live555 server tcp发送丢包问题调试

2018-08-01  本文已影响0人  叶迎宪

今天在某个项目中发现,客户端通过tcp从live555 rtsp server取数据,居然也会遇到丢包花屏问题。由于走tcp,可以排除网络丢包导致的,需要具体分析live555的代码看为什么tcp发送也会丢包。


  do {
    u_int8_t framingHeader[4];
    framingHeader[0] = '$';
    framingHeader[1] = streamChannelId;
    framingHeader[2] = (u_int8_t) ((packetSize&0xFF00)>>8);
    framingHeader[3] = (u_int8_t) (packetSize&0xFF);
    if (!sendDataOverTCP(socketNum, framingHeader, 4, False)) break;

    if (!sendDataOverTCP(socketNum, packet, packetSize, True)) break;
    fprintf(stderr, "sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: completed\n"); fflush(stderr);

    return True;
  } while (0);


  int sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)data, dataSize, 0/*flags*/);
  if (sendResult < (int)dataSize) {
    // The TCP send() failed - at least partially.

    unsigned numBytesSentSoFar = sendResult < 0 ? 0 : (unsigned)sendResult;
    if (numBytesSentSoFar > 0 || (forceSendToSucceed && envir().getErrno() == EAGAIN)) {
      // The OS's TCP send buffer has filled up (because the stream's bitrate has exceeded
      // the capacity of the TCP connection!).
      // Force this data write to succeed, by blocking if necessary until it does:
      unsigned numBytesRemainingToSend = dataSize - numBytesSentSoFar;
      fprintf(stderr, "sendDataOverTCP: resending %d-byte send (blocking)\n", numBytesRemainingToSend); fflush(stderr);
      makeSocketBlocking(socketNum, RTPINTERFACE_BLOCKING_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS);
      sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)(&data[numBytesSentSoFar]), numBytesRemainingToSend, 0/*flags*/);
      if ((unsigned)sendResult != numBytesRemainingToSend) {
    // The blocking "send()" failed, or timed out.  In either case, we assume that the
    // TCP connection has failed (or is 'hanging' indefinitely), and we stop using it
    // (for both RTP and RTP).
    // (If we kept using the socket here, the RTP or RTCP packet write would be in an
    //  incomplete, inconsistent state.)
    fprintf(stderr, "sendDataOverTCP: blocking send() failed (delivering %d bytes out of %d); closing socket %d\n", sendResult, numBytesRemainingToSend, socketNum); fflush(stderr);
    removeStreamSocket(socketNum, 0xFF);
    return False;

      return True;
    } else if (sendResult < 0 && envir().getErrno() != EAGAIN) {
      // Because the "send()" call failed, assume that the socket is now unusable, so stop
      // using it (for both RTP and RTCP):
      removeStreamSocket(socketNum, 0xFF);

    return False;

  return True;




    unsigned streamBitrate;
    FramedSource* mediaSource
      = createNewStreamSource(clientSessionId, streamBitrate);

      if (rtpGroupsock != NULL) {
    // Try to use a big send buffer for RTP -  at least 0.1 second of
    // specified bandwidth and at least 50 KB
    unsigned rtpBufSize = streamBitrate * 25 / 2; // 1 kbps * 0.1 s = 12.5 bytes
    if (rtpBufSize < 50 * 1024) rtpBufSize = 50 * 1024;
    increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), rtpGroupsock->socketNum(), rtpBufSize);



此外,通过wireshark抓包分析,也可以排除tcp滑动窗已满的问题。在wireshark的抓包中,可以看到客户端连接上来的时候,SYN包附带的Window scale是2,说明滑动窗口可以左移两位扩大4倍。在后续的通信过程中,客户端的滑动窗大小会逐步扩大到26万多。但是当send发生WSAEWOULDBLOCK的时候,滑动窗使用的数量只有2万多字节(通过发送出去的包的sequence number,减去接收到的ack的acknowledgment number获得),还远远没有满,因此一定是发送端的发送缓冲满了

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