Combine -- 错误处理
2021-02-22 本文已影响0人
Combine 中提供了 Fail 这个内建的基础 Publisher,它所做的事情就是在被订阅时发送一个错误事件
Fail<Int, SampleError>(error: .sampleError)
Subscriber 在订阅上游 Publisher 时,不仅需要保证 Publisher.Output 的类型和 Subscriber.Input 的类型一致,也要保证两者所接受的 Failure 也具有相同类型。
map 对 Output 进行转换,mapError 对 Failure 进行转换,
Fail<Int, SampleError>(error: .sampleError)
.mapError { _ in MyError.myError }
当你有需求在数据转换或者处理时,将事件流以错误进行终止,都可以使用对应操作的 try 版本来进行抛出,并在订阅者一侧接收到对应的错误事件。比如 tryMap、tryScan、tryFilter、tryReduce 等等
check("Throw") {
["1", "2", "Swift", "4"]
.tryMap { s -> Int in
guard let value = Int(s) else {
throw MyError.myError
return value
// 输出:
// ----- Throw -----
// receive subscription: (TryMap)
// request unlimited
// receive value: (1)
// receive value: (2)
// receive error: (myError)
.replaceError(with: )
使用默认值来让事件流从错误中 “恢复”。
check("Throw") {
["1", "2", "Swift", "4"]
.tryMap { s -> Int in
guard let value = Int(s) else {
throw MyError.myError
return value
.replaceError(with: -1)
// 输出:
// ----- Throw -----
// receive subscription: (TryMap)
// request unlimited
// receive value: (1)
// receive value: (2)
// receive value: (-1)
// receive finished
接受的是一个新的 Publisher,当上游 Publisher 发生错误时,catch 操作会使用新的Publisher来把原来的 Publisher 替换掉。
.catch { _ in [-1, -2, -3].publisher }
check("Catch and Continue") {
["1", "2", "some", "4"]
.flatMap { s in
return Just<String>(s)
.tryMap {s -> Int in
guard let value = Int(s) else {
throw SampleError.sampleError
return value
.catch{_ in Just(-1)}
// ----- Catch and Continue -----
// receive subscription: (FlatMap)
// request unlimited
// receive value: (1)
// receive value: (2)
// receive value: (-1)
// receive value: (4)
// receive finished