Highlights from Day16

2019-03-18  本文已影响0人  荆棘海_Ph
Then he looked at performance. His team had assembled nearly three million data points on sales, customer satisfaction, and average call length. The Firefox and Chrome users had significantly higher sales, and their call times were shorter. Their customers were happier, too: After 90 days on the job, the Firefox and Chrome users had customer satisfaction levels that Internet Explorer and Safari users reached only after 120 days at work.

1.assemble:收集,组建,to bring people or things together as a group.可以与collect做同义替换。表示采集数据、证据可以说assemble data/evidence

2.only除了表示仅有,还有一个释义为直到…才,not until…在本段中就表示IE和Safari的用户直到(not until)120天才达到这个水平。

例句:Only then did she realize the stress he was under.

这句话如果用not until替换就更好理解了:

Not until then did she realize the stress he was under.

It’s not the browser itself that’s causing them to stick around, show up dependably, and succeed. Rather, it’s what their browser preference signals about their habits. Why are the Firefox and Chrome users more committed and better performers on every metric?

3.stick around:待在原地,不走开,to stay in a place, waiting for sth to happen or for sb to arrive. 这个偏口语的表达可以用来替换stay、last等词。


5.rather:在这里表示提出相反的意见,在表达转折时除了on the contrary,还可以用这一个单词来强调。

6.metric:公制,单位,我认为在这里的every metric可以理解为每个维度。


