
英语名著阅读——汤姆·索亚历险记:第三章 2

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《汤姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)是美国小说家马克·吐温1876年发表的长篇小说。

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

CHAPTER 3 Part 2


embroidered [im'brɔidəd] adj. 绣花的;刺绣的;v. 刺绣;润色;渲染(embroider的过...
frock [frɒk] n. 女装;连衣裙;僧袍;罩袍;n. (Frock)人名;(英)弗罗克
adoration [ˌædəˈreɪʃn] n. 崇拜;爱慕
behold [bɪˈhəʊld] vt. 看;注视;把...视为;vi. 看;int. 瞧;看呀
evanescent [ˌevəˈnesnt; ˌiːvəˈnesnt] adj. 容易消散的;逐渐消失的;会凋零的
partiality [ˌpɑːʃiˈæləti] n. 偏心;偏袒;偏爱;癖好
plaited [plet] v. 编制,将(头发等)编成辫(plait 的过去式和过去分词)
Amy [eɪmɪ] n. 艾米(女子名)
Lawrence ['lɒrəns] n. 劳伦斯(男子名)
proudest  自豪的( proud的最高级 );最值得骄傲的
Thatcher [ˈθætʃə(r)] n. 盖茅草屋顶的人;n. (Thatcher) (美、英)撒切尔(人名...

As he was passing by the house where Jeff \color{#dc3545}{Thatcher} 盖茅草屋顶的人 lived, he saw a new girl in the garden—a lovely little blue–eyed creature with yellow hair \color{#e4a32b}{plaited} 编制,将 into two long–tails, white summer \color{green}{frock} 女装;连衣裙;僧袍;罩袍 and \color{green}{embroidered} 绣花的;刺绣的 pantalettes. The fresh–crowned hero fell without firing a shot. A certain \color{#dc3545}{Amy} 艾米 \color{#dc3545}{Lawrence} 劳伦斯 vanished out of his heart and left not even a memory of herself behind. He had thought he loved her to distraction; he had regarded his passion as \color{#e4a32b}{adoration} 崇拜 ; and \color{#e4a32b}{behold} 看;注视;把...视为 it was only a poor little \color{#e4a32b}{evanescent} 容易消散的 \color{#e4a32b}{partiality} 偏心 . He had been months winning her; she had confessed hardly a week ago; he had been the happiest and the \color{#dc3545}{proudest} 自豪的( proud的最高级 boy in the world only seven short days, and here in one instant of time she had gone out of his heart like a casual stranger whose visit is done.

admiration [ˌædməˈreɪʃn] n. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;赞美
grotesque [ɡrəʊˈtesk] adj. 怪诞的,奇怪的,可笑的;丑陋奇异的,奇形怪状的;n. (尤指书...
gymnastic [dʒɪmˈnæstɪk] adj. 体操的,体育的
threshold [ˈθreʃhəʊld] n. 入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值
awhile [əˈwaɪl] adv. 一会儿;片刻
boyish [ˈbɔɪɪʃ] adj. 男孩的;孩子气的;(女孩)像男孩的
furtive [ˈfɜːtɪv] adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的,秘密的
tarry [ˈtæri] vi. 等候;逗留;耽搁;vt. 等待;n. 逗留;adj. 涂了焦油的...
wending  v. 前进;去(wend的ing形式)
foolishness [ˈfuːlɪʃnəs] n. 愚蠢;可笑
pansy [ˈpænzi] n. [园艺] 三色堇;同性恋男子;三色紫罗兰;vt. 打扮;vi. 打...

He worshipped this new angel with \color{#e4a32b}{furtive} 鬼鬼祟祟的,秘密的 eye, till he saw that she had discovered him; then he pretended he did not know she was present, and began to "show off" in all sorts of absurd \color{#e4a32b}{boyish} 男孩的 ways, in order to win her \color{green}{admiration} 钦佩 . He kept up this \color{green}{grotesque} 怪诞的,奇怪的,可笑的 \color{#dc3545}{foolishness} 愚蠢 for some time; but by–and–by, while he was in the midst of some dangerous \color{green}{gymnastic} 体操的,体育的 performances, he glanced aside and saw that the little girl was \color{#e4a32b}{wending} 前进 her way toward the house. Tom came up to the fence and leaned on it, grieving, and hoping she would \color{#e4a32b}{tarry} 等候;逗留;耽搁 yet \color{#e4a32b}{awhile} 一会儿 longer. She halted a moment on the steps and then moved toward the door. Tom heaved a great sigh as she put her foot on the \color{green}{threshold} 入口 . But his face lit up, right away, for she tossed a \color{#dc3545}{pansy} [园艺] 三色堇 over the fence a moment before she disappeared.

hopped [[hɔpt]] adj. 加过(啤)酒花的(指麦芽汁);v. 跳跃(hop的过去式及过去...
pliant [ˈplaɪənt] adj. 顺从的;易弯的;易受影响的;能适应的;n. 顺从
tilted [tɪlt] adj. 倾斜的,翘起的;v. 使倾斜(tilt的过去分词)
nearer ['nɪrrɚ] adj. 更近的;更不久以后的;更接近的;adv. 更近地;更不久以后地...

The boy ran around and stopped within a foot or two of the flower, and then shaded his eyes with his hand and began to look down street as if he had discovered something of interest going on in that direction. Presently he picked up a straw and began trying to balance it on his nose, with his head \color{green}{tilted} 倾斜的,翘起的 far back; and as he moved from side to side, in his efforts, he edged \color{#dc3545}{nearer} 更近的;更不久以后的;更接近的 and nearer toward the pansy; finally his bare foot rested upon it, his \color{green}{pliant} 顺从的;易弯的 toes closed upon it, and he \color{green}{hopped} 加过酒花的 away with the treasure and disappeared round the corner. But only for a minute—only while he could button the flower inside his jacket, next his heart—or next his stomach, possibly, for he was not much posted in anatomy, and not hypercritical, anyway.

knuckles  n. 压关节,指关节(knuckle复数形式);v. 以指节打;以手指射...
rapped  v. 敲击;突然大声说出;(非正式)严厉批评;唱说唱歌;(非正式)交谈(...

He returned, now, and hung about the fence till nightfall, "showing off," as before; but the girl never exhibited herself again, though Tom comforted himself a little with the hope that she had been near some window, meantime, and been aware of his attentions. Finally he strode home reluctantly, with his poor head full of visions.

All through supper his spirits were so high that his aunt wondered "what had got into the child." He took a good scolding about clodding Sid, and did not seem to mind it in the least. He tried to steal sugar under his aunt's very nose, and got his \color{green}{knuckles} 压关节,指关节 \color{green}{rapped} 敲击 for it. He said:

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