
动态批,会自动将共享相同材质的小物件进行合并。如果目标硬件支持GPU Instancing,需要禁用动态批。
Unity - Manual: Draw call batching (unity3d.com) -
Mixed Lighting:Enable
Debug Level:Profiling
Shader Variant Log Level:All