Day 2
heavy adj. [air/ weather] hot and lacking fresh air, ina way that is unpleasant
i.e: It's very heavy, I think there'll be a storm
查字典无意看到的一个搭配 make heavy weather of sth to seem to find sth more difficult or complicated than it needs to be 小题大做
patchy adj. existing or happening in some places and not others
文中词组:patchy fog 团团的雾
i.e:There are some patchy grass in the park
shape up to improve your behavior, work harder
i.e: You'd better shape up, or you'll be fired
clutch v. to hold sb/sth tightly
i.e:Because of the unfamiliar environment, I clutched my dad's hand
[ clutch/ grasp at straws: 在危难中抓住救命稻草,不放弃任何微小的机会]
intrigue v. to make sb very interested and want to know more about sth
[ intrigue sb; It intrigues sb that...]
i.e: What you're saying really intrigued me
在书上看到的一句成语翻译:A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step 千里之行始于足下
感想:Each step is important and each one takes time. No step can be skip这句话要裱起来时刻提醒自己,学语言也是一样,不要妄想一步登天,每天积累一点点,累积起来就是一笔大财富。在选择听力材料或者阅读材料时也要根据自己的基础来选择,一下子从听VOA跳到听脱口秀,可不是什么明智的选择。另外,Inside- Out这点感触很深,对待问题时总是往别人身上找问题和从自己身上找问题,其实是两种不同的处理问题的方法,把原因归给别人,就会一直抱怨,把原因归于自己,会主动寻找解决方法,更加主动积极地面对问题。