解密霍金与Pink Floyd乐队合作内幕
2018年3月14日,伟大的理论物理学家 Stephen Hawking 逝世。一时间网路上关于这位大师的悼念文章铺天盖地而来。其中几乎每一篇,都提到了霍金与摇滚乐队Pink Floyd(平克弗洛伊德)合作的那首《Keep Talking》。
《Keep Talking》一曲出自Pink Floyd 1994年的专辑《The Division Bell》。(关于这张专辑,团爸曾在之前的推文中写过,戳【悦耳】就让这首歌将你我放逐)。
专辑封面很多文章都提到霍金在这首歌曲中用其语音合成装置讲述的两段名言,一段出现在开头:“For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals,Thensomething happened,Which unleashed the power of our imagination”,作为全曲的引子。
另一句是 “It doesn't have to be like this,All we need to do ismake sure we keep talking”分别用在最后David Gilmour的吉他solo之前和之后。
霍金的这几段演说词并不是为了这首歌专门录制的,而是出自其1993年为英国电信(British Telecom)所做的电视广告。乐队所采用的正是当时广告的采样。
以至于当时 Pink Floyd 乐队核心 David Gilmour 在看到这则广告时,不禁潸然泪下,下决心一定要为霍金的这段话做点什么。
于是,之后就有了《Keep Talking》这首歌。
Keep talking - Pink Floyd
Written by:Gilmour/Wright/SamsonFor millions of years mankind lived just like the animals
Then something happened
Which unleashed the power of our imaginationWe learned to talk
There's a silence surrounding me
I can't seem to think straight
I'll sit in the corner
And no one can bother me
I think I should speak now
Why won't you talk to me
I can't seem to speak now
You never talk to me
My words won't come out right
What are you thinking
I feel like I'm drowning
What are you feeling
I'm feeling weak now
Why won't you talk to me
But I can't show my weakness
You never talk to me
I sometimes wonder
What are you thinking
Where do we go from here
What are you feelingIt doesn't have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keeptalkingWhy won't you talk to me I feel like I'mdrowning
You never talk to me
You know I can't breathe now
What are you thinking
We're going nowhere
What are you feeling
We're going nowhere
Why won't you talk to me
You never talk to me
What are you thinking
Where do we go from hereIt doesn't have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keeptalking
歌曲由吉他手David Gilmour,键盘手Rich Wright 以及David 的妻子Polly Samson创作完成。歌曲所讲述的沟通也正是整张专辑的核心理念。
不但如此,在器乐演奏上,David也使用了“Talk Box”这一效果器。在歌曲的最后听到类似人说话的声音就是由“Talk Box”发出的。
总之不论是在内容上,还是表现手法上整首歌都紧紧围绕了“Talk ”这一主题。
《The Endless River》大约 David Gilmour 实在是太爱霍金的这段演说了。时隔20年后,在2014年 Pink Floyd 的最新专辑(也是最后一张专辑)《The Endless River》中,David Gilmour 又如法炮制,在一首歌中加入了这则广告里霍金的另外几段话。
这次更直接,歌曲的名字就叫《Talkin’ Hawkin’》。
David Gilmour除了霍金的演讲外,这首歌没有其他唱词。只有 Wright 缥缈空旷的合成器演奏,和 David行云流水的吉他solo(当然整张专辑也几乎都是器乐演奏)。
Talkin’ Hawkin’ - Pink Floyd
Written by:Gilmour/WrightSpeech has allowed the communication of ideas
enabling human beings to work together
to build the impossible.Mankind's greatest achievements
have comeabout by talking.Our greatest hopes could become
reality in the future.With the technology at our disposal
the possibilities are unbounded.All we need to do is make sure we keeptalking'.
虽然 Pink Floyd 很爱霍金,但是霍金显然没有那么爱他们。
只可惜并不是 Pink Floyd 的《The Dark Side Of The Moon》,而是 the Beatles 的《Please Please Me》(不知道David 作何想法...)。
不过据说,霍金曾去过 Pink Floyd 的现场看他们的演出。
总之,即便霍金与 Pink Floyd 的合作事实上可能并没有大众所认为得那么浪漫,但是大师依旧大师,歌也还是好歌!