2016-08-08 本文已影响40人
propose a final project
that integrates the range of units covered, answering:
- what will it do?
- who's done what beforehand?
- what materials and components will be required?
- where will they come from?
- how much will it cost?
- what parts and systems will be made?
- what processes will be used?
- what tasks need to be completed?
- what questions need to be answered?
- what is the schedule?
- how will it be evaluated?
projects can be separate or joint, but need to show individual mastery
of the skills covered
where possible, you should make rather than buy the parts of your project
Final project proposal
My final project is making a theremin-like instrument.
what will it do?
You can play a song with your hand but without touching anything. It's like touchless instrument.
who's done what beforehand?
Many electronics and maker have made theremin. Gaudilab even made a opensource library Open.Theremin. I'd like to make a simple version. And also some simplier projects like this.
what materials and components will be required?
- ATTiny 45 chip
- Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
- RES 10.0K OHM 1206 SMD
- CAP CER 1UF 1206
- Dupont Line
- Arduino IDE
- New Ping Library for Arduino IDE
- OpenFrameworks
- Maximillian / ofxMaxim addon for OpenFrameworks
- basswood
- 3D Printing PLA connection parts
where will they come from?
- Local electronic vender
- Taobao
- wood suply
- Inventory from our fablab
how much will it cost?
item | quantity | cost |
Attiny 45 | 1 | $ 2 |
HC-SR04 | 1 | $ 1 |
AVRISPSMD | 1 | $ 1 |
FTDI-SMD-HEADER | 1 | $ 1 |
RES 10.0K OHM 1206 SMD | 2 | $ 0.1 |
CAP CER 1UF 1206 | 1 | $ 0.1 |
Dupont Line | 5 | $ 0.1 |
basswood | 2 | $ 10 |
3D Printing PLA | 1 | $1 |
glue | 1 | $ 1 |
TOTAL | $ 17 |
what parts and systems will be made?
- the circut
- the program
- the box
what processes will be used?
- Project plan (Week1, Week17)
- Design the circut (Week6 - Electronics Design)
- Make the PCB (Week4 - Electronic Production)
- Make the circut (Week8 - Embedded Programming, Week11 - Input Devices, Week13 - Output Devices, Week15 - Networking and Communications)
- Test the instrument (Week16 - Interface and Application Programming)
- Design the housing (Week2 - CAD, Week9 - Mechanical Design, Week10 - Machine Design)
- Make the housing (Week3 - Computer-controlled cutting, Week7 - Computer-controlled machining)
- Design and make other components (Week5 - 3D scanning and printing, Week12 - Casting and Molding, Week14 - Composites)
- Assembly and test
what tasks need to be completed?
- study theremin principls
- design schematic in eagle
- design board in eagle
- buy components
- mill the borad
- soldering
- coding
- test input & output part
- design housing parts
- making housing parts
- assemble
- test
what questions need to be answered?
- theremin's principl
- how the circut works
- how to program input and output
- ...
what is the schedule?
- study theremin principls (6.9-6.11)
- design schematic in eagle (6.12)
- design board in eagle (6.13)
- buy components (6.15)
- mill the borad (6.18)
- soldering (6.18)
- coding (6.12-6.18)
- test input & output part (6.19)
- design housing parts (6.13-6.15)
- making housing parts (6.18-6.19)
- assemble (6.19)
- test (6.20-6.21)