词为我用 - vapid
vapid TEM8 GRE
UK /ˈvæp.ɪd/ US /ˈvæp.ɪd/
adj, (disapproval) If you describe someone or something as vapid, you are critical of them because they are dull and uninteresting. 乏味的,枯燥的,无趣的
1. “They thought that she was vapid, not really representing what was culture,” Dickson said in an interview.(Seattle Times)
2.“Believe in yourself and in your future” may sound like a vapid self-help mantra.(New York Times)
3. Our culture is beset by these problems because we worship vapid consumption instead of meaningful work and play.(New York Times)
4. Certainly seems that way, thanks to a vapid protest movement: Is British Columbia Wasting Its Natural Gas Potential?(Forbes)
5. It may be that Americans are, as the tweeted jokes suggest, vapid airheads who respond only to words such as “Kardashian” and “beach pics” and “wellness.”(BusinessWeek)
6. What a dull old landscape it is in kid-food land: processed nuggets and fish fingers, mini burgers and pizzas, pasta with vapid sauces, chips.(The Guardian)
7. Witness the torrent of vapid tweeting and retweeting – by journalists as well as members of the public – that accompanied the Boston bombings.(The Guardian)
8. Presenting his vapid little pamphlet, the chancellor said that Britain needed to stop bullying bankers and move "from retribution to recovery".(The Guardian)
9. Victory slipped away because the Tories sounded too vapid, too tentative, too polite.(The Guardian)
10. Victory slipped away because the Tories sounded too vapid, too tentative, too polite.(The Guardian)
11. Some works even conjure the vapid, cheery paintings you’d find in hotel rooms or at a local cafe.(New York Times)
12. A lot of what’s being said on the stage of the Vineyard Theater these days is maddeningly ordinary — the kind of friendly, vapid conversation you might exchange with a stranger in a grocery store line.(New York Times)
vapid people, thing, conversation, movement
vapidity, vapidness, vapidly
1650s, "flat, insipid" (of drinks), from Latin vapidus "flat, insipid," literally "that has exhaled its vapor," related to vappa "stale wine," and probably to vapor "vapor." Applied from 1758 to talk and writing deemed dull and lifeless.
tepid, unexceptional, unsurprising,arid, boring, colorless, dreary, drudging, dry, dull, dusty, flat, heavy, jejune, monotonous, numbing, ponderous, stodgy, stuffy, stupid, tame, tedious, tiresome, tiring, uninteresting,common, commonplace, ordinary
amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, fabulous, marvelous (or marvellous), spectacular, surprising, wonderful, wondrous,animating, breathtaking, energizing, enlivening, exciting, exhilarating, galvanizing, inspiring, invigorating, rousing, stimulating, stirring, thrilling, amusing, diverting, entertaining, moving, touching, alluring, attractive