2.3 根据行业应用比较三种方法论
2020-01-06 本文已影响0人
- Typically Large
- Many connections between stakeholders
- Impact many stakeholders
- Many departments
- Many technologies and concerns
- Good Examples are
- Large building construction
- Military platform acquisition
- Government civil works projects
- Planning is done using a Master Schedule
- Goal is to be predictable and efficient (low cost)
- Typically Medium in size
- Good examples are
- Building new products
- Ex. SpaceX used modular designs to launch many types of rockets
- Ex. Apple Operating Systems with regular releases over time (incrementally better)
- Planning is done in Releases
- Goal is to get out to market
- Each cycle builds on what came before in releases
- Goal is to be fast and make money (maximize return on investment, ROI)
- Typically Small
- Good examples
- Building a new solar panel
- Selling or closing a deal
- How we manage ourselves
- To Do: Get the dog from the vet
- Doing: Pick up kids from school
- Done: Bought the presents for the kids' party
- Planning Uses Value streams and Lists
- Setting up a process (e.g. To-Do, Doing, Done)
- Establishing a backlog of work to go through that process
- Goal is to be responsive and innovate (problem solve)