what are some small things that

2018-10-21  本文已影响0人  动机在苏州

Two years ago, My husband got a tattoo of our daughter’s name on his wrist while he was out on a trip with his friends. He returned from the trip and showed the tattoo to us.

My son sulked when he got to know that only his sister’s name had been tattooed and not his, he forgot about it the moment he saw chocolates and toys his dad had brought for him([ractoca; son...hahaha). my daughter became all emotional, hugged her dad, kissed him on his forehead as she always deos and asked him if it was painful.

My husband replied, “i can bear any pain for you Ra”.

I don’t know what happened to her after that, her attitude towards her dad changed places.

She started behaving as if she is his mom. She was already behaving as a mom to her brother, now her dad too..(my mind voice was... what is my role then??).

She started taking care of him too much. She never gets angry when he is angry on her. She would ask him how his day was?Did he have his food? If he sneezes(he is allergic to dust,so often sneezes), she runs to get Vicks vaporub and apply it on him. She never demands things from him, sometimes when my son pesters for something she will chide him and say “Arjun, papa nee disturb cheyyodhu.. he will get you what you want when he is free”.

Af first i thought, all this will be only for a span of few weeks or months, after that she will not be this emotional and all and will be back to her usual self, who will sulk when refused to buy her somthing.

9-10 months ago, one day ,she was lazily getting ready for school. Her dad shouted at her for being lazy so early in the morning. He said, i hate this Sanju, how can you be so lazy at the start of the day, how will the day be then.

She just smiled and got ready. I asked her if she was ok,she just nodded her head and left for school.

1hour later, i got a call from the school. The receptionist said that my daughter was having fever and had vomited twice. The asked me to pick her from scholl. I gave a call to her dad to inform him and to ask him to pick her up, but his call didn’t connect even after trying 4-5times. I took my scooter and went to pick her.

As we both were returning i asked her,”if you were not feeling good you could have said nabangaru, i wouldn’t have sent you to school. Were you feeling bad that your dad shouted at you, so you didn’t say anything and wenti to school.

The reply she gave me literally made me emotional.

She was sitting behind me holding me tight, and resting herself completely on me.

She said,”no amma, i will never feel bad to anything that dad says, yest, he doesn’t understands sometimes and shouts, but he loves me a lot amma. If at all he didn’t love me, would he have bore that pain and got a tattoo of my name?”(she dosen’t know about labour pains yet...so maybe his pain was too much for my daughter).

The moment she said that tears started rolling out of my eyes, can a girl who is only 8 yrs old(she was 8 when this happened, she turned 9 this may) think so much? Can she understand love and affection? How can she be so selfless? Can one small tattoo be so powerful?

Yes, sometimes small things matter a lot. This small tatto matters a lot to both dad and daughter.

And to the people who were feeling sorry my son, my son won’t get emotional or feels anything like my daughter did for tattoos and all.. this is what makes him emotional. I gave him a surprise on his birthday this Aug. Again, small things matter... here are his emotional reactions..

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