刚刚 | 5050亿美元!逼迫中国让步,特朗普要向所有中国商品加

2018-07-21  本文已影响578人  五彩冰峰


刚刚,美国总统特朗普接受CNBC采访时表示,他已准备好对5050亿美元中国进口产品加征关税。根据商务部数据,2017年美国自中国进口商品总额5055亿美元,这也就意味特朗普准备对美国进口的所有中国商品加征关税! 而中国进口自美国仅1299亿美元商品。



President Donald Trump has indicated that he is willing to slap tariffs on every Chinese good imported to the U.S. should the need arise.


"I'm not doing this for politics, I'm doing this to do the right thing for our country," Trump said. "We have been ripped off by China for a long time."


By sheer dollar volume, the Chinese won't be able to come close to the U.S. in a tit-for-tat battle. Trump's comments point to a willingness to push the envelope as far as the U.S. needs to get Chinese tariff concessions, along with a pledge to stop allegedly stealing American technology.


Trump said the U.S. is "being taken advantage of" on a number of fronts, including trade and monetary policy. Yet he said he has not pushed the tariffs out of any ill will toward China.


"I don't want them to be scared. I want them to do well," he said. "I really like President Xi a lot, but it was very unfair."


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