呃,今天补两篇/Homorganic nasal rule

2016-11-08  本文已影响0人  Growing_Strong


昨天一个学翻译的朋友问我Homorganic nasal rule是什么意思,我心里咯噔一声,想说我自己都似懂非懂啊。不过话说回来教才是最好的学嘛,我就硬着头皮查了一点资料,给她大概讲了一下,并举了一个例子。下面背景介绍用中文,具体讲解用英文。


In the same place of articulations, many sounds can be produced, and they are called homorganic. For example [ŋ] and [k] are both produced on the soft palate. The rule mentioned above, from what I know, means that when a nasal consonant(which allows airflow through the nose, such as m, n and ŋ) is adjacent to another sound, it is possible that the other sound will be assimilated by the nasal,therefore changing its place of articulation to the same as the nasal’s.For example, in the word ‘inadequate’, ‘n’ is an alveolar plosive, and the vowel next to it, ‘a’, has no place of articulation (the contradiction with the above definition to be resolved). But in practical pronunciation, the vowel is nasalized——na, meaning that there is a [n] sound in it. To put it in technical terms, the vowel partially shares the place of articulation with the nasal.


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