
[k8s源码分析][kubelet] devicemanager

2019-10-30  本文已影响0人  nicktming

1. 前言

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分支: tming-v1.13 (基于v1.13版本)

device manager and device plugin
1. [k8s源码分析][kubelet] devicemanager 之 pod_devices 和 checkpoint
2. [k8s源码分析][kubelet] devicemanager 之 使用device-plugin(模拟gpu)
3. [k8s源码分析][kubelet] devicemanager 之 device-plugin向kubelet注册
4. [k8s源码分析][kubelet] devicemanager 之 kubelet申请资源
5. [k8s源码分析][kubelet] devicemanager 之 重启kubelet和device-plugin

本文将分析devicemanager中会用到的podDevices. 该类主要用于记录pod使用了哪些resource.
在持久化时会生成kubelet_internal_checkpoint保存到宿主机中, kubelet重启的时候会加载里面的数据.

2. kubelet_internal_checkpoint

  "Data": {
    "PodDeviceEntries": [
        "PodUID": "pod1",
        "ContainerName": "con1",
        "ResourceName": "",
        "DeviceIDs": [
        "AllocResp": "Eh0KDC9ob21lL3IxbGliMRILL3Vzci9yMWxpYjEYARofCgsvZGV2L3IxZGV2MRILL2Rldi9yMWRldjEaA21ydxofCgsvZGV2L3IxZGV2MhILL2Rldi9yMWRldjIaA21ydw=="
        "PodUID": "pod2",
        "ContainerName": "con1",
        "ResourceName": "",
        "DeviceIDs": [
        "AllocResp": "Eh0KDC9ob21lL3IxbGliMRILL3Vzci9yMWxpYjEYARofCgsvZGV2L3IxZGV2NBILL2Rldi9yMWRldjQaA21ydw=="
    "RegisteredDevices": {
      "": [
      "": [
  "Checksum": 3854436589

这是一个kubelet_internal_checkpoint例子, 可以看到有两个比较重要的部分:
RegisteredDevices: 当前向kubelet注册的资源以及这些资源所拥有的设备, 需要指出的是这些设备是healthy的才会出现在这里, unhealthy的设备不会持久到kubelet_internal_checkpoint中.

PodDeviceEntries: 这个就是本文要涉及的内容, 可以看到PodDeviceEntries中有五个属性分别为PodUID, ContainerName, ResourceName以及DeviceIDsAllocResp. 表明该pod(pod1)中的容器(con1)使用了资源(的设备(dev1dev2).

另外AllocResp指的是一些env, mount信息等等是真正指示docker在启动容器的时候需要做什么操作. 比如(NVIDIA gpu-device-plugin中用了gpu dev1dev2会把它放到envNVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=dev1,dev2, 这样的话nvidia docker在启动的时候才会把相应的gpu设备投到容器中)


// pkg/kubelet/cm/devicemanager/checkpoint/checkpoint.go
type PodDevicesEntry struct {
    PodUID        string
    ContainerName string
    ResourceName  string
    DeviceIDs     []string
    AllocResp     []byte
type checkpointData struct {
    PodDeviceEntries  []PodDevicesEntry
    RegisteredDevices map[string][]string
type Data struct {
    Data     checkpointData
    Checksum checksum.Checksum


// pkg/kubelet/cm/devicemanager/checkpoint/checkpoint.go
type DeviceManagerCheckpoint interface {
    GetData() ([]PodDevicesEntry, map[string][]string)
func (cp *Data) MarshalCheckpoint() ([]byte, error) {
    cp.Checksum = checksum.New(cp.Data)
    return json.Marshal(*cp)
func (cp *Data) UnmarshalCheckpoint(blob []byte) error {
    return json.Unmarshal(blob, cp)
func (cp *Data) VerifyChecksum() error {
    return cp.Checksum.Verify(cp.Data)
func (cp *Data) GetData() ([]PodDevicesEntry, map[string][]string) {
    return cp.Data.PodDeviceEntries, cp.Data.RegisteredDevices

关于真正的文件操作这里就不多说了, 上面的主要做一些转化工作.

3. 结构

type deviceAllocateInfo struct {
    // deviceIds contains device Ids allocated to this container for the given resourceName.
    deviceIds sets.String
    // allocResp contains cached rpc AllocateResponse.
    allocResp *pluginapi.ContainerAllocateResponse
type resourceAllocateInfo map[string]deviceAllocateInfo // Keyed by resourceName.
type containerDevices map[string]resourceAllocateInfo   // Keyed by containerName.
type podDevices map[string]containerDevices             // Keyed by podUID.

看了上面的kubelet_internal_checkpoint中的PodDeviceEntries, 再看这个结构很容易明白.

就是podUID-containerName-resourceName才可以构成一个uuid, 然后这个uuid的内容就是deviceAllocateInfo.



4. 方法

insert, delete, pods, get

// 存入 重复的的会覆盖
func (pdev podDevices) insert(podUID, contName, resource string, devices sets.String, resp *pluginapi.ContainerAllocateResponse) {
    if _, podExists := pdev[podUID]; !podExists {
        pdev[podUID] = make(containerDevices)
    if _, contExists := pdev[podUID][contName]; !contExists {
        pdev[podUID][contName] = make(resourceAllocateInfo)
    pdev[podUID][contName][resource] = deviceAllocateInfo{
        deviceIds: devices,
        allocResp: resp,
// 删除
func (pdev podDevices) delete(pods []string) {
    for _, uid := range pods {
        delete(pdev, uid)



// 返回podUID-containerName-resoureName使用的设备
func (pdev podDevices) containerDevices(podUID, contName, resource string) sets.String {
    if _, podExists := pdev[podUID]; !podExists {
        return nil
    if _, contExists := pdev[podUID][contName]; !contExists {
        return nil
    devs, resourceExists := pdev[podUID][contName][resource]
    if !resourceExists {
        return nil
    return devs.deviceIds
// 返回所有的pods
func (pdev podDevices) pods() sets.String {
    ret := sets.NewString()
    for k := range pdev {
    return ret
//返回所有使用的设备 根据resourceName来区分(不区分pod,container)
func (pdev podDevices) devices() map[string]sets.String {
    ret := make(map[string]sets.String)
    for _, containerDevices := range pdev {
        for _, resources := range containerDevices {
            for resource, devices := range resources {
                if _, exists := ret[resource]; !exists {
                    ret[resource] = sets.NewString()
                if devices.allocResp != nil {
                    ret[resource] = ret[resource].Union(devices.deviceIds)
    return ret
// 返回podUID-containerName-resoureName使用的设备
func (pdev podDevices) containerDevices(podUID, contName, resource string) sets.String {
    if _, podExists := pdev[podUID]; !podExists {
        return nil
    if _, contExists := pdev[podUID][contName]; !contExists {
        return nil
    devs, resourceExists := pdev[podUID][contName][resource]
    if !resourceExists {
        return nil
    return devs.deviceIds


toCheckpointData 和 fromCheckpointData

// 将podDevices 转变成PodDevicesEntry
func (pdev podDevices) toCheckpointData() []checkpoint.PodDevicesEntry {
    var data []checkpoint.PodDevicesEntry
    for podUID, containerDevices := range pdev {
        for conName, resources := range containerDevices {
            for resource, devices := range resources {
                devIds := devices.deviceIds.UnsortedList()
                if devices.allocResp == nil {
                    klog.Errorf("Can't marshal allocResp for %v %v %v: allocation response is missing", podUID, conName, resource)
                // 将allocResp marshal
                allocResp, err := devices.allocResp.Marshal()
                if err != nil {
                    klog.Errorf("Can't marshal allocResp for %v %v %v: %v", podUID, conName, resource, err)
                data = append(data, checkpoint.PodDevicesEntry{
                    PodUID:        podUID,
                    ContainerName: conName,
                    ResourceName:  resource,
                    DeviceIDs:     devIds,
                    AllocResp:     allocResp})
    return data

// Populates podDevices from the passed in checkpointData.
func (pdev podDevices) fromCheckpointData(data []checkpoint.PodDevicesEntry) {
    for _, entry := range data {
        klog.V(2).Infof("Get checkpoint entry: %v %v %v %v %v\n",
            entry.PodUID, entry.ContainerName, entry.ResourceName, entry.DeviceIDs, entry.AllocResp)
        devIDs := sets.NewString()
        for _, devID := range entry.DeviceIDs {
        allocResp := &pluginapi.ContainerAllocateResponse{}
        err := allocResp.Unmarshal(entry.AllocResp)
        if err != nil {
            klog.Errorf("Can't unmarshal allocResp for %v %v %v: %v", entry.PodUID, entry.ContainerName, entry.ResourceName, err)
        // 相当于每个数据再重新插入一次
        pdev.insert(entry.PodUID, entry.ContainerName, entry.ResourceName, devIDs, allocResp)

toCheckpointData:podDevices转成PodDevicesEntry数组, PodDevicesEntry就是kubelet_internal_checkpoint的内容, 很清晰.



// 将某个pod中的某个容器的所有资源信息组合到一起
// 因为某个pod中的某个容器很可能使用了很多资源, 每个资源的allocResp中包含了env, mount等等信息
// 该方法就是将这个容器的每个资源的 env全部放一起 mount全部放一起 Annotations全部放一起等等 
// 组成一个新的结构DeviceRunContainerOptions
func (pdev podDevices) deviceRunContainerOptions(podUID, contName string) *DeviceRunContainerOptions {
    containers, exists := pdev[podUID]
    if !exists {
        return nil
    resources, exists := containers[contName]
    if !exists {
        return nil
    opts := &DeviceRunContainerOptions{}
    // Maps to detect duplicate settings.
    devsMap := make(map[string]string)
    mountsMap := make(map[string]string)
    envsMap := make(map[string]string)
    annotationsMap := make(map[string]string)
    // Loops through AllocationResponses of all cached device resources.
    for _, devices := range resources {
        resp := devices.allocResp
        for k, v := range resp.Envs {
            if e, ok := envsMap[k]; ok {
                klog.V(4).Infof("Skip existing env %s %s", k, v)
                if e != v {
                    klog.Errorf("Environment variable %s has conflicting setting: %s and %s", k, e, v)
            klog.V(4).Infof("Add env %s %s", k, v)
            envsMap[k] = v
            opts.Envs = append(opts.Envs, kubecontainer.EnvVar{Name: k, Value: v})
    return opts

因为某个pod中的某个容器很可能使用了很多资源, 每个资源的allocResp中包含了env, mount等等信息
该方法就是将这个容器的每个资源的env全部放一起, mount全部放一起, Annotations全部放一起等等

// pkg/kubelet/cm/devicemanager/types.go
type DeviceRunContainerOptions struct {
    // The environment variables list.
    Envs []kubecontainer.EnvVar
    // The mounts for the container.
    Mounts []kubecontainer.Mount
    // The host devices mapped into the container.
    Devices []kubecontainer.DeviceInfo
    // The Annotations for the container
    Annotations []kubecontainer.Annotation
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