日入一词_119 present [adjective, nou

2020-10-13  本文已影响0人  cppUncleSix

This chapter presented a brief overview of SQL Server partitioning, including an introduction to the key concepts and terms needed to gain a general understanding of the partitioning process. 

[present, verb /prɪˈzɛnt/, to show or describe someone or something.]

adjective /'prɛznt/


in a particular place OPP  absent

at the particular place or event that is being referred to - often + at, in

existing in something - usually + in

(of a person) being in a particular place.

(of a thing or a substance) existing in a particular place or thing.

after verb in a particular place.

at an event, or in a place.

existing somewhere.

If someone is present at an event, they are there. Ant:absent

If something, especially a substance or disease, is present in something else, it exists within that thing.

present at/in

Foreign observers were present at the elections.

the gases present in the Earth’s atmosphere.

She was present at the meeting.

There was a large crowd present in the auditorium /ˌɔdɪ'tɔrɪəm/.

- sometimes used as an interjection

“John Smith?” “Present!” [=here]

There were high levels of lead /led/ present in the water. [=the water contained high levels of lead]

Most fathers wish to be present at the birth of their child.

There were 200 people present at the meeting.

The mistake was obvious to all those present.

I wasn't present when the doctor examined him.

Levels of pollution present in the atmosphere are increasing.

Analysis showed that traces /tres/ of arsenic /'ɑrsnɪk/ were present in the body.

The whole family was present.

There were no children present.

I wasn’t present when Dr Allott examined Clare.

Among those present at the ceremony were the ambassador and his wife.

The chemicals obviously kill any bacteria present.

Both kinds of nucleic acid /nuˈkliɪk 'æsɪd/ are present in all cells.

The president was not present at the meeting.

Nearly 85 per cent of men are present at the birth of their children.

The whole family was present.

This special form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk.

One theory is that the infection has been present in humans for a very long time.

If the gene is present, a human embryo will go on to develop as a male. [embryo = /'ɛmbrɪo/ noun,  an animal or human that has not yet been born, and has just begun to develop → foetus] [foetus = /'fitəs/ noun, a baby or young animal before it is born]


to be felt strongly or remembered for a long time.

present in

The memory of her brother’s death is still present in her mind.


happening or existing now.

not past or future : existing or happening now.

existing or happening now.

being considered now

You use present to describe things and people that exist now, rather than those that existed in the past or those that may exist in the future. Syn:current

the present situation of the millions of people who are suffering poverty and disease.

At the present time we have no explanation for this.

the present [=current] situation.

No further changes are planned at the present time. [=now]

The game has existed in its present form for more than 300 years.

in the present situation

the present owner of the house

a list of all club members, past and present

We do not have any more information at the present time.

A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.

You can't use it in its present condition.

I don't have her present address.

Please state your present occupation and salary. [occupation = /ˌɑkju'peʃən/ noun, a job or profession]

The present situation cannot be allowed to continue.

In his present emotional state, he is capable of doing anything.

The present owners purchased the farm in 1976.

The 550 researchers in the present study have published a total of 6490 papers.

He has brought much of the present crisis on himself.

the government's present economic difficulties.

It has been skilfully renovated by the present owners. [renovate = verb /'rɛnəvet/, to repair a building or old furniture so that it is in good condition again]

No statement can be made at the present time.


the present day (also the present)

in the time now, or modern times.

used to say what someone or something is now.

The present day is the period of history that we are in now. Syn:today

the company's present [=(more commonly) current] employees

the present leadership of the Senate /'sɛnət/ [=the people who have positions of power in the Senate now] [the Senate=  the smaller and more important of the two parts of the government with the power to make laws, in countries such as the US, Australia, and France 参议院]

the history of Scotland from the 16th century to the present day.

The ceremony honors our soldiers, past and present. [=people who were soldiers in the past and people who are soldiers now] [honor = /'ɑnɚ/ verb, to regard or treat (someone) with respect and admiration : to show or give honor to (someone).]

Western European art from the period of Giotto to the present day.

monastic music of the present day. [ monastic, adjective /mə'næstɪk/, monastery, noun /'mɑnəstɛri/, monk /mʌŋk/]


all present and correct(British English)

all present and accounted for(American English)

used to say that everyone who is supposed to be in a place, at a meeting etc is now here.

used to say that all the people who are supposed to be at a place or event are there.

used to say that all the things or people who should be there are now there.

used for saying that everyone or everything that should be somewhere is in fact there

The students are all present and accounted for.


present company excepted

present company excepted/excluded

used when you are criticizing a group of people and you want to tell the people you are with that they are not included in the criticism.

used to say that a critical comment you have made about a group of people does not include the person or people you are with.

used after being rude or critical about sb to say that the people you are talking to are not included in the criticism.

used to show that a criticism or a rude remark does not refer to the people you are talking to.

used for saying that a criticism that you are making does not refer to the person or people who are with you.

Women are never satisfied with anything! Present company excepted, of course.

Men are such jerks — present company excepted/excluded, of course. [jerk = noun /dʒɝk/, someone, especially a man, who is stupid or who does things that annoy or hurt other people SYN  idiot]

The people in this office are so narrow-minded, present company excepted, of course.

People here just don't know how to dress, present company excepted.

‘Men are so stupid,’ she said, ‘present company excepted!’


present writer

used to refer to yourself as the person who is writing something.

No one — present writer included — thought the plan would work. [=no one, including me, thought the plan would work]

She is promoting her latest movie, which the present writer has not yet seen. [=which I have not yet seen] [promote = /prə'mot/ verb, to help sell a new product, film etc by offering it at a reduced price or by advertising it]

noun  /'prɛznt/


something you give someone on a special occasion or to thank them for something SYN  gift

something that you give to someone especially as a way of showing affection or thanks.

a thing that you give to sb as a gift.

something which you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say thank you.

something that you give to someone, for example to celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday.

A present is something that you give to someone, for example at Christmas or when you visit them.

I’m looking for a present for Mark.

a birthday/Christmas/anniversary/wedding present.

Here's a present for you from John.

I gave/got her a book as a present.

Did you wrap the presents?

birthday/Christmas/wedding, etc. presents

What can I get him for a birthday present?

a birthday/Christmas/wedding present.

They gave me theatre tickets as a present.

Sam’s grandma brings him huge numbers of presents every time she comes to visit.

Yuki was wrapping a present for her mother.

I’m going to buy a wedding present for Chris and Karen.

The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister.

I bought a birthday present for my mother.

This book would make a great Christmas present.


the present

the time that is happening now.

the period of time that exists now : the present time.

the time now.

the period of time which is happening now, not the past or the future; now.

the period of time that is happening now.

The present is the period of time that we are in now and the things that are happening now.

Stop worrying about the past and live in the present.

The film is set sometime between 1995 and the present.

Past, present, and future are all linked together.

the past, the present, and the future

Let's leave things as they are for the present. We may change them in the future.

I have worked here from 2000 to the present.

Geologists believe that the present is the key to the past.

You've got to forget the past and start living in the present.

I'm sorry he's out at present(= now).

That's all for the present.

The play is set in the present.

We must learn to live in the present, not in the past.

continuing right up to the present.

Then her thoughts would switch to the present.

(there is) no time like the present 

now is the best time to do sth, not in the future. used for saying that someone should do something now, and not wait until later.

If you say `There's no time like the present', you are suggesting to someone that they should do something now, not later.

‘When do you want to start?’ ‘Well, there’s no time like the present (=used to say that if you are going to do something at all, you should do it now).’

There's no time like the present for getting things done! [=it is best to get things done right away instead of waiting until later]

‘When do you want to meet?’ ‘Well, there’s no time like the present. How about today?’

Don't wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life. There's no time like the present.


at present


at or during this time : at the present time

A situation that exists at present exists now, although it may change. Syn:at the moment

The item you want is not available at present.

At present, the airport handles 110 flights a day.


In everyday English, people usually say at the moment rather than at present:

I’m looking for a new job at the moment.

Things were bad then but they're better at present.

At present I am working as a substitute teacher.

"Are you busy?" "Not at present."

At present she's working abroad.

At present, the outlook for any kind of negotiated solution appears bleak. [bleak = /blik/ adjective, without anything to make you feel happy or hopeful]

There is no way at present of predicting which individuals will develop the disease. [develop = /dɪ'vɛləp/ verb, if you develop a disease or illness, or if it develops, you start to have it]

At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.


for the present

for the moment/present

something that exists or will be done for the present exists now and will continue for a while, though it may change in the future.

for now; for a short time.

used for saying that something exists or happens in the period of time happening now but may not be permanent.

Something that exists or will be done for the present exists now or will continue for a while, although the situation may change later. Syn:for the time being

The company is still in business, at least for the present.


In everyday English, people usually say for now, rather than for the present:

That’s all we have time for, for now.

It was useless to talk about it any more, for the present at least.

The ministers had expressed the unanimous view that sanctions should remain in place for the present. [unanimous = /jʊ'nænəməs/ adjective, 1). a unanimous decision, vote, agreement etc is one in which all the people involved agree]


the current condition or situation of someone or something.

He was trying to escape his present by living in the past.

She moved the company out of a troubled past and into a profitable present.

This house is big enough for the moment, but we'll have to move if we have children.


the form of the verb that shows what exists or is happening now SYN  the present tense.

the present tense.

In grammar, the present tenses of a verb are the ones that are used to talk about things that happen regularly or situations that exist at this time. The simple present tense uses the base form or the `s' form of a verb, as in `I play tennis twice a week' and `He works in a bank'.

The verb is in the present.

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