中英双语:我的动态二重奏 My Dynamic Duo

- 安娜•格罗(英文),2014年12月
我会选择这个令人讨厌的十一岁的天才,我那带着淡淡的泽西口音的小弟艾伦。虽然他可能看起来很小也不引人注目,但是一旦他打开脑洞和嘴巴,就会显露他那超出年岁的智慧。尽管他说起话来总显杂乱无章,但他对任何话题都有洞察力。他可以同样轻而易举地与物理学家、出租车司机、投资家或足球运动员进行交谈。他可以对任何事情高谈阔论几小时,从他对罗马数字的喜好到他对理发的讨厌。他很诚实 - 有点太诚实,而且永远都是知无不言,言无不尽。
对我而言,艾伦无处不在,我们像好朋友一样,一起嘲笑母亲的言谈举止,争论一首歌曲的正确歌词,或者一起讨论有关我们的未来公司 - A&A公司 - 的事宜 - 是的,那是一个非常原始的名字,我们知道 - 艾伦和我将分别担任首席执行官和首席财务官。他是支撑我的巨石,没有他我无法想象如何挺住母亲的第二次离婚。他富有同情心,又充满关爱。他使我拥有更强的自我意识。
他坚定,固执,有原则 - 我们都是 - 而且也不肯轻易改变主意,除非通过绝对无可挑剔的推理来说服。有时他根本就不动摇。艾伦沉思的样子总带着一个特征。当他显示他那双眉紧皱的商标似的神态,我知道他准在深思熟虑,并临近某个伟大的想法或声明。
College essay question:
Imagine yourself a student at xxx, of anyone in the world, whom would you choose to be the other student in the class, and why?
(Please limit your response to 300 words.)
My Dynamic Duo
- Anna Gloor, 12. 2014
I would choose this irksome eleven-year-old genius with a slight Jersey accent, my little brother Alan. Though he may look small and unassuming, once he opens his mind and mouth, he reveals wisdom beyond his years. He brings insight to any conversation albeit prone to rambling. He can hold a conversation with a physicist, taxi driver, investor, or soccer player with equal ease. He could talk about anything for hours ranging from his affinity for Roman numerals to his animosity toward haircuts. He is honest – a little too honest at times – and never stops short of giving his full opinion.
Alan is always there for me, whether I need a friend to giggle with at our mom's mannerisms, argue with about what the correct lyrics of a song are, or discuss with our future company called A&A – yes, very original name, we know – in which Alan and I will be the CEO and CFO, respectively. He is my rock without which I never would have gotten through our mom's second divorce. He is compassionate and caring. He makes me more self-aware.
He is determined, stubborn, and principled – we both are – and does not change his mind unless persuaded through absolutely impeccable reasoning. Sometimes, he simply does not waver. Alan has a signature look of contemplation. When he displays his trademark furrowed brow, I know he is deep in thought on the verge of some great idea or statement.
I know his weaknesses and strengths and he knows mine. Most importantly, Alan is not a quitter, and he will not let me be one either. Many refer to us as the dynamic duo. He is my best of best friends. We keep each other in check, and in the crucial moments, we do not let each other falter.
December, 2014