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Toastmasters Club Contest Script

2019-05-11  本文已影响0人  Yunling1011

t’s CONTEST TIME! This year, I worked as the contest chair for our club and realized there was so much to do to ensure the event run smoothly...

Here is a contest script to let you konw what to say as a contest chair.

Open The Contest

Good morning, Fellow Toastmasters, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Pudong Toastmasters Club Spring Speech Contest. My name is Stefanie. It’s my honor to be the contest chair today. I remembered about 1 year ago, after I completed my C6 speech, one of our officer Amy smiled to me and said : You speech is wonderful today. I see something in you. You should participate in our Speech contest. Really? Should I? On the way back home, I was thinking about what Amy said, and my thoughts were bouncing between dreaming about such a new experience and the internal resistance within me. In the end, I gave up this opportunity because I was fear of the unknown and going outside of my comfort zone. Now one more year has passed by, I am still lack of the guts and courage to stand on the stage and compete with others. So, all the contestants, you are my heroes today. You should also be the hero of yourself for making the right decision of competing on the stage. Let’s give you a big round of applause.

To allow us to have a smooth competition, all the audience, please to do me a favor.

Check your cell phone, and ensure it is in silent mode or vibration mode.

Do not take photo or record without the permission from the constant.

Once the contest Do not walk in/out, during a speech. You can move during the silence between speeches.

Now, let me introduce the general contest rules, contestants, timers, and judges, please pay attention.

1.Speaking Area

All contestants shall speak within the same area, you can use the area up to this wall, up to this door, back to the wall, before to the desk.

2.Timing rules

For International and Mandarin speech, it shall be 5 to 7 minutes. Contestants who speak less than 4’30”, or more than 7’”30 will be disqualified.

The green card will be displayed at 5’, till 6’

The yellow card will be displayed at 6’, till 7’.

The red card will be displayed at 7’, remains on until speech concluded.

For Table topic speech, it shall be 1 to 2 minutes. Contestants who speak less than 30” or more than 2’30” will be disqualified.

The green card will be displayed at 1’, till 1’30”

The yellow card will be displayed at 1’30, till 2’.

The red card will be displayed at 2’, till the speech is concluded.

Be attention; there is NO sign or bell ring given for going overtime.

Timing will begin with the contestant’s first definite verbal or non-verbal communication with the audience.

There will be 1 minute silence after each contestant, during which the judges will mark their ballots and contestants can setup or remove their facility. For the last speaker, there will be 2 minutes silence for judges.

3.Speech position

Contestants have drawn for their speaking order in advance, as listed on the white board(and for your records, that order is as follows;).

That’s all the rules. Today, we have Tejen as the Chief Judge. Would you please stand up? And timer, and SAA, please report your position by standing up, are you ready? All the contestants, are you ready?

Today, we will have 11 contestants, competing in 3 category, International Speech, Table Topic Speech and Mandarin Speech. The competition is going to be fierce! Who will be champion today? Let us witness together!

1st – International Speech Contest

Let us start the 1st contest- International Speech Contest. In addition to the general rule, for International Speech, the subject shall be chosen by the contestant. Contestants must prepare their own speeches, and must be substantially original. Any quoted, paraphrased or refereed content must be identified during the speech presentation.

I should not let you wait any longer. Let us welcome the 1st contestant on the stage,

,< Contestant’s name>

Thanks xxx. One minute silence, judges please mark the ballot. The next contestant, please be prepared.

Thanks xxx. two minutes silence, judges please mark the ballot, and the first 3 places.

That includes the International Speech contest. Ballot counters, please collect the ballots from the judges and the timer sheet from timer.

2nd Session – Table Topic Speech Contest

Let us start the 2nd contest – Table Topic Speech Contest. During the contest, after receive a same topic, each contest shall deliver a 1 to 2 minutes speech.

Now, all the contestants except the 1st one, please follow SAA and leave the room.

Now, let us welcome the 1st speaker,

, < Contestant’s name>

Thanks xxx. One minute silence, judges please mark the ballot. SAA, please invite the next contestant in the room.

Let us welcome the 2nd contestant,

, < Contestant’s name>

Thanks xxx. Two minutes silence, judges please mark the ballot

This concludes the table topic speech contest. Ballot counters, please collect the ballots and the timer record.

Break time

Next, let us have 5 minutes break to refresh. Please do not go too far.

After Break

3rd – Mandarin Speech Contest

欢迎大家回来! 接下来的中文演讲将更加精彩。 中文博大包容, 精妙绝伦,相信 几位选手们今天拿出了自己的看家本领,让我们拭目以待,看看我们的选手们如何将我们的母语发挥得淋漓尽致吧!



<参赛者名字>, <演讲题目>

<演讲题目> , <参赛者名字>

谢谢<参赛者名字>. 一分钟静默, 裁判员们请评分,请下一个参赛者准备.

谢谢<参赛者名字>. 两分钟静默, 裁判员们请评分,并评出前三名。

至此,所有的中文参赛演讲都已经结束. 请收票员收集投票,请主裁判统计结果。

Interview Time

Now it is the interview time. Let’s warmly welcome all the contestants to stage. (Lead the applause)


?Any questions from the audience? (Let audience to ask questions?)

That’s all for the interview.

Now, let us deliver the participant certification. Thank you all for your participation. Please have your seat.

Next, is Chief Judge’s report time. Tejen, are you ready for the report?

Chief Judge’s Reports

Thank you! Tejen!

Ladies and Gentleman, why are our hearts beating faster now? Yes, because we are waiting for the final contest result announcement.

I would like to invite XXX to announce the result of Internaltional Speech Contest. Ladies and Gentlemen, Pudong Toastmasters Club, International Speech Contest,

The 3rd Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

The 2nd Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

The 1st Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

< xxx Present the certifications>

Thanks. Please be seated.

Next, let me invite XXX announce the result of Table Topic Speech Contest. Ladies and Gentlemen, Pudong Toastmasters Club, Spring Table Topic Speech Contest,

The 3rd Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

The 2nd Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

The 1st Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

< xxx Present the certifications>

Thanks. Please be seated

Next, let me invite XXX announce the result of Mandarin Speech Contest. Ladies and Gentlemen, Pudong Toastmasters Club, Spring Mandarin Speech Contest,

The 3rd Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

The 2nd Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

The 1st Place goes to with (lead the applause), Let’s take a picture

< xxx Present the certifications>

Thanks. Please be seated.


Congratulations to the 1st place winners. They will represent our club in Area Q4 contest hold on Mar 19th. I would like to congratulate all the contestants today for “stepping out of their comfortable zones” and competing today. I hope I could be more like you in the future.

Special thanks to all the judges, times, ballot counters, SAA, without your hard work, this contest would not have been possible.

That concludes my contest chair job. Let me hand the stage back to the Governor, Aming.

P.S I got this sample script from a very seasoned member Jim and rivised it a little bit. Without his help, I can't make it in such a short time.

The best way to prepare for this role is to read the most up-to-date version of the Toastmasters Speech Contest Rulebook, which you can find by following this link,

Contest Chair “To Do” List

P.P.S. About Pudong Toastmasters Club


