《Call me Shia》2月15日我在广州演讲

2017-02-09  本文已影响0人  ShiaMajer

Infomation of the speech at Yi-Gather Meetup, February 15th

Speaker: Shia W. Majer (魏莱) Founder & Creative Director of Shia Majer, writer and activist

Shia W. Majer is a self-taught artist and fashion designer who owns her eponymous fashion brand, she was also well-known as a Tarot reader, astrologer and hypnotherapist. At the age of 23, Shia founded her fashion brand Shia Majer, her designs were all inspired by her personal stories, women's rights and the power of LGBTQ community. After her first show's success, "LGBTQ" became the signature of her brand, Shia took this as an opportunity to come out as a transgender woman in one of her speeches, and officially became a transgender activist. Six months later, Shia finally came out to her parents and got the support from her family, Shia is now a writer who writes articles to support the LGBTQ community in China, she also began writing her biography <She>.

Topic of the speech: <Call me Shia>

After coming out as a transgender woman, Majer had changed her name into Shia and started her HRT(hormone replacement therapy). During six months of transition, Shia fully lives herself as a girl, which means she has to deal with all the problems that are caused by her special idenity, such as public issues, relationships and family. In this speech Shia would like to share her transgender experience and how she got through some difficult times by herself. By the way, shia is very open for any question (even for her body change), so feel free to bring your questions and join the event!


2017.02.15 (Wed.) 19:30 - 21:30


30 RMB (Includes snacks and drinks. Pay when you arrive.)





Yi-Gather Community, No. 68, Zhongshan 7th Street, LiwanDistrict, Guangzhou



Exit D, Metro Line1, Xi Men Kou station, Guangzhou



Shia W. Majer是一位靠自学成才的艺术家和拥有同名服装品牌的时尚设计师,她同时也是位知名塔罗师、占星学家和催眠治疗师。拥有这么多不同头衔,Shia形容自己为“一个拥有复杂故事的复杂存在”。23岁这年,Shia创立了自己的服装品牌Shia Majer,她用星际主题命名她的所有系列,而且她的设计灵感全部来源于她的个人故事、女性维权和LGBTQ社群的影响力。在第一场秀获得成功后,“LGBTQ”成了其品牌的独有标识,Shia以此为契机在她的其中一场公共演讲中正式出柜MTF跨性别身份,并成为一名跨性别活动家。六个月后,Shia终于向她的家人出柜,她的父母意外地选择接受Shia为女儿的身份。拥有家人的支持,Shia现在也是一名作家,她书写文章支持中国的LGBTQ社群,并开始攥写自己的自传《她》。


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