
如何用 give off 形容:某人一副碧池脸的样子

2017-04-20  本文已影响81人  英语君Sam

Give off


to send (light, energy, heat, smell, etc.) out from a source散发(光、能量、热量、气味等)


This coffee gives off a nice chocolatey aroma.这个咖啡散发出巧克力的味道

Our electric heater may be small, but it gives off a lot of heat.我们的取暖器虽然小,但却可以发出巨大的热量。

give off an air of superiority /sʊˌpiriˈorəti/


常见搭配:give off an air of + sadness / confidence / happiness

The new manager gives off an air of superiority when she talks to us.新来的经理每次跟我们说话都表现出一副高高在上的样子!


Sam: Something smells in here. Why does it smell like stinky feet?这儿什么味道?怎么闻起来像臭脚?

Betty: Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s 小Q. Cuz he hasn’t had a bath in at least two weeks.是的,肯定是小Q(家里的狗狗)。因为它至少两周没有洗澡了。

Sam: Oh my god his mouth is giving off a really bad odor.我靠,他的嘴发出的气味好臭!

Betty: I know. It’s pretty awful. He probably doesn’t even realise he stinks, cuz he’s still giving off an air of confidence. Just look at him with his head held up high.我知道,太糟糕了。他估计都没意识到自己臭,还摆出一副很自信的样子。你看他呀,头还抬得那么高。

Sam: What a shameless dog.真是不要脸:)

这个短语在口语中主要就是表达光、能量、热量、气味等。写作的时候可以用它抽象的一个短语形式,比如:give off an air of superiority.


日常需熟练且高频地使用。 同五颗星,频率稍低一些。 日常偶尔使用,可用于替换同义高频短语。 可以不用,但是一定要听懂。注意:这类词语可能是写作中的大词,如果写作有需要,必须记忆。

