
2022-02-23  本文已影响0人  xiaoke_donkey


英文 中文
It had been a few months since we moved from D.C. To Orlando, 我们从华盛顿搬到奥兰多已经有一个月了
and we were all looking forward 我们都很期待
to my mom's family coming to visit. 我妈那边的家人来探望我们
- This is a nightmare. - Well, not all of us. -简直是噩梦啊-也不是每个人都期待啦
You know your brother-in-law's only coming to gloat 我知道我那个姐夫来这里只是为了幸灾乐祸
about our restaurant not being successful. 嘲笑我们的餐厅经营得不成功
Louis, they're family. 路易斯他们是家人
They're coming to gloat about all of our misfortunes... 他们是来嘲笑我们所有的不幸的
the restaurant, Eddie. 比如餐厅啊埃迪啊
Getting away from Steve and his stupid store 远离史蒂夫和他那该死的店
was supposed to be one of the perks of moving here. 本该是我们搬来这里的好处之一
Okay, we got the L-shaped sectional, 好的我们这里有L型沙发
the entertainment center, the deluxe love seat... 娱乐中心豪华鸳鸯椅
Is this man bothering you? 这家伙在烦你们吗
Say the word, and I'll call the police. 只要你们说是我就报警
He's funny. 他很逗
Uh, Mr. And Mrs., uh, Oberg, 欧伯格先生欧伯格太太
this is my boss-in-law, Steve. 这是我的老板兼姐夫史蒂夫
I was just about to finalize... 我刚刚正说到...
getting us all some twizzlers. 给我们拿些多滋乐扭扭糖来
There were no twizzlers. 那里根本没有扭扭糖
- We have twizzlers?! - What? No. -买扭扭糖了吗-什么没有
I thought there were twizzlers. 我以为你们买了扭扭糖呢
At least with your whole family coming, 至少因为你们全家人都要来
Steve can't drive his stupid used Miata. 史蒂夫就不能开那辆该死的二手马自达车了
Steve says his miata is new. 史蒂夫说他的马自达是全新的
It's not new! It's used! 绝对不是肯定是二手的
I'm sorry. It's just... I... 不好意思我有点...
No, it's okay. You're right. 不没事你说得对
My sister can't wait to see 我姐姐也迫不及待想看到
us struggling in this swampland. 我们在这沼泽里挣扎痛苦
How do you know? 你怎么知道的
She called me yesterday, and she told me. 她昨天给我打电话了她跟我说的
I can't wait to see your new home. 我迫不及待想看到你的新家
你老公一定让你们 都住在茅厕里吧
It's a little cozy, 其实挺舒服的
but there's always room for my dear sister. 但我永远为我亲爱的姐姐准备了一席之地
你该睡在外面 跟那些鳄鱼一起睡
The whole family's so proud of you. 全家人都为你们感到骄傲
She's just bitter 她这么毒舌
because I have always been mom's favorite. 是因为我一直是妈妈最爱的孩子
That's why she's coming. 那也是她要来这里的原因
She wants mom to see us struggling. 她想让妈妈看到我们的日子过得很艰难
But they will be in for a surprise 但等他们看到我们过得有多好
when they see how well we are doing. 一定会很惊讶的
But we're not. 但我们没有啊
Yes, but they don't know that. 是的但他们又不知道
I've never loved you more. 我真是爱死你了
- Ew! - Gross! -恶-真恶心
I think it's great that you guys still have passion in your marriage. 我觉得你们的婚姻依然有激情可真好
My relatives were on their way, 我的亲戚们正赶过来
but the way my parents were acting, you would have thought 但我父母表现出来的样子一定会让你错以为
Mariah Carey was coming to visit. 天后玛丽亚·凯莉要来了呢
I mean, a hot, pre-Nick Cannon, 我是说性感的没嫁给尼克·卡农的
"In the Washington wizards dress" Mariah Carey. 穿着华盛顿奇才队队服的玛丽亚·凯莉
They were putting up fake lemon trees all over the house, 他们在家里放了很多假柠檬树
fancying up the bathroom... 把浴室变得有格调
basically doing anything they could 基本上是无所不用其极
to look like ballers. 装成大富豪
All right, the record should reflect now 好了记录现在可以显示
that the defendant is present with counsel. 被告是和律师一起的
You may be seated, if you wish. 你们可以坐下了
Even though my parents were tripping, I was psyched 尽管我父母很紧张我却高兴得很
because my favorite cousin Justin was coming. 因为我最爱的表哥贾斯丁要来了
Justin was only six months older than me, 贾斯丁也就比我大6个月而已
but he was the one who changed my life forever. 但他彻底改变了我的人生
Yo. Check this out. 哟听听这个
You are now about to witness 你们即将看到的是
the strength of street knowledge. 街头知识的力量
From that moment on, I was A.W.O... 从那一刻起我就成了AWO
Asian with obsession. 痴迷的亚洲人
I couldn't wait to show Justin 我迫不及待想让贾斯丁知道
how deep my hip-hop knowledge had gotten. 我对嘻哈乐的钻研有多深了
Everything had to be perfect for when I busted out the new 2Pac. 我拿出全新的图派克专辑时一切必须是完美的
What's a 2-pack? 图派克是什么[两包装]
It's not for you. Your baby ears aren't ready. 不是给你听的你的"婴儿耳"还不够资格
Remember the time a ladybug crawled in my ear? 记得那次有只瓢虫爬进我耳朵里了吗
Evan, Emery, grandma Chu will be staying in your room. 埃文埃莫瑞楚外婆会睡在你们的房里
Grandma party! 奶奶外婆大狂欢
You won't be sleeping there. 你们不会睡在那里
I have made other arrangements. 我做了其他的安排
Why can't we sleep on the couch? 我们为什么不能睡在沙发上呢
Because then your aunt and Uncle will know 因为那样你们的姨妈和姨父就会知道
we don't have enough bedrooms. 我们家没有足够的卧室
And they must never know that. 绝不能让他们知道这点
Okay, I just talked to Mitch, 好了我刚找米奇谈过了
and we have a great promotion set for Saturday. 我们周六要举办一个大促销活动
-All the boomin' onions you can eat for 99 cents. Yes! -花式炸洋葱仅售99美分-棒
Cattleman's will be packed when we take your family there. 等我们带你的家人过去餐厅一定是爆满的
Won't you lose money? 那样你们不会亏本吗
Well, sometimes you have to spend money you don't have 有时候你即使没钱也得花钱
to make it seem like you have money that you don't spend. 让人觉得你其实有钱但就是不花而已
Okay, house is ready. 好了家里已经收拾完毕
Now it's our turn. We need a new look. 现在轮到我们了我们需要个新形象
We need a look that instantly says... "Success." 我们需要能立刻展现成功的形象
Let me explain. 我先解释下
In addition to fake lemon trees, 除了假柠檬树
another thing Chinese people did to show prosperity 当年中国人喜欢做的另一件炫富的事
was get a perm. 就是烫卷发
I don't know why, but to my people, 我也不知道为什么但对于我们族人而言
curls were like dollar signs. 卷发等同于美元符号
These success perms were a great idea. 烫成"成功卷"真是太棒了
I feel like a curly-headed lion surveying my kingdom. 我感觉自己像是一头卷毛的狮子巡视着我的王国
They're coming! They're coming! 他们到了他们到了
We're ready. 我们准备好了
Connie! 康妮
Oh, your boobs are so big! 你的胸好大啊
I know. They're new. 我知道新做的
I had to give up jogging. 我现在都不能慢跑了
Oh, I can tell. 我看得出来
They are big. 的确很大
Nirvana? 涅槃乐队
Justin, yo, why you dressed like that? 贾斯丁哟你怎么穿成这样啊
It's grunge. 垃圾摇滚风啊
It reflects what I feel on the inside. 这反映了我内心的感受
Your shirt looks like a picnic blanket. 你的衬衫就像一块野餐布
Thank you. 谢谢
Where's Steve? 怎么没看到史蒂夫
He drove separately. 他一个人开了一辆车
He drove separately for 13 hours... 他一个人开了13个小时的车
Just so he could bring that stupid car. 就为了把他那辆该死的车开过来
He got a success perm, too. 他也烫了个"成功卷"呢
I see that. I can see that. 我看到了我看到了
Did somebody order chinese?! 有人点了中餐吗[中国人]
Fancy place. 房子挺豪华啊
Have I got the "Huang" House? 我来到"黄"家了吗[上错门]
That's a great joke, Steve. 真好笑啊史蒂夫
Funny every time you tell it. 你每次说都很好笑
Sweet ride, Uncle Steve. 车真牛史蒂夫姨父
Hey, thanks, Emery. 谢谢你埃莫瑞
If you work hard and you're smart like me, 如果你努力工作又跟我一样聪明
some day you can have a brand-new Miata. 总有一天你也会有辆全新的马自达的
Or used, because it's used. 或是旧的这显然是二手车嘛
You want to help me with this? 你不帮我拿行李包袱吗
I have my own baggage. 我已经背着城镇的包袱了
Emotional. 情感上的
So, the furniture store is doing really well, 家具店的收益很不错
and I thought, "Why not?" 我就想啊"为什么不呢"
You only live once, right? 人生只有一次对吧
And now you are equipped with air bags. 现在你身上自带气囊哦
So, how was the trip down? 旅途怎么样
I know mom can be so critical of your driving. 我知道妈妈一定很挑剔你的驾驶技术
Oh, she was complaining the whole time... 她一路都在抱怨
Ah-ma! 阿妈
About you. 抱怨你
What?! 什么
She's been feeling a little abandoned, you know? 她有种被抛弃感
Because you abandoned her. 因为你抛弃了她
Connie! 康妮
Looks like you're not her favorite anymore. 看来你现在已经不是她的最爱了
Guess who is. 猜猜谁是哦
Are you thinking? Are you thinking about who is? 你是在想吗你是在想是谁吗
Connie! 康妮
Coming, ah-ma. 来了阿妈
And that's my Lazy Susan, 那是我的懒汉餐桌转盘
because, you know, sometimes we get lazy. 因为有时候我们会很懒
Oh, that's my, uh, pager. 等下我的传呼机响了
We're opening a second store. Business, right? 我们正筹划开第二家店生意你懂的
Tell me about it. 可不是嘛



