只要想用英语提问,What和How几乎是避不开的一对“好基友”。What’s your name? How are you这种超常见的问句就不提了,我们今天要学点很常见,但大家又不那么熟悉的用法。
How is your brother? (询问健康状况)
What is your brother like? (询问性格特点)
What was the journey like?
How was the journey?
这两个句子都可以表示对某事/某物的看法、评价,但How……? 一般单独使用(eg: How are your foreign language skills? 你的外语水平如何?)What……则多作为宾语成分用于一个句子中(eg: You can see what the college is like for yourself and apply if
you'd like. 你可以自己上网看看这是所什么样的大学,如果愿意的话,也可以在网上申请。)
现在大家都会经常玩知乎,肯定会时不时看到这样的问题:减肥成功是一种什么样的体验?有一个帅气/漂亮的男/女朋友是一种怎样的体验?诸如此类。那这种“……是一种怎样的体验”的句式用英语怎么表达呢?参考知乎的美国“老师”Quora就能发现,老外用的正是What is it like to do sth?
eg: What is it like to work at McKinsey?
What is it like to have a beautiful wife?
What is it like to answer 4000 questions on Quora?
What do you like about it? (询问具体细节)
How do you like it? (询问大概意见)
eg: How does he like Dartmouth? 他觉得达特茅斯学院怎么样?
How did you like the orientation session today? 今天的迎新晚会,你感觉如何?
如果想问某人目前的生活状况,可以说:How are things going with Jeff? 杰夫现在怎么样?
How do/would you like it? 还有一个特殊用法需要记住。比如在餐厅或咖啡馆,服务生想询问顾客对咖啡或某道菜的要求,就可以这么说。
A: I’llhave a coffee, please.
B: How do/would you like it?
A: Milk, no sugar.