

网页版:三个形容词rising, daunting, bold的叠加使日本的困局呼之欲出。债务飞涨、人口问题严峻、改革畏手畏脚,潜台词:安倍苦啊。
总结:引用莎翁的话,Brevity is the soul of wit. 标题需要简单明了,用词注重实用。
学表达:人口相关,demography(noun),demographic(adj.), population
Demography(uncountable noun) is the study of changes in numbers of births, deaths, marriages, and cases of disease in a community over a period of time.
Paragraph 1
①“THE DECLINE of the birth rate and the ageing of Japanese society is accelerating at unprecedented speed,”warns Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister.②Given the scale of the problem, he told The Economist this week, the government must push for“impactful policies” to tackle it right away.③He mentions a series of reforms, intended to boost the workforce and reduce the cost of supporting the elderly.④The Diet is currently debating a government proposal to admit 345,000 foreign workers over five years,for instance.
①“THE DECLINE of the birth rate and the ageing of Japanese society is accelerating at unprecedented speed,”warns Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister.
第一句:下划线部分为句子主体结构,注意主语the decline and the ageing以整体看待,是单数。引用语在句首,主谓倒装值得注意(法语小伙伴们秒懂,法语里引用语也是倒装达人)。
②Given the scale of the problem, he told The Economist this week, the government must push for “impactful policies” to tackle it right away.
push for something: to request or demand something insistently.
当我们想说,秘书吵着要加薪的时候,就可以说:My secretary is pushing for a raise.
③He mentions a series of reforms, intended to boost the workforce and reduce the cost of supporting the elderly.
1. boost: to increase, raise.
之前提到的秘书要加薪,也可以说:My secretary wants to boost her salary.
注意boost与reduce一升一降的搭配使用,可以一起记忆(boost, increase, raise, reduce)。
2. 老人的说法本文中有两个:the elderly和older people,约定俗成,不容商榷。
3. 这句话对电子版副标题进行了paraphrase:
reduce the cost of supporting the elderly = trim spending on the elderly,标题里的trim something,作动词,意为“削减”。
④The Diet is currently debating a government proposal to admit 345,000 foreign workers over five years,for instance.
debate: to discuss (a motion), esp in a formal assembly. 常用discuss, deliberate, 加上debate, 凑个3D。
admit: to allow to enter, let in.
例句:Security personnel refused to admit him. 安检不让他进。
常见for instance放在句首,这里放在句尾,可以学以致用,提高写作的格调。
日本国会(the Diet):Diet of Japan is the national bicameral legislature of Japan. It is made up of a the House of Representatives (lower house) and the House of Councillors (upper house).
The members of both houses of the Diet are directly elected. The Diet selects the Prime Minister.

Paragraph 2
①That sounds dramatic, but the demographic decline is even bigger.②There are 400,000 more deaths than births each year.③Life expectancy is 84 years—the highest in the world. ④Over 28% of the population is older than 65,compared with 21% in Germany, 15% in America and 6% in India.⑤The country has 69,785 centenarians,a seven-fold increase on two decades ago.
①That sounds dramatic, but the demographic decline is even bigger.
第一句:头韵d很地道。词汇demographic decline搭配population decrease记忆,显然前者更有范。
②There are 400,000 more deaths than births each year.
③Life expectancy is 84 years—the highest in the world.
第三句:对照中国的预期寿命(2018最新数据),为 live long and prosper而努力!

④Over 28% of the population is older than 65,compared with 21% in Germany, 15% in America and 6% in India.
compare with: to consider the sameness or difference of sets of things or people.
compare to : to liken people or things to other people or things. 记忆法:听歌“Nothing Compares to You”,学学如何打动爱人。
⑤The country has 69,785 centenarians,a seven-fold increase on two decades ago.
Paragraph 3
①The welfare state has become unaffordable. ②Public debt is 250% of GDP. ③And Japan is suffering from an acute labour shortage. ④There are already 1.6 jobs for every job-seeker, and the workforce is predicted to shrink from 67m last year to 58m in 2030..
① The welfare state has become unaffordable.
第一句:词汇affordable(否定unaffordable):that you have the financial means for,与low-cost, low-priced, cheap, inexpensive接近。这个词是联合国的心头好(soft spot),正式文件里的熟脸,常常译作“可负担”“经济适用”,例如affordable and clean energy, affordable housing。
welfare state: a social system based on the assumption by a political state of primary responsibility for the individual and social welfare of its citizens
②Public debt is 250% of GDP.
第二句:短句的力量,可以背下来。替换Japan’s debt-to-GDP ratio is 250%.
public debt(also known as government debt, national debt): the total amount of money that the government of a country owes to companies, countries, etc.

③And Japan is suffering from an acute labour shortage.
acute:of great importance or consequence; critical
例句:There is an acute shortage of funds. 严重缺钱
In its narrowest definition, a labour shortage is an economic condition in which there are insufficient qualified candidates (employees) to fill the market-place demands for employment at any price. Such a condition is sometimes referred to by Economists as "an insufficiency in the labour force."注意:labour shortage有复数形式,建议记成labour shortages, 同义替换worker shortages。
④There are already 1.6 jobs for every job-seeker,and the workforce is predicted to shrink from 67m last year to 58m in 2030.
第四句:动词shrink常与数字搭配使用,shrink: to become reduced in amount or value; dwindle 例句:His earnings shrank. 收入减少。同义替换:shrink, decline, reduce。复合词job-seeker也可以写作jobseeker,可以与homeseeker搭配记忆。
Paragraph 4
①One obvious solution is immigration. ②Only 2% of the workforce is foreign-born, compared with 17% in America. ③But the government has been surreptitiously admitting more foreign workers, mostly in the guise of students and trainees. ④The plan before the Diet aims to attract blue-collar workers in 14 industries, including construction, shipbuilding and caring for the elderly. ⑤They will receive visas of no more than five years, at least initially, and will not be able to bring their families. ⑥All must have some proficiency in Japanese.
①.proficiency in ... 精通某种语言
我的目标是精通英语可以表达为: My aim is to acquire proficiency in English.
②.But the government has been surreptitiously admitting more foreign workers, mostly in the guise of students and trainees.
surreptitious:A surreptitious action is done secretly. 可以代替secretly
in the guise of 假借,以...为幌子,以...的名义
State-owned enterprises have been surreptitiously admitting more staff-welfare, mostly in the guise of food and commute allowances.
Paragraph 5:
①Mr Abe plays down the idea that he is doing anything momentous. ②In debates he is at pains to stress that the new arrivals are not permanent immigrants, but guest workers. ③Moreover, he portrays foreign workers as a last resort,to fill gaps while the government tries to get more Japanese to work. ④During his six-year tenure, 2m more women have joined the workforce,lifting the female participation rate above America’s. ⑤He has increased the number of nurseries and made big companies document their efforts to promote female workers. ⑥From next year nurseries will be free. ⑦Over half of women return to work after having a child, compared with 38% in 2010. ⑧“We have tried to make a society that enables more women to be active, advanced and empowered,” he says.
① play something down
definition: to try to make something seem less important or less likely than it really is 使....看起来不那么重要,贬低,对...轻描淡写
Because of the depressed sales, the management has been playing down the possibility of salary decrease.
② be at pains to do sth 苦心经营,费力的做某事
近义词:take pains to do sth
她费尽心思的强调她是无辜的。She is at pains to stress that she is innocent.
③ portray sb/sth as sth:
definition: to describe or show someone or something in a particular way, according to your opinion of them.把某人/某物描写成某种样子
小说《再见,契普斯先生》是这样描绘契普斯先生的事业,体面的职业生涯,体面的结束。The fiction ,Good bye, Mr. Chips, portrays Chips'work as "a decent career, decently closed".
④ last/final resort:
definition: what you will do if everything else fails (其他办法都失败后采用的)最后的办法
这部分钱只有在没有其他办法时,才会动用。This part of money will be used only in the last resort.
⑤ lift
看到这个单词倍感亲切,想到了在 "I Have a Dream" 中背到的那句: Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.
Paragraph 6
①Mr Abe also wants people to “remain active without retirement throughout their lives”. ②His government is likely to raise the retirement age for civil servants from 60 to 65, and to encourage companies to do the same. ③As it is, many companies have raised their retirement ages or taken to rehiring retired workers, often on a part-time basis. ④ Fully 23% of over-65s work; they constitute a much bigger share of the workforce than in other rich countries (see chart). ⑤Mr Abe plans to bolster this trend by increasing the public pension for those who agree to start drawing it later than they are currently entitled to. ⑥In the long run, the prime minister hopes, robots and artificial intelligence will help ease the labour shortage. ⑦“I do think that we will need fewer jobs because of higher productivity.”
①. Mr Abe also wants people to “remain active without retirement throughout their lives”.
throughout:during the whole period of time of sth
throughout one's life 毕生, 整个一生中;相对于使用 in one's life,使用 throughout 更有时间上的纵向延伸感。
③.As it is, many companies have raised their retirement ages or taken to rehiring retired workers, often on a part-time basis.
as it is: in the actual state of affairs and often contrary to expectations,表达了非公众所希望的,公司已经开始实行延迟退休和返聘了。
take to doing:开始比较规律的做某事
⑤Mr Abe plans to bolster this trend by increasing the public pension for those who agree to start drawing it later than they are currently entitled to.
draw: 提取,支取,领取(存款);领取(薪水等)。原句中 draw later 对应 currently entitled
He is moving ever closer to drawing his pension.
Paragraph 7
①Getting older people to work for longer is especially beneficial to the government’s finances,since it leads both to higher tax revenue and lower spending on pensions.② Mr Abe’s tweaks are the latest in a series of changes intended to make the pension system more affordable.③ But the government is always playing catch-up, as the ageing of the population and shrinking of the workforce accelerate. ④It reckons social-welfare costs will rise by more than half by 2040, from ¥121trn ($1.06trn) to ¥190trn.
①Getting older people to work for longer is especially beneficial to the government’s finances,since it leads both to higher tax revenue and lower spending on pensions.
since conj. 因为,由于,既然。可以替换because; as; as long as 等表示原因的连词
② Mr Abe’s tweaks are the latest in a series of changes intended to make the pension system more affordable.
tweak: v./n. 稍稍改进,对。。。做微调
When you finish writing a paper, it's a good idea to go back through one last time, to tweak it and make sure it's absolutely perfect.
③ But the government is always playing catch-up, as the ageing of the population and shrinking of the workforce accelerate.
catch up: the act of trying to reach the same level or standard as somebody who is ahead of you
用play catch-up,表达出政府一直在补救劳动力不足及人口老龄化的问题,连接了下文对安倍政策面对的一些困难的描述。
Paragraph 8
①Mr Abe appears to be planning sweeping changes to put the welfare state on a firmer footing. ②“There will be an overall social-security reform, including health and medicine, pension and others,” he says.③“We are trying to create a society and community where people can remain healthy and active…and find meaning in staying alive and living long.”
安倍将对社会保障制度进行彻底改革。 ①承接上一段,表明安倍准备对福利制度进行彻底的改革。②承接上一句,表明改革涉及的内容,③句继续补充,陈述安倍想达成的目的:让国民过上健康有意义的生活。
1.sweeping: sweep做动词原意是扫地的意思,如果一个想法“扫过”了一个地方就是迅速流行起来,席卷,比如这两天因为D&G事件,爱国主义席卷了全国就可以表达为The wave of patriotism swept the country.
sweeping做形容词,是范围广的,彻底的,影响深远的改革。和后文出现的overall social-security reform是同样的意思
同义词:broad, comprehensive, extensive, wide
2. footing的本意是站稳,比如他竭力在打滑的地面上站稳就可以表达为:He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor。引申义则为根基,基础,在…基础上;比如男性和女性应该在平等的基础上竞争工作岗位。Men and women should be able to compete on an equal footing.
文中出现的 put sth on a …footing 也是固定搭配,
例:He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing.
同义 basis,condition基于牢固的基础
Paragraph 9
①Yet in practice Mr Abe is being cautious. ②Even after the retirement age increases, it will still be lower than in many other rich countries. ③Moreover, the current system discourages those over 65 from working more than part-time since their pension is reduced if their income from it and their salary exceeds 460,000 yen ($4,039) a month. ④It is not clear whether this will change. ⑤The government has modified but not eliminated a tax quirk that discourages married women from earning more than a relatively lowly amount. ⑥By the same token, the share of medical expenses that patients must pay under the public health-care system falls as they get older, imposing a big burden on the state.⑦There are various ways the government could reduce its health-care bill, including increasing premiums for the public insurance scheme, raising patients’ co-payments for treatments and excluding some expensive procedures from the scheme.
1. discourage,反义是encourage,这里是阻挠,不允许的意思。注意不能说 discourage sb to do sth,固定的配搭是discourage sb from doing sth
比如我爸是律师,他不让我进入该行业 ,就可以表达为:My father is a lawyer, and he discouraged me from entering the field.
2. lowly 注意这是个形容词,意思是卑微的,低级的,无足轻重的。比如他在饭店的第一份工作是一个小门童His first job in the hotel was as a lowly porter.
3. by the same token 可替换in a similar way
4. 这一段用了很多例子来说明安倍在实际行动上是cautious的。我们在举多个例子的时候可以使用Moreover,by the same token进行连接。
Paragraph 10
①Yet Mr Abe only hints at the need for any of this. ②“We are not thinking about immediately raising the co-payment for medical and health services,” he says. ③“But there must be a careful review of the balance between the contribution and benefit.” ④Those who take action to prevent illness, such as regular exercise, could be rewarded. ⑤“We would like to think about the incentives—what should be done to the contributions that have to be paid by the people who adopt habits to prevent diseases,” he says.
1.If you hint at something,you suggest it in an indirect way.
Criticism is hinted at, but never made explicit. 批评总是含沙射影,但从未明说。
The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review.白宫很快宣布该项政策正在审核中。
3.contribution和benefit。contribution这里指的不是贡献,付出,而是指的养老金制度里面的供款,比如养老金固定缴款计划就是”defined contribution plan”;benefit指的不是益处,好处,也是指的养老金制度里的福利和津贴。contribution意思弄懂,这段话的最后一句话才不会出现理解偏差:有的人坚持运动,同时也按时缴纳养老金,他们退休之后身体很好,不需要动用医疗补贴,所以对于他们支付的缴款,安倍提出,可以有一定的鼓励和奖赏机制。
paragraph 11
①This caution is excessive. ②Pushing back the retirement age is not as controversial in Japan as elsewhere. ③A government poll conducted in 2017 found that 42% of people aged 60 or more who work want to continue to do so. ④Although some politicians fret about foreigners bringing crime and disturbing social harmony, the majority of the population approves of Mr Abe’s plans to admit more foreign workers.
①句里的this caution 指的是第九段提到过的“Abe is being cautious”,安倍的担心是有些多余的。②句解释在其他国家,提高退休年龄会引发争议,但是在日本就不一样了。③④句详细解释原因:17年的民意调查表明60岁及以上还在职场的民众里,42%都愿意继续工作;并且大多数日本国民都肯定安倍接收更多外籍工作人员的计划,尽管一些政客担心外来人员会带来犯罪和扰乱社会安定。
1.excessive 过分的,过多的。This caution is excessive. 段首句简单清晰,并且和前文的cautious有所呼应。
2. 第二句里可以提炼句型doing sth is not as controversial in xxx as elsewhere,一件事情在其他地方有争议,但是在xxx地方是行得通的,可以体现地方特色。
Enforcing the law that children are obliged to look after their parents economically and emotionally is not as controversial in China as elsewhere.
3. fret,不及物动词,担忧,和worry about,concern有一点不同的是,字典里表明fret通常是过分担忧,或者担忧没必要的事情。
She is always fretting about/over her newly-born child. 她总是在担心自己刚出生的婴儿。
还可以说fret that:
Men in their fifties always fret that they are no longer young. 人到中年,总是担心自己已经不够年轻。
Don’t fret.
Fret not.
4. approve做“批准,通过”一项法案,决定的时候,是及物动词:
MPs approved the Bill by a majority of 97. 议员们以97票的多数票通过了该议案。
I don’t approve of cosmetic surgery. 我不赞成整形。
paragraph 12
①Mr Abe wants Japan to be a model for other ageing societies. ②He has done more than his predecessors to prepare for a smaller, older population. ③The danger is that Japan will become an example of a country that has done too little, too late.
1. 从这段话里可以学习paraphrase,同义词替换的表达,老龄化社会可以说aging society, 也可以说a smaller, older population,人口一方面在减少,另一方面老龄化人口增多,表达简单但是很准确。
2. 最后一句话可以学到这个表达:…is an example that has done too little, too late.。。。是做的太少,做的太晚的例子。
Start studying merely one month before the College Entrance Examination is an example of a student that has done too little, too late.
Leader VS Asia
比如Leader部分下面这句话,是对日本老龄化现状简洁的描述。用的是一连串的动词age,shrink,soar,go bust,empty,表达简洁生动:
They worry that, as the country ages and its population shrinks, health bills will soar, the pension system will go bust, villages will empty and there will be too few youngsters to care for the elderly.
There are three ways to achieve this: persuade current workers to labour longer, encourage more women to enter the workforce and let in more immigrants.
Japan's prime minister, Shinzo Abe, says he wants his country to be a model of how to make ultra-long lives fulfilling—and affordable. (Leader)
Mr Abe wants Japan to be a model for other ageing societies. (Asia)
There are a stunning 1.6 vacancies for every jobseeker. (Leader)
There are already 1.6 jobs for every job-seeker. (Asia)
Some fret that foreigners will make Japan less safe and harmonious, but there is no evidence of this. (Leader)
Although some politicians fret about foreigners bringing crime and disturbing social harmony. (Asia)
一个是fret about,一个是fret that;
一个是bring crime and disturbing social harmony, 一个是make less safe and harmonious