
2017-12-27  本文已影响0人  苗子君

上了大学才意识到这个世界上还存在Homosexuality…但一直未曾真正走进他/她们的内心。在读Virginia Woolf的Mrs Dalloway的过程中,才开始慢慢体会他/她们之间的感觉。那种淡淡的喜欢加上忧伤的倾慕区别于异性之间狂风暴雨式的,或者海枯石烂般的爱恋。Woolf用诗意的语言,生动地展现了女同之间的那种奇幻而美妙的感觉。

But all that evening she could not take her eyes off Sally. It was an extraordinary beauty of the kind she most admired, dark, large-eyed, with that quality, which, since she hadn’t got it herself, she always envied—a sort of abandonment, as if she could say anything, do anything; a quality much commoner in foreigners than in Englishwomen.

They sat up till all hours of the night talking. Sally it was who made her feel, for the first time, how sheltered the life at Bourton was. She knew nothing about sex—nothing about social problems. She had once seen an old man who had dropped dead in a field—she had seen cows just after their calves were born.

There they say, hour after hour, talking in her bedroom at the top of the house, talking about life, how they were to reform the world. They meant to found a society to abolish private property, and actually had a letter written, though nit sent out. The ideas were Sally’s, of course—but very soon she was just as excited—read Plato in bed before breakfast; read Morris; read Shelley by the hour.

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