英文:Revolving Lateral Angle Posture
Parivrtta Parsvakonasana has five vinyasas, of which the 2nd and 4th constitute the states of the asana.
Keep the left leg stretched out and tighten at the knee.
Rest the left armpit on the outer side of the right knee, and place the left palm on the floor by the outer side of the right foot.
Rotating your right shoulder joint, bring your right arm up and over, creating a strong energy line from the back edge of your left foot through the center of your left leg, along the twist of your spine, and through your right arm to your fingertips.
Use the opposing forces between your leg and arm to twist open the right chest, shoulder and side.
Take care not to twist from the pelvis, but use the power in your legs to hold your hips square while you rotate only from your thoracic spine.
Breathe deeply for 5 full breaths, listening to the sound of the ujjayi breathing. Keep the sound soft to free the breath and release the body’s tension.
Benefits: The abdominal organs are contracted and that aids digestion. The blood circulates well round the abdominal organs and the spinal column, and they are thus rejuvenated. The asana helps to remove waste matter from the colon without strain.