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什么是 Stata Journal ? Stata Journal (SJ) 是 Stata 公司主办的期刊,聚集了全球最优秀、最勤奋的 Stata 用户,分享计量和统计方法的最新进展。其行文风格简洁明了,辅以 Stata 范例来解读复杂的计量模型背后的原理。多数 Stata Journal 上的论文都提供了新近发展的计量方法的 Stata 实现程序,是追踪和学习前沿方法的绝佳读物。
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哪些 SJ 论文可以免费浏览? 2001-2015 年各期论文都可以免费在线浏览;2016 年以后的论文只有购买了 SAGE 数据库版权的学校才可以浏览。由于 SAGE 已经提供了每篇论文的 DOI (如
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为何缺少 SJ 1-2,1-3 和 1-4 ? Stata Journal 的前身是 Stata Technical Bulletin (STB),始创于 1991 年 5 月,第一期为 STB-1。STB 虽然简洁明了,但以短文 (类似于通讯稿或随笔) 为主。为此,从 2001 年 11 月开始,由 Stata Journal 取而代之,第一期为 SJ 1-1。SJ 为季刊,SJ 3-1 表示 2003 年第一期。
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SJ 1-1
- Patrick Royston, 2001, Flexible Parametric Alternatives to the Cox Model, and more, Stata Journal, 1(1): 1–28. [pdf]
- William Gould, 2001, Statistical Software Certification, Stata Journal, 1(1): 29–50. [pdf]
- J. Scott Long, Jeremy Freese, 2001, Predicted Probabilities for Count Models, Stata Journal, 1(1): 51–57. [pdf]
- A. P. Mander, 2001, Haplotype Analysis in Population-based Association Studies, Stata Journal, 1(1): 58–75. [pdf]
- Allen McDowell, 2001, From the Help Desk, Stata Journal, 1(1): 76–85. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2001, Speaking Stata: How to Repeat Yourself without going Mad, Stata Journal, 1(1): 86–97. [pdf]
- Roger Newson, 2001, Review of Generalized Linear Models and Extensions by Hardin and Hilbe, Stata Journal, 1(1): 98–100. [pdf]
- Christopher F. Baum, 2001, Residual Diagnostics for Cross-section Time Series Regression Models, Stata Journal, 1(1): 101–104. [pdf]
- Patrick Royston, 2001, Sort a List of Items, Stata Journal, 1(1): 105–106. [pdf]
- Philippe Van Kerm, Stephen P. Jenkins, 2001, Generalized Lorenz Curves and Related Graphs: An Update for Stata 7, Stata Journal, 1(1): 107–112. [pdf]
SJ 2-1
- Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, Anders Skrondal, Andrew Pickles, 2002, Reliable Estimation of Generalized Linear Mixed Models using Adaptive Quadrature, Stata Journal, 2(1): 1–21.[pdf]
- Roberto G. Gutierrez, 2002, Parametric Frailty and Shared Frailty Survival Models, Stata Journal, 2(1): 22–44. [pdf]
- Roger Newson, 2002, Parameters behind “Nonparametric” Statistics: Kendall's tau, Somers’ D and Median Differences, Stata Journal, 2(1): 45–64. [pdf]
- A. P. Mander, 2002, Analysis of Quantitative Traits using Regression and Log-linear Modeling when Phase is unknown, Stata Journal, 2(1): 65–70. [pdf]
- Allen McDowell, 2002, From the Help Desk: Transfer Functions, Stata Journal, 2(1): 71–85. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2002, Speaking Stata: How to Move Step By: Step, Stata Journal, 2(1): 86–102. [pdf]
- John Hendrickx, 2002, Review of Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata by Long and Freese, Stata Journal, 2(1): 103–105. [pdf]
SJ 3-1
- Christopher F. Baum, Mark E. Schaffer, Steven Stillman, 2003, Instrumental Variables and GMM: Estimation and Testing, Stata Journal, 3(1): 1–31. [pdf]
- Germán Rodríguez, Irma Elo, 2003, Intra-class Correlation in Random-effects Models for Binary Data, Stata Journal, 3(1): 32–46. [pdf]
- Catherine L. Saunders, D. Timothy Bishop, Jennifer H. Barrett, 2003, Sample Size Calculations for Main Effects and Interactions in Case–control Studies using Stata's nchi2 and npnchi2 Functions, Stata Journal, 3(1): 47–56. [pdf]
- Marcelo J. Moreira, Brian P. Poi, 2003, Implementing Tests with Correct Size in the Simultaneous Equations Model, Stata Journal, 3(1): 57–70. [pdf]
- Weihua Guan, 2003, From the Help Desk: Bootstrapped Standard Errors, Stata Journal, 3(1): 71–80. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, Ulrich Kohler, 2003, Speaking Stata: On Structure and Shape: The Case of Multiple Responses, Stata Journal, 3(1): 81–99. [pdf]
- John McGready, 2003, Review of a Short Introduction to Stata for Biostatistics by Hills and De Stavola, Stata Journal, 3(1): 100–104. [pdf]
SJ 3-2
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, The Stata Journal so Far: Editors’ Report, Stata Journal, 3(2): 105–108. [pdf]
- Roger Newson, The ALSPAC Study Team, 2003, Multiple—test Procedures and Smile Plots, Stata Journal, 3(2): 109–132. [pdf]
- Isaías H. Salgado-Ugarte, Marco A. Pérez-Hernández, 2003, Exploring the Use of Variable Bandwidth Kernel Density Estimators, Stata Journal, 3(2): 133–147. [pdf]
- Philippe Van Kerm, 2003, Adaptive Kernel Density Estimation, Stata Journal, 3(2): 148–156. [pdf]
- Omar M. G. Keshk, 2003, CDSIMEQ: A Program to Implement Two-stage Probit Least Squares, Stata Journal, 3(2): 157–167. [pdf]
- David M. Drukker, 2003, Testing for Serial Correlation in Linear Panel-data Models, Stata Journal, 3(2): 168–177. [pdf]
- Allen McDowell, 2003, From the Help Desk: Hurdle Models, Stata Journal, 3(2): 178–184. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2003, Speaking Stata: Problems with Lists, Stata Journal, 3(2): 185–202. [pdf]
- Joanne M. Garrett, 2003, Review of Statistical Modeling for Biomedical Researchers by Dupont, Stata Journal, 3(2): 203–207. [pdf]
- Steven Stillman, 2003, Review of Generalized Estimating Equations by Hardin and Hilbe, Stata Journal, 3(2): 208–210. [pdf]
SJ 15-4
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2015, The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2015: Richard Williams, Stata Journal, 15(4): 901–904. [pdf]
- Anna Chaimani, Georgia Salanti, 2015, Visualizing Assumptions and Results in Network Meta-analysis: The Network Graphs Package, Stata Journal, 15(4): 905–950. [pdf]
- Ian R. White, 2015, Network Meta-analysis, Stata Journal, 15(4): 951–985. [pdf]
- Ignace De Vos, Gerdie Everaert, Ilse Ruyssen, 2015, Bootstrap-based Bias Correction and Inference for Dynamic Panels with Fixed Effects, Stata Journal, 15(4): 986–1018. [pdf]
- Giovanni Cerulli, 2015, ctreatreg: Command for Fitting Dose–response Models under Exogenous and Endogenous Treatment, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1019–1045. [pdf]
- Charles Lindsey, Simon Sheather, 2015, Best Subsets Variable Selection in Nonnormal Regression Models, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1046–1059. [pdf]
- Caroline Bascoul-Mollevi, Florence Castan, David Azria, Sophie Gourgou-Bourgade, 2015, EORTC QLQ-C30 Descriptive Analysis with the qlqc30 Command, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1060–1074. [pdf]
- Maria Elena Bontempi, Irene Mammi, 2015, Implementing a Strategy to Reduce the Instrument Count in Panel GMM, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1075–1097. [pdf]
- Patrick Royston, 2015, Estimating the Treatment Effect in a Clinical Trial Using Difference in Restricted Mean Survival Time, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1098–1117. [pdf]
- Modesto Escobar, 2015, Studying Coincidences with Network Analysis and Other Multivariate Tools, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1118–1156. [pdf]
- Hüseyin Tastan, 2015, Testing for Spectral Granger Causality, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1157–1166. [pdf]
- Seth T. Lirette, 2015, Complete Automation of a Participant Characteristics Table, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1167–1173. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2015, Speaking Stata: A Set of Utilities for Managing Missing Values, Stata Journal, 15(4): 1174–1185. [pdf]
SJ 16-1
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2016, Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2016, Stata Journal, 16(1): 1–2. [pdf]
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2016, 16 and all That, Stata Journal, 16(1): 3–4. [pdf]
- David C. Hoaglin, 2016, Regressions are Commonly Misinterpreted, Stata Journal, 16(1): 5–22. [pdf]
- James W. Hardin, 2016, Regressions are Commonly Misinterpreted: Comments on the Article, Stata Journal, 16(1): 23–24. [pdf]
- J. Scott Long, David M. Drukker, 2016, Regressions are Commonly Misinterpreted: Comments on the Article, Stata Journal, 16(1): 25–29. [pdf]
- David C. Hoaglin, 2016, Regressions are Commonly Misinterpreted: A Rejoinder, Stata Journal, 16(1): 30–36. [pdf]
- John Mullahy, 2016, Estimation of Multivariate Probit Models via Bivariate Probit, Stata Journal, 16(1): 37–51. [pdf]
- Juan M. Villa, 2016, Diff: Simplifying the Estimation of Difference-in-differences Treatment Effects, Stata Journal, 16(1): 52–71. [pdf]
- Patrick Royston, Willi Sauerbrei, 2016, Mfpa: Extension of mfp Using the ACD Covariate Transformation for Enhanced Parametric Multivariable Modeling, Stata Journal, 16(1): 72–87. [pdf]
- Babak Choodari-Oskooei, Tim P. Morris, 2016, Quantifying the Uptake of user-written Commands over Time, Stata Journal, 16(1): 88–95. [pdf]
- Alexander Plum, 2016, Bireprob: An Estimator for Bivariate Random-effects Probit Models, Stata Journal, 16(1): 96–111. [pdf]
- Owen O'Donnell, Stephen O'Neill, Tom Van Ourti, Brendan Walsh, 2016, Conindex: Estimation of Concentration Indices, Stata Journal, 16(1): 112–138. [pdf]
- Kai Arzheimer, Jocelyn Evans, 2016, Estimating Polling Accuracy in Multiparty Elections Using Surveybias, Stata Journal, 16(1): 139–158. [pdf]
- Mónica Hernández-Alava, Stephen Pudney, 2016, Bicop: A Command for Fitting Bivariate Ordinal Regressions with Residual Dependence Characterized by a Copula Function and Normal Mixture Marginals, Stata Journal, 16(1): 159–184. [pdf]
- David Lora, Israel Contador, José F. Pérez-Regadera, Agustín Gómez de la Cámara, 2016, Features of the Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve. A Good Practice, Stata Journal, 16(1): 185–196. [pdf]
- Miguel Sarzosa, Sergio Urzúa, 2016, Implementing Factor Models for Unobserved Heterogeneity in Stata, Stata Journal, 16(1): 197–228. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2016, Speaking Stata: Truth, Falsity, Indication, and Negation, Stata Journal, 16(1): 229–236. [pdf]
- Philip B. Ender, 2016, Review of Michael N. Mitchell's Stata for the Behavioral Sciences, Stata Journal, 16(1): 237–242. [pdf]
- Karla Hemming, Alan Girling, 2016, A Menu-driven Facility for Power and Detectable-difference Calculations in Stepped-wedge Cluster-randomized Trials, Erratum, Stata Journal, 16(1): 243–243. [pdf]
SJ 16-2
- Ben Jann, 2016, Creating LaTeX Documents from within Stata using Texdoc, Stata Journal, 16(2): 245–263. [pdf]
- Ben Jann, 2016, Assessing Inequality Using Percentile Shares, Stata Journal, 16(2): 264–300. [pdf]
- Xinling Xu, James W. Hardin, 2016, Regression Models for Bivariate Count Outcomes, Stata Journal, 16(2): 301–315. [pdf]
- Ying Xu, Paul Milligan, Edmond J. Remarque, Yin Bun Cheung, 2016, Implementing Weighted-average Estimation of Substance Concentration Using Multiple Dilutions, Stata Journal, 16(2): 316–330. [pdf]
- Matias D. Cattaneo, Rocío Titiunik, Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare, 2016, Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs under Local Randomization, Stata Journal, 16(2): 331–367. [pdf]
- Joseph V. Terza, 2016, Simpler Standard Errors for Two-stage Optimization Estimators, Stata Journal, 16(2): 368–385. [pdf]
- Marco Savegnago, 2016, Igmobil: A Command for Intergenerational Mobility Analysis in Stata, Stata Journal, 16(2): 386–402. [pdf]
- Nicolai T. Borgen, 2016, Fixed Effects in Unconditional Quantile Regression, Stata Journal, 16(2): 403–415. [pdf]
- Stephan Huber, Christoph Rust, 2016, Calculate Travel Time and Distance with Openstreetmap Data Using the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM), Stata Journal, 16(2): 416–423. [pdf]
- Tamara Burdisso, Máximo Sangiácomo, 2016, Panel Time Series: Review of the Methodological Evolution, Stata Journal, 16(2): 424–442. [pdf]
- Suzie Cro, Tim P. Morris, Michael G. Kenward, James R. Carpenter, 2016, Reference-based Sensitivity Analysis via Multiple Imputation for Longitudinal Trials with Protocol Deviation, Stata Journal, 16(2): 443–463. [pdf]
- Jean-François Hamel, Véronique Sébille, Gaëlle Challet-Bouju, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, 2016, Partial Credit Model: Estimations and Tests of Fit with Pcmodel, Stata Journal, 16(2): 464–481. [pdf]
- Kenneth Houngbedji, 2016, Abadie's Semiparametric Difference-in-differences Estimator, Stata Journal, 16(2): 482–490. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2016, Speaking Stata: Multiple bar Charts in Table form, Stata Journal, 16(2): 491–510. [pdf]
- Clyde Schechter, 2016, Review of Christopher F. Baum's An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition, Stata Journal, 16(2): 511–516. [pdf]
- Christopher F. Baum, Sebastiaan Bibo, 2016, Stata Tip 126: Handling Irregularly Spaced high-frequency Transactions Data, Stata Journal, 16(2): 517–520. [pdf]
SJ 16-3
- Michael Keane, Timothy Neal, 2016, The Keane and Runkle Estimator for Panel-data Models with Serial Correlation and Instruments that are not Strictly Exogenous, Stata Journal, 16(3): 523–549. [pdf]
- Oleg Badunenko, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, 2016, Nonparametric Frontier Analysis Using Stata, Stata Journal, 16(3): 550–589. [pdf]
- Brendan Halpin, 2016, Multiple Imputation for Categorical Time Series, Stata Journal, 16(3): 590–612. [pdf]
- Keisuke Kondo, 2016, Hot and Cold Spot Analysis Using Stata, Stata Journal, 16(3): 613–631. [pdf]
- Kenneth L. Simons, 2016, A Sparser, Speedier Reshape, Stata Journal, 16(3): 632–649. [pdf]
- Andreas Andersen, Andreas Rieckmann, 2016, Using mi Impute Chained to fit ANCOVA Models in Randomized Trials with Censored Dependent and Independent Variables, Stata Journal, 16(3): 650–661. [pdf]
- Andrew Q. Philips, Amanda Rutherford, Guy D. Whitten, 2016, Dynsimpie: A Command to Examine Dynamic Compositional Dependent Variables, Stata Journal, 16(3): 662–677. [pdf]
- Theodore G. Karrison, 2016, Versatile Tests for Comparing Survival Curves Based on Weighted Log-rank Statistics, Stata Journal, 16(3): 678–690. [pdf]
- Juan Manuel Ramos-Goñi, Yolanda Ramallo-Fariña, 2016, Eq5dds: A Command to Analyze the Descriptive System of EQ-5D Quality-of-life Instrument, Stata Journal, 16(3): 691–701. [pdf]
- Angel Cronin, Lu Tian, Hajime Uno, 2016, Strmst2 and Strmst2pw: New Commands to Compare Survival Curves Using the Restricted Mean Survival time, Stata Journal, 16(3): 702–716. [pdf]
- Anil Alpman, 2016, Implementing Rubin's Alternative Multiple-imputation Method for Statistical Matching in Stata, Stata Journal, 16(3): 717–739. [pdf]
- Tomás Del Barrio Castro, Andrii Bodnar, Andreu Sansó, 2016, The Lag-length Selection and Detrending Methods for HEGY Seasonal Unit-root Tests Using Stata, Stata Journal, 16(3): 740–760. [pdf]
- Michael P. Babington, Javier Cano-Urbina, 2016, A Test for Exogeneity in the Presence of Nonlinearities, Stata Journal, 16(3): 761–777. [pdf]
- Michael R. M. Abrigo, Inessa Love, 2016, Estimation of Panel Vector Autoregression in Stata, Stata Journal, 16(3): 778–804. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2016, Speaking Stata: Shading Zones on Time Series and Other Plots, Stata Journal, 16(3): 805–812. [pdf]
SJ 16-4
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2016, The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2016: Patrick Royston, Stata Journal, 16(4): 815–825. [pdf]
- David M. Drukker, 2016, A Generalized Regression-adjustment Estimator for Average Treatment Effects from Panel Data, Stata Journal, 16(4): 826–836. [pdf]
- Ben Jann, 2016, Estimating Lorenz and Concentration Curves, Stata Journal, 16(4): 837–866. [pdf]
- Constantin Ruhe, 2016, Estimating Survival Functions after Stcox with Time-varying Coefficients, Stata Journal, 16(4): 867–879. [pdf]
- Odile Sauzet, Maren Kleine, 2016, Distributional Estimates for the Comparison of Proportions of a Dichotomized Continuous Outcome, Stata Journal, 16(4): 880–899. [pdf]
- Miguel Manjón, Juan Mañez, 2016, Production Function Estimation in Stata Using the Ackerberg–Caves–Frazer Method, Stata Journal, 16(4): 900–916. [pdf]
- Nick Guenther, Matthias Schonlau, 2016, Support Vector Machines, Stata Journal, 16(4): 917–937. [pdf]
- E. F. Haghish, 2016, Rethinking Literate Programming in Statistics, Stata Journal, 16(4): 938–963. [pdf]
- E. F. Haghish, 2016, Markdoc: Literate Programming in Stata, Stata Journal, 16(4): 964–988. [pdf]
- Hannah Bower, Michael J. Crowther, Paul C. Lambert, 2016, Strcs: A Command for Fitting Flexible Parametric Survival Models on the Log-hazard Scale, Stata Journal, 16(4): 989–1012. [pdf]
- Sebastian Kripfganz, 2016, Quasi–maximum Likelihood Estimation of Linear Dynamic Short-T panel-data Models, Stata Journal, 16(4): 1013–1038. [pdf]
- Javier Alejo, Anil Bera, Gabriel Montes-Rojas, Antonio Galvao, Zhijie Xiao, 2016, Tests for Normality Based on the Quantile-mean Covariance, Stata Journal, 16(4): 1039–1057. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2016, Speaking Stata: Letter Values as Selected Quantiles, Stata Journal, 16(4): 1058–1071. [pdf]
SJ 17-1
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2017, Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2017, Stata Journal, 17(1): 1–2. [pdf]
- Ben Jann, 2017, Creating HTML or Markdown Documents from within Stata using Webdoc, Stata Journal, 17(1): 3–38. [pdf]
- Mustafa U. Karakaplan, 2017, Fitting Endogenous Stochastic Frontier Models in Stata, Stata Journal, 17(1): 39–55. [pdf]
- Donald W. K. Andrews, Wooyoung Kim, Xiaoxia Shi, 2017, Commands for Testing Conditional Moment Inequalities and Equalities, Stata Journal, 17(1): 56–72. [pdf]
- Ariel Linden, 2017, A Comprehensive set of Postestimation Measures to Enrich Interrupted Time-series Analysis, Stata Journal, 17(1): 73–88. [pdf]
- Reinhard Schunck, Francisco Perales, 2017, Within- and Between-cluster Effects in Generalized Linear Mixed Models: A Discussion of Approaches and the Xthybrid command, Stata Journal, 17(1): 89–115. [pdf]
- Timothy Erickson, Robert Parham, Toni M. Whited, 2017, Fitting the Errors-in-variables Model Using High-order Cumulants and Moments, Stata Journal, 17(1): 116–129. [pdf]
- Seth T. Lirette, Samantha R. Seals, Chad Blackshear, Warren May, 2017, Capturing a Stata Dataset and Releasing it into REDcap, Stata Journal, 17(1): 130–138. [pdf]
- Federico Belotti, Gordon Hughes, Andrea Piano Mortari, 2017, Spatial Panel-data Models Using Stata, Stata Journal, 17(1): 139–180. [pdf]
- Paul C. Lambert, 2017, The Estimation and Modeling of Cause-specific Cumulative Incidence Functions Using Time-dependent Weights, Stata Journal, 17(1): 181–207. [pdf]
- Patrick Taffé, Mingkai Peng, Vicki Stagg, Tyler Williamson, 2017, Biasplot: A Package to Effective Plots to Assess Bias and Precision in Method Comparison Studies, Stata Journal, 17(1): 208–221. [pdf]
- Martina Menon, Federico Perali, Nicola Tommasi, 2017, Estimation of Unit Values in Household Expenditure Surveys without Quantity Information, Stata Journal, 17(1): 222–239. [pdf]
- Paul Corral, Daniel Kuehn, Ermengarde Jabir, 2017, Generalized Maximum Entropy Estimation of Linear Models, Stata Journal, 17(1): 240–249. [pdf]
SJ 17-2
- James Hardin, 2017, Joseph M. Hilbe (1944–2017), Stata Journal, 17(2): 251–252. [pdf]
- Eric J. Daza, Michael G. Hudgens, Amy H. Herring, 2017, Estimating Inverse-probability Weights for Longitudinal Data with Dropout or Truncation: The Xtrccipw Command, Stata Journal, 17(2): 253–278. [pdf]
- Demetris Christodoulou, 2017, Heuristic Criteria for Selecting an Optimal Aspect Ratio in a Two-variable Line Plot, Stata Journal, 17(2): 279–313. [pdf]
- Demetris Christodoulou, Vasilis Sarafidis, 2017, Regression Clustering for Panel-data Models with Fixed Effects, Stata Journal, 17(2): 314–329. [pdf]
- Robert L. Grant, Bob Carpenter, Daniel C. Furr, Andrew Gelman, 2017, Introducing the StataStan Interface for Fast, Complex Bayesian Modeling Using Stan, Stata Journal, 17(2): 330–342. [pdf]
- Robert L. Grant, Daniel C. Furr, Bob Carpenter, Andrew Gelman, 2017, Fitting Bayesian item response models in Stata and Stan, Stata Journal, 17(2): 343–357. [pdf]
- Andrea Discacciati, Matteo Bottai, 2017, Instantaneous Geometric Rates via Generalized Linear Models, Stata Journal, 17(2): 358–371. [pdf]
- Sebastian Calonico, Matias D. Cattaneo, Max H. Farrell, Rocío Titiunik, 2017, Rdrobust: Software for Regression-discontinuity Designs, Stata Journal, 17(2): 372–404. [pdf]
- Patrick Royston, 2017, A Combined Test for a Generalized Treatment Effect in Clinical Trials with a Time-to-event Outcome, Stata Journal, 17(2): 405–421. [pdf]
- Giovanni Cerulli, 2017, Estimating Responsiveness Scores Using Rscore, Stata Journal, 17(2): 422–441. [pdf]
- Tamás Bartus, 2017, Multilevel Multiprocess Modeling with Gsem, Stata Journal, 17(2): 442–461. [pdf]
- Sarwar Islam Mozumder, Mark J. Rutherford, Paul C. Lambert, 2017, A Flexible Parametric Competing-risks Model Using a Direct Likelihood Approach for the Cause-specific Cumulative Incidence Function, Stata Journal, 17(2): 462–489. [pdf]
- Jinjing Li, 2017, Rate Decomposition for Aggregate Data Using Das Gupta's Method, Stata Journal, 17(2): 490–502. [pdf]
- Eva Lorenz, Sabine Gabrysch, 2017, Covariate-constrained Randomization Routine for Achieving Baseline Balance in Cluster-randomized Trials, Stata Journal, 17(2): 503–510. [pdf]
- Roger B. Newson, 2017, Stata Tip 127: Use Capture Noisily Groups, Stata Journal, 17(2): 511–514. [pdf]
SJ 17-3
- Mario Cruz-Gonzalez, Iván Fernández-Val, Martin Weidner, 2017, Bias Corrections for Probit and Logit Models with Two-way Fixed Effects, Stata Journal, 17(3): 517–545. [pdf]
- Brendan Halpin, 2017, SADI: Sequence Analysis Tools for Stata, Stata Journal, 17(3): 546–572. [pdf]
- Rachael A. Hughes, Michael G. Kenward, Jonathan A. C. Sterne, Kate Tilling, 2017, Analyzing Repeated Measurements while Accounting for Derivative Tracking, Varying Within-subject Variance, and Autocorrelation: The Xtmixediou Command, Stata Journal, 17(3): 573–599. [pdf]
- Germán Rodríguez, 2017, Literate Data Analysis with Stata and Markdown, Stata Journal, 17(3): 600–618. [pdf]
- Patrick Royston, 2017, Model Selection for Univariable Fractional Polynomials, Stata Journal, 17(3): 619–629. [pdf]
- Simon Heß, 2017, Randomization Inference with Stata: A Guide and Software, Stata Journal, 17(3): 630–651. [pdf]
- Alvaro Carril, 2017, Dealing with Misfits in Random Treatment Assignment, Stata Journal, 17(3): 652–667. [pdf]
- Morten W. Fagerland, David W. Hosmer, 2017, How to Test for Goodness of Fit in Ordinal Logistic Regression Models, Stata Journal, 17(3): 668–686. [pdf]
- Daniele Pacifico, Felix Poege, 2017, Estimating Measures of Multidimensional Poverty with Stata, Stata Journal, 17(3): 687–703. [pdf]
- Jesús Otero, Jeremy Smith, 2017, Response Surface Models for OLS and GLS Detrending-based Unit-root Tests in Nonlinear ESTAR Models, Stata Journal, 17(3): 704–722. [pdf]
- Charles F. Manski, Max Tabord-Meehan, 2017, Evaluating the Maximum MSE of Mean Estimators with Missing Data, Stata Journal, 17(3): 723–735. [pdf]
- Mehmet F. Dicle, John D. Levendis, 2017, Technical Financial Analysis Tools for Stata, Stata Journal, 17(3): 736–747. [pdf]
- Daniel Bischof, 2017, New Graphic Schemes for Stata: Plotplain and Plottig, Stata Journal, 17(3): 748–759. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2017, Speaking Stata: Tables as Lists: The Groups Command, Stata Journal, 17(3): 760–773. [pdf]
- Luca J. Uberti, 2017, Stata Tip 128: Marginal Effects in Log-transformed Models: A Trade Application, Stata Journal, 17(3): 774–778. [pdf]
SJ 17-4
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2017, The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2017: Ben Jann, Stata Journal, 17(4): 781–785. [pdf]
- Yinghui Wei, Patrick Royston, 2017, Reconstructing Time-to-event Data from Published Kaplan–Meier Curves, Stata Journal, 17(4): 786–802. [pdf]
- Giovanni Cerulli, 2017, Identification and Estimation of Treatment Effects in the Presence of (Correlated) Neighborhood Interactions: Model and Stata Implementation via Ntreatreg, Stata Journal, 17(4): 803–833. [pdf]
- Sebastian Galiani, Brian Quistorff, 2017, The Synth_Runner Package: Utilities to Automate Synthetic Control Estimation Using Synth, Stata Journal, 17(4): 834–849. [pdf]
- Barbara Rossi, Matthieu Soupre, 2017, Implementing Tests for Forecast Evaluation in the Presence of Instabilities, Stata Journal, 17(4): 850–865. [pdf]
- Matthias Schonlau, Nick Guenther, Ilia Sucholutsky, 2017, Text Mining with n-gram Variables, Stata Journal, 17(4): 866–881. [pdf]
- Kerui Du, 2017, Econometric Convergence Test and Club Clustering Using Stata, Stata Journal, 17(4): 882–900. [pdf]
- Guangwei Zhu, Zaichao Du, Juan Carlos Escanciano, 2017, Automatic Portmanteau Tests with Applications to Market Risk Management, Stata Journal, 17(4): 901–915. [pdf]
- Joseph V. Terza, 2017, Two-stage Residual Inclusion Estimation: A Practitioners Guide to Stata Implementation, Stata Journal, 17(4): 916–938. [pdf]
- Joseph V. Terza, 2017, Causal Effect Estimation and Inference Using Stata, Stata Journal, 17(4): 939–961. [pdf]
- Sylvain Weber, Martin Péclat, 2017, A Simple Command to Calculate Travel Distance and Travel Time, Stata Journal, 17(4): 962–971. [pdf]
- Luciano Lopez, Sylvain Weber, 2017, Testing for Granger Causality in Panel Data, Stata Journal, 17(4): 972–984. [pdf]
- Jesús Otero, Christopher F. Baum, 2017, Response Surface Models for the Elliott, Rothenberg, and Stock Unit-root Test, Stata Journal, 17(4): 985–1002. [pdf]
- Giovanni Nattino, Stanley Lemeshow, Gary Phillips, Stefano Finazzi, Guido Bertolini, 2017, Assessing the Calibration of Dichotomous Outcome Models with the Calibration Belt, Stata Journal, 17(4): 1003–1014. [pdf]
- Mattia Cattaneo, Paolo Malighetti, Daniele Spinelli, 2017, Estimating Receiver Operative Characteristic Curves for Time-dependent Outcomes: The Stroccurve Package, Stata Journal, 17(4): 1015–1023. [pdf]
SJ 18-1
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2018, Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2018, Stata Journal, 18(1): 1–2. [pdf]
- Patrick Royston, 2018, Power and sample-size analysis for the Royston–Parmar combined test in clinical trials with a time-to-event outcome, Stata Journal, 18(1): 3–21. [pdf]
- Jesús Otero, Christopher F. Baum, 2018, Unit-root Tests Based on Forward and Reverse Dickey–Fuller Regressions, Stata Journal, 18(1): 22–28. [pdf]
- Bastien Perrot, Emmanuelle Bataille, Jean-Benoit Hardouin, 2018, validscale: A Command to Validate Measurement Scales, Stata Journal, 18(1): 29–50. [pdf]
- Laura A. Gray, Mónica Hernández Alava, 2018, A Command for Fitting Mixture Regression Models for Bounded Dependent Variables Using the Beta Distribution, Stata Journal, 18(1): 51–75. [pdf]
- Jesse Wursten, 2018, Testing for Serial Correlation in Fixed-effects Panel Models, Stata Journal, 18(1): 76–100. [pdf]
- Carlo Schwarz, 2018, Ldagibbs: A Command for Topic Modeling in Stata Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Stata Journal, 18(1): 101–117. [pdf]
- Martin Eckhoff Andresen, 2018, Exploring Marginal Treatment Effects: Flexible Estimation Using Stata, Stata Journal, 18(1): 118–158. [pdf]
- Oscar Barriga Cabanillas, Jeffrey D. Michler, Aleksandr Michuda, Emilia Tjernström, 2018, Fitting and Interpreting Correlated Random-coefficient Models Using Stata, Stata Journal, 18(1): 159–173. [pdf]
- Jonathan A. Cook, Ashish Rajbhandari, 2018, Heckroccurve: ROC Curves for Selected Samples, Stata Journal, 18(1): 174–183. [pdf]
- Helmut Herwartz, Simone Maxand, Fabian H. C. Raters, Yabibal M. Walle, 2018, Panel Unit-root Tests for Heteroskedastic Panels, Stata Journal, 18(1): 184–196. [pdf]
- Matthew S. Gillman, 2018, Some Commands to Help Produce Rich Text Files from Stata, Stata Journal, 18(1): 197–205. [pdf]
- Fernando Rios-Avila, Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza, 2018, Standard-error Correction in Two-stage Optimization Models: A Quasi–maximum Likelihood Estimation Approach, Stata Journal, 18(1): 206–222. [pdf]
- Daniel Gallacher, Felix Achana, 2018, Assessing the Health Economic Agreement of Different Data Sources, Stata Journal, 18(1): 223–233. [pdf]
- Matias D. Cattaneo, Michael Jansson, Xinwei Ma, 2018, Manipulation Testing Based on Density Discontinuity, Stata Journal, 18(1): 234–261. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2018, Speaking Stata: Logarithmic Binning and Labeling, Stata Journal, 18(1): 262–286. [pdf]
- Alexander Koplenig, 2018, Stata Tip 129: Efficiently Processing Textual Data with Stata's New Unicode Features, Stata Journal, 18(1): 287–289. [pdf]
SJ 18-2
- Richard Williams, Paul D. Allison, Enrique Moral-Benito, 2018, Linear Dynamic Panel-data Estimation Using Maximum Likelihood and Structural Equation Modeling, Stata Journal, 18(2): 293–326. [pdf]
- Susan Donath, 2018, Baselinetable: A Command for Creating one- and Two-way Tables of Summary Statistics, Stata Journal, 18(2): 327–344. [pdf]
- Marshall A. Taylor, 2018, Simulating the Central Limit Theorem, Stata Journal, 18(2): 345–356. [pdf]
- John A. Gallis, Fan Li, Hengshi Yu, Elizabeth L. Turner, 2018, Cvcrand and Cptest: Commands for Efficient Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials Using Constrained Randomization and Permutation Tests, Stata Journal, 18(2): 357–378. [pdf]
- Mehmet F. Dicle, Betul Dicle, 2018, Content Analysis: Frequency Distribution of Words, Stata Journal, 18(2): 379–386. [pdf]
- Christiaan H. Righolt, Salaheddin M. Mahmud, 2018, Attrition Diagrams for Clinical Trials and Meta-analyses in Stata, Stata Journal, 18(2): 387–394. [pdf]
- Mónica Hernández-Alava, Stephen Pudney, 2018, Eq5Dmap: A Command for Mapping between EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L, Stata Journal, 18(2): 395–415. [pdf]
- Michael J. Grayling, James M. S. Wason, Adrian P. Mander, 2018, Group Sequential Clinical Trial Designs for Normally Distributed Outcome Variables, Stata Journal, 18(2): 416–431. [pdf]
- Noori Akhtar-Danesh, 2018, Qfactor: A Command for Q-methodology Analysis, Stata Journal, 18(2): 432–446. [pdf]
- Chang Hyung Lee, Douglas G. Steigerwald, 2018, Inference for Clustered Data, Stata Journal, 18(2): 447–460. [pdf]
- Fausto Pacicco, Luigi Vena, Andrea Venegoni, 2018, Event Study Estimations Using Stata: The Estudy Command, Stata Journal, 18(2): 461–476. [pdf]
- Ying Xu, Yin Bun Cheung, 2018, Frailty Models and Frailty-mixture Models for Recurrent Event Times: Update, Stata Journal, 18(2): 477–484. [pdf]
- Ariel Linden, 2018, Review of Tenko Raykov and George Marcoulides's a Course in Item Response Theory and Modeling with Stata, Stata Journal, 18(2): 485–488. [pdf]
SJ 18-3
- Ben Jann, 2018, Customizing Stata Graphs made Easy (Part 1), Stata Journal, 18(3): 491–502. [pdf]
- Mark D. Chatfield, 2018, Graphing Each Individual's Data over Time, Stata Journal, 18(3): 503–516. [pdf]
- Vincenzo Verardi, Catherine Vermandele, 2018, Univariate and Multivariate Outlier Identification for Skewed or Heavy-Tailed Distributions, Stata Journal, 18(3): 517–532. [pdf]
- Shawna K. Metzger, Benjamin T. Jones, 2018, Mstatecox: A Package for Simulating Transition Probabilities from Semiparametric Multistate Survival Models, Stata Journal, 18(3): 533–563. [pdf]
- Jordy Meekes, Wolter H. J. Hassink, 2018, Flowbca: A Flow-Based Cluster Algorithm in Stata, Stata Journal, 18(3): 564–584. [pdf]
- Jan Ditzen, 2018, Estimating Dynamic Common-Correlated Effects in Stata, Stata Journal, 18(3): 585–617. [pdf]
- Gabriele Rovigatti, Vincenzo Mollisi, 2018, Theory and Practice of Total-Factor Productivity Estimation: The Control Function Approach using Stata, Stata Journal, 18(3): 618–662. [pdf]
- Damian Clarke, Benjamín Matta, 2018, Practical Considerations for Questionable IVs, Stata Journal, 18(3): 663–691. [pdf]
- Long Hong, Guido Alfani, Chiara Gigliarano, Marco Bonetti, 2018, Giniinc: A Stata Package for Measuring Inequality from Incomplete Income and Survival Data, Stata Journal, 18(3): 692–715. [pdf]
- Anna Chaimani, Dimitris Mavridis, Georgia Salanti, Julian P. T. Higgins, Ian R. White, 2018, Allowing for Informative Missingness in Aggregate Data Meta-Analysis with Continuous or Binary Outcomes: Extensions to Metamiss, Stata Journal, 18(3): 716–740. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2018, Speaking Stata: From Rounding to Binning, Stata Journal, 18(3): 741–754. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, 2018, Stata Tip 130: 106610 and All That: Date Variables that Need to be Fixed, Stata Journal, 18(3): 755–757. [pdf]
SJ 18-4
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2018, The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2018: Federico Belotti, Stata Journal, 18(4): 761–764. [pdf]
- Ben Jann, 2018, Color Palettes for Stata Graphics, Stata Journal, 18(4): 765–785. [pdf]
- Ben Jann, 2018, Customizing Stata Graphs Made Easy (Part 2), Stata Journal, 18(4): 786–802. [pdf]
- Liyang Sun, 2018, Implementing Valid Two-Step Identification-Robust Confidence Sets for Linear Instrumental-Variables Models, Stata Journal, 18(4): 803–825. [pdf]
- Michael J. Grayling, Adrian P. Mander, 2018, Calculations Involving the Multivariate Normal and Multivariate t Distributions with and without Truncation, Stata Journal, 18(4): 826–843. [pdf]
- Raffaele Grotti, Giorgio Cutuli, 2018, Xtpdyn: A Community-Contributed Command for Fitting Dynamic Random-Effects Probit Models with Unobserved Heterogeneity, Stata Journal, 18(4): 844–862. [pdf]
- Sébastien Fontenay, 2018, sdmxuse: Command to Import Data from Statistical Agencies using the SDMX Standard, Stata Journal, 18(4): 863–870. [pdf]
- Daniel Klein, 2018, Implementing a General Framework for Assessing Interrater Agreement in Stata, Stata Journal, 18(4): 871–901. [pdf]
- Soren Jordan, Andrew Q. Philips, 2018, Cointegration Testing and Dynamic Simulations of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models, Stata Journal, 18(4): 902–923. [pdf]
- Shawn Bauldry, Jun Xu, Andrew S. Fullerton, 2018, Gencrm: A New Command for Generalized Continuation-Ratio Models, Stata Journal, 18(4): 924–936. [pdf]
- Denis Chetverikov, Dongwoo Kim, Daniel Wilhelm, 2018, Nonparametric Instrumental-Variable Estimation, Stata Journal, 18(4): 937–950. [pdf]
- Xiaoqing Ye, Yixiao Sun, 2018, Heteroskedasticity- and Autocorrelation-robust F and t Tests in Stata, Stata Journal, 18(4): 951–980. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, Clyde B. Schechter, 2018, Speaking Stata: Seven Steps for Vexatious String Variables, Stata Journal, 18(4): 981–994. [pdf]
- Patrick Royston, 2018, Power and Sample-Size Analysis for the Royston–Parmar Combined Test in Clinical Trials with a Time-to-Event Outcome: Correction and Program Update, Stata Journal, 18(4): 995–996. [pdf]
SJ 19-1
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2019, Change of publisher: The Stata Journal is now published by SAGE Publishing, Stata Journal, 19(1): 1–1. [pdf]
- H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox, 2019, Announcement of the Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2019, Stata Journal, 19(1): 2–3. [pdf]
- David Roodman, Morten Ørregaard Nielsen, James G. MacKinnon, Matthew D. Webb, 2019, Fast and wild: Bootstrap inference in Stata using boottest, Stata Journal, 19(1): 4–60. [pdf]
- E. F. Haghish, 2019, Seamless interactive language interfacing between R and Stata, Stata Journal, 19(1): 61–82. [pdf]
- E. F. Haghish, 2019, On the importance of syntax coloring for teaching statistics, Stata Journal, 19(1): 83–86. [pdf]
- Alfonso Sánchez-Peñalver, 2019, Estimation methods in the presence of corner solutions, Stata Journal, 19(1): 87–111. [pdf]
- Maciej Jakubowski, Artur Pokropek, 2019, piaactools: A program for data analysis with PIAAC data, Stata Journal, 19(1): 112–128. [pdf]
- Carlo Schwarz, 2019, lsemantica: A command for text similarity based on latent semantic analysis, Stata Journal, 19(1): 129–142. [pdf]
- Stanislav Kolenikov, 2019, Updates to the ipfraking ecosystem, Stata Journal, 19(1): 143–184. [pdf]
- Constantin Ruhe, 2019, Bootstrap pointwise confidence intervals for covariate-adjusted survivor functions in the Cox model, Stata Journal, 19(1): 185–199. [pdf]
- Mehmet F. Dicle, 2019, Candle charts for financial technical analysis, Stata Journal, 19(1): 200–209. [pdf]
- Matias D. Cattaneo, Rocío Titiunik, Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare, 2019, Power calculations for regression-discontinuity designs, Stata Journal, 19(1): 210–245. [pdf]
- Nicholas J. Cox, Clyde B. Schechter, 2019, Speaking Stata: How best to generate indicator or dummy variables, Stata Journal, 19(1): 246–259. [pdf]
- ——, 2019, Announcements, Stata Journal, 19(1): 261–261. [pdf]
- ——, 2019, Stata Conference advertisement: Journal announcement from StataCorp, Stata Journal, 19(1): NP1–NP1. [pdf]
- ——, 2019, The Stata Journal back issues: Journal announcement from StataCorp, Stata Journal, 19(1): NP2–NP2. [pdf]