
2021-05-31  本文已影响0人  蚂蚁爱吃饭

要分析TMB标准品数据,下载了MC3 maf文件,按照说明文档进行样本/位点的过滤,反正就是滤不出文档里最后滤出的数,我保留的要多一些。

use strict;
use warnings;

my $file=shift;my %ha;my %delete;my %keep;my %arti;

my $bed="/project/baowenjuan/bed_files/652Genes_Panel/V0/gene_panel.bed";
my %cds;my %panel;my %keep_items;
open IN,"<$bed";
while (<IN>) {
    my @a=split;
    for (my $i=$a[1]-5;$i<$a[2]+5;$i++) {
close IN;

open O1,">filtered_maf.stat";
open O2,">filtered_maf";
open IN,"<$file";
while (<IN>) {
    my $line=$_;
    next if (/^Hugo_Symbol/);
    my @a=split "\t",$line;
    my $id_t=(split "-",$a[15])[2];
    my $id_c=(split "-",$a[16])[2];
    next unless ($id_t eq $id_c);
    if ($a[-6]=~/native_wga_mix|wga|gapfiller|nonpreferredpair/){$delete{$id_t}=1;$arti{$id_t}++;$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}++;next};
    if ($a[-6]=~/StrandBias|common_in_exac|oxog/){$arti{$id_t}++;$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}++};
    unless ($a[-15] eq '.' || $a[-15] <0.01){$arti{$id_t}++;$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}++;next};#ExAC_AF
    unless ($a[-12] eq '.' || $a[-12] <0.01){$arti{$id_t}++;$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}++;next};#ExAC_AF_EAS
    if ($a[41]<3||$a[39]<25){$arti{$id_t}++;$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}++;next};#DP >= 25  and AD >= 3
    if ($a[42]<8){$arti{$id_t}++;$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}++;next};#n_depth>=8
    unless (($a[8] eq 'Frame_Shift_Ins') || ($a[8] eq 'Frame_Shift_Del') ||($a[8] eq 'In_Frame_Del') ||($a[8] eq 'In_Frame_Ins') ||($a[8] eq 'Missense_Mutation') ||($a[8] eq 'Nonsense_Mutation') ||($a[8] eq 'Nonstop_Mutation') ||($a[8] eq 'Silent') ||($a[8] eq 'Splice_Site')||($a[8] eq 'Translation_Start_Site')){$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}++;next};
    my $alt_freq=$a[41]/$a[39];if ($alt_freq>0.1) {$keep{$id_t}=1}#MSAF >= 10%
    push (@{$ha{$id_t}{'freq'}},$alt_freq);
    my $chr="chr".$a[4];
    next unless (defined $cds{$chr}{$a[5]});
    push (@{$panel{$id_t}{'freq'}},$alt_freq);

close IN;

open IN,"<$file";
while (<IN>) {
    if (/Hugo_Symbol/){print O2 "$_\n";next};
    my @a=split "\t",$_;
    my $id_t=(split "-",$a[15])[2];
    next if (defined $arti{$id_t} && ($arti{$id_t}/$ha{$id_t}{'total_count'}>0.5));
    print O2 "$_\n" if (defined $keep_items{$a[4]}{$a[5]} && defined $keep{$id_t});
close O2;
close IN;

print O1 "sample_ID\t1\%\t3\%\t5\%\tMyPanel_1%\tMyPanel_3%\tMyPanel_5%\n";
foreach my $k1 (sort keys %ha) {
    next if (defined $delete{$k1});
    next unless (defined $keep{$k1});
    next if (defined $arti{$k1} && ($arti{$k1}/$ha{$k1}{'total_count'}>0.5));
    my ($f01,$f03,$f05)=check_freq_distribution(\@{$ha{$k1}{'freq'}});
    print O1 "$k1\t$f01\t$f03\t$f05\t";
    print O1 "$f01\t$f03\t$f05\n";

sub check_freq_distribution{
    my $freqs=$_[0];
    my ($sf01,$sf03,$sf05)=(0,0,0);
    my $c=0;
    while ($c<@$freqs) {
        if ($freqs->[$c] >0.01) {$sf01++}
        if ($freqs->[$c] >0.03) {$sf03++}
        if ($freqs->[$c] >0.05) {$sf05++}
    return ($sf01,$sf03,$sf05);




> head(d,2)
  sample_ID       S01       S03       S05     My01     My03     My05
1      0003 1.3559683 1.3559683 1.3559683 3.939136 3.939136 3.939136
2      0033 0.8698664 0.8698664 0.8698664 5.514790 5.514790 5.514790
lm.model<-lm(d[,5]~d[,2])  #先看下1%的
lm(formula = d[, 5] ~ d[, 2])
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max
-46.427  -1.500  -0.452   0.998  31.987
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.610484   0.036389   44.26   <2e-16 ***
d[, 2]      1.121099   0.001431  783.55   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 3.194 on 8257 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9867,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.9867
F-statistic: 6.139e+05 on 1 and 8257 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
> coefficients(lm.model)
(Intercept)      d[, 2]
   1.610484    1.121099



import pandas as pd
from sklearn import linear_model
data=pd.read_table("/project/baowenjuan/Tumor_FFPE/project/TMB/raw/TMB.txt",header=0,sep=" ")
def trainModel(trainData,features,labels):
    return model
def evaluateModel(model,testData,features,labels):
    return error,score
>>> error
S01    6.058423
dtype: float64
>>> score


import statsmodels.api as sm
                             OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable:                   My01   R-squared:                       0.971
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.971
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                 1.664e+04
Date:                Mon, 31 May 2021   Prob (F-statistic):               0.00
Time:                        18:48:33   Log-Likelihood:                -1266.1
No. Observations:                 500   AIC:                             2536.
Df Residuals:                     498   BIC:                             2545.
Df Model:                           1
Covariance Type:            nonrobust
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const          1.2910      0.147      8.779      0.000       1.002       1.580
S01            1.1216      0.009    128.984      0.000       1.104       1.139
Omnibus:                      201.628   Durbin-Watson:                   1.815
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):             8355.478
Skew:                           1.008   Prob(JB):                         0.00
Kurtosis:                      22.925   Cond. No.                         18.2

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

My01=1.1216*S01 +1.2910

                            OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable:                   My01   R-squared:                       0.987
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.987
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                 6.139e+05
Date:                Mon, 31 May 2021   Prob (F-statistic):               0.00
Time:                        18:51:28   Log-Likelihood:                -21309.
No. Observations:                8259   AIC:                         4.262e+04
Df Residuals:                    8257   BIC:                         4.264e+04
Df Model:                           1
Covariance Type:            nonrobust
                 coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const          1.6105      0.036     44.258      0.000       1.539       1.682
S01            1.1211      0.001    783.548      0.000       1.118       1.124
Omnibus:                     2309.128   Durbin-Watson:                   1.873
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):           248732.705
Skew:                           0.180   Prob(JB):                         0.00
Kurtosis:                      29.882   Cond. No.                         26.3



>ma<-read.maf('/project/baowenjuan/Tumor_FFPE/project/TMB/raw/filtered_maf', clinicalData = NULL, removeDuplicatedVariants = TRUE, useAll = TRUE, gisticAllLesionsFile = NULL, gisticAmpGenesFile = NULL, gisticDelGenesFile = NULL, gisticScoresFile = NULL, cnLevel = "all", cnTable = NULL, isTCGA = TRUE, vc_nonSyn = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
>plotmafSummary(maf = ma, rmOutlier = TRUE, addStat = 'median', dashboard = TRUE, titvRaw = FALSE)
>oncoplot(f_maf, top = 10, genes = NULL, altered = FALSE,
 drawRowBar = TRUE,
drawColBar = TRUE, includeColBarCN = TRUE, draw_titv = FALSE,
logColBar = FALSE, clinicalFeatures = NULL, additionalFeature = NULL, additionalFeaturePch = 20,
additionalFeatureCol = "white", additionalFeatureCex = 0.9,
annotationDat = NULL, annotationColor = NULL, genesToIgnore = NULL,
showTumorSampleBarcodes = FALSE, barcode_mar = 4, gene_mar = 5,
removeNonMutated = TRUE, fill = TRUE, cohortSize = NULL,
colors = NULL, sortByMutation = FALSE, sortByAnnotation = FALSE,
numericAnnoCol = NULL, groupAnnotationBySize = TRUE,
annotationOrder = NULL, keepGeneOrder = FALSE,
GeneOrderSort = TRUE, sampleOrder = NULL, writeMatrix = FALSE,
sepwd_genes = 0.5, sepwd_samples = 0.25, fontSize = 0.8,
SampleNamefontSize = 1, showTitle = TRUE, titleFontSize = 1.5,
legendFontSize = 1.2, annotationFontSize = 1.2, bgCol = "#CCCCCC",
borderCol = "white", colbar_pathway = FALSE)
>somaticInteractions(maf = f_maf, top = 15, pvalue = c(0.05, 0.1))
      gene1 gene2        pValue oddsRatio   00   11   01   10        Event
  1:  MUC16   TTN 1.160797e-210  5.767656 5235 1068 1531  633 Co_Occurence
  2:    TTN CSMD3 1.118665e-173  6.390472 5501  777  367 1822 Co_Occurence
  3:  MUC16 LRP1B 3.093874e-165  6.714557 6263  596  503 1105 Co_Occurence
  4:  LRP1B   TTN 3.359613e-162  6.166544 5511  742 1857  357 Co_Occurence
  5:   RYR2   TTN 8.179908e-154  6.078670 5527  709 1890  341 Co_Occurence
101:  KMT2D  TP53  8.326753e-08  1.503389 4976  358 2693  440 Co_Occurence
102: PIK3CA USH2A  8.639989e-08  1.644043 6574  181  761  951 Co_Occurence
103: PIK3CA LRP1B  1.196528e-07  1.593170 6441  205  894  927 Co_Occurence
104: PIK3CA CSMD3  1.766406e-06  1.517069 6397  206  938  926 Co_Occurence
105: PIK3CA  TP53  5.060652e-01  1.045442 4702  418 2633  714 Co_Occurence
              pair event_ratio
  1:    MUC16, TTN   1068/2164
  2:    CSMD3, TTN    777/2189
  3:  LRP1B, MUC16    596/1608
  4:    LRP1B, TTN    742/2214
  5:     RYR2, TTN    709/2231
101:   KMT2D, TP53    358/3133
102: PIK3CA, USH2A    181/1712
103: LRP1B, PIK3CA    205/1821
104: CSMD3, PIK3CA    206/1864
105:  PIK3CA, TP53    418/3347

> library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19, quietly = TRUE) 
>maf.tnm <- trinucleotideMatrix(maf=f_maf,ref_genome="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19",useSyn=TRUE,prefix="chr")
ref_genome=“BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19” :为刚才导入的hg19包
fn="" 生成的APOBEC结果文件前缀,默认NULL不生成该文件

>maf.sign = estimateSignatures(mat = maf.tnm, nTry = 6)  #根据共遗传相关矩阵估计signature数, 这一步超级慢,跑几个小时

-Running NMF for 6 ranks
Compute NMF rank= 2  ...
+ measures ... OK
Compute NMF rank= 3  ... + measures ... OK
Compute NMF rank= 4  ... + measures ... OK
Compute NMF rank= 5  ... + measures ... OK
Compute NMF rank= 6  ... + measures ... OK
-Finished in 03:03:22 elapsed (00:05:36 cpu)

> plotCophenetic(res = maf.sign)
> maf.sig = extractSignatures(mat = maf.tnm, n = 4)
-Running NMF for factorization rank: 4
-Finished in00:15:19 elapsed (00:12:31 cpu)
>plotSignatures(nmfRes = maf.sig, title_size = 2)

> plotApobecDiff(tnm=maf.tnm, maf=f_maf)
--Possible FLAGS among top ten genes:
-Processing clinical data
--Possible FLAGS among top ten genes:
-Processing clinical data
Showing top 10 of 2189 differentially mutated genes
       Hugo_Symbol Enriched nonEnriched         pval        or     ci.up
    1:      PIK3CA      363         769 2.647811e-32 2.3935692 2.7568263
    2:        IDH1       23         481 2.363612e-21 0.1980938 0.3021205
    3:        TP53      696        2355 7.926231e-14 1.5335509 1.7167154
    4:       KDM6A      101         167 8.269990e-14 2.7672310 3.5883079
    5:      NFE2L2       89         144 1.070473e-12 2.8145700 3.7149450
19300:       ZNF92       11          52 1.000000e+00 0.9277923 1.8050449
19301:       ZNRD1        1           7 1.000000e+00 0.6266738 4.8834059
19302:     ZSCAN25       10          45 1.000000e+00 0.9749828 1.9678563
19303:      ZSWIM7        1           7 1.000000e+00 0.6266738 4.8834059
19304:       ZUFSP       12          57 1.000000e+00 0.9232667 1.7454259
           ci.low      adjPval
    1: 2.07614044 5.111334e-28
    2: 0.12393799 2.281358e-17
    3: 1.36956569 3.991097e-10
    4: 2.12556645 3.991097e-10
    5: 2.12305145 4.132883e-09
19300: 0.43547407 1.000000e+00
19301: 0.01389871 1.000000e+00
19302: 0.43712841 1.000000e+00
19303: 0.01389871 1.000000e+00
19304: 0.44973887 1.000000e+00

        Cohort SampleSize    Mean Median
1:    Enriched       1569 162.347    103
2: nonEnriched       6885 207.521     48
> library("ggpmisc")
> library("ggplot2")
> library("ggpubr")
> d<-read.table("filtered_maf.stat",header=T)
>  d[,c(2,3,4)] <-d[,c(2,3,4)]/39086460*1000000
> d[,c(5,6,7)] <-d[,c(5,6,7)]/1331534*1000000
> colnames(d) <-c("sampleID","a","b","c","d","e","f")  #因为%不识别
>  head(d,3)
  sampleID         a         b         c        d        e        f
1     0003 1.3559683 1.3559683 1.3559683 3.939136 3.939136 3.939136
2     0033 0.8698664 0.8698664 0.8698664 5.514790 5.514790 5.514790
3     0047 1.9444073 1.9444073 1.8164858 3.151309 3.151309 3.151309
> ggplot(d,aes(x=c,y=f))+geom_point(shape=17)+geom_smooth(method="lm",color="black",fill="lightgrey")+stat_cor(method="pearson",label.x=3,label.y=30)+stat_poly_eq(aes(label=..eq.label..),formula="y~x",parse=TRUE,geom="text",label.x = 150,label.y = 200, hjust = 0)+ stat_fit_tb(tb.type = 'fit.anova')+xlab("Maf_Panel")+ylab("652GenePanel")
> ggplot(d,aes(x=c,y=f))+geom_point(shape=17)+geom_smooth(method="lm",color="black",fill="lightgrey")+stat_cor(method="pearson",label.x=40,label.y=370)+stat_poly_eq(aes(label=..eq.label..),formula="y~x",parse=TRUE,geom="text",label.x = 40,label.y = 350, hjust = 0)+xlab("Maf_Panel")+ylab("652GenePanel")+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,hjust = 1,colour="black",family="Times",size=10),panel.grid.major = element_blank(),panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),panel.background = element_blank(),axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),plot.margin = unit(c(2,3,3,4),"cm"))
> sample<-read.table("/project/baowenjuan/Tumor_FFPE/project/TMB/raw/Panel652-1/Gene_270_455728_P1.txt",header=TRUE)
> rownames(mer11)<-sample[,1]
> head(mer11,2)
     90       70       690      670       650      630       610 590     570
0003  0 0.000000 0.8171377 2.527024 0.8724953 1.782318 0.9383425   0 1.04236
0033  0 7.054425 0.8171377 1.684683 0.8724953 0.000000 1.8766849   1 0.00000

> mar<-read.table("/project/baowenjuan/Tumor_FFPE/project/TMB/raw/filtered_maf.stat",header=TRUE)
> colnames(mar)<-c("sample_ID","p1","p3","p5","mp1","mp3","mp5")
> mar[,2:4]<-mar[,2:4]/39086460*1000000    #39086460为全外panel大小
> mar[,5:7]<-mar[,5:7]/1331534*1000000   #1331534是652panel的大小
> head(mar,3)
  sample_ID        p1        p3        p5      mp1      mp3      mp5
1      0003 1.3559683 1.3559683 1.3559683 3.755067 3.755067 3.755067
2      0033 0.8698664 0.8698664 0.8698664 5.257094 5.257094 5.257094
3      0047 1.9444073 1.9444073 1.8164858 3.004054 3.004054 3.004054

> rownames(mar)<-mar[,1]
> mar<-mar[-1]
> head(mar,3)
            p1        p3        p5      mp1      mp3      mp5
0003 1.3559683 1.3559683 1.3559683 3.755067 3.755067 3.755067
0033 0.8698664 0.8698664 0.8698664 5.257094 5.257094 5.257094
0047 1.9444073 1.9444073 1.8164858 3.004054 3.004054 3.004054

> cm<-merge(mer11,mar,by="row.names",all=TRUE)
> head(cm,3)
  Row.names 90       70       690      670       650      630       610 590
1      0003  0 0.000000 0.8171377 2.527024 0.8724953 1.782318 0.9383425   0
2      0033  0 7.054425 0.8171377 1.684683 0.8724953 0.000000 1.8766849   1
3      0047  0 0.000000 2.4514130 3.369366 0.8724953 4.455796 4.6917123   3
       570      550      530      510 50      490      470      450      430
1 1.042360 1.161071 3.177354 0.000000  0 3.486058 1.215446 2.428767 1.380171
2 0.000000 1.161071 1.059118 2.176499  0 3.486058 0.000000 2.428767 0.000000
3 3.127081 0.000000 2.118236 5.441247  0 4.648077 3.646339 2.428767 1.380171
       410      390      370 350      330      310      290      270      250
1 1.474194 0.000000 0.000000   0 1.652977 2.054021 1.952057 4.388583 2.164957
2 1.474194 1.408377 1.639110   0 1.652977 0.000000 1.952057 0.000000 2.164957
3 4.422581 1.408377 3.278221   0 1.652977 0.000000 1.952057 4.388583 0.000000
       230      210 190 170      150    130      110        p1        p3
1 0.000000 2.894423   0   0 8.029226 8.5164 4.929071 1.3559683 1.3559683
2 2.627976 0.000000   0   0 4.014613 4.2582 0.000000 0.8698664 0.8698664
3 5.255952 0.000000   0   0 4.014613 0.0000 0.000000 1.9444073 1.9444073
         p5      mp1      mp3      mp5
1 1.3559683 3.755067 3.755067 3.755067
2 0.8698664 5.257094 5.257094 5.257094
3 1.8164858 3.004054 3.004054 3.004054

> cm1<-na.omit(cm)
> cm2<-cm1[1:200,]
> cm2<-cm1[-1]
> rownames(cm2)<-cm1[,1]
> head(cm2,2)
     90       70       690      670       650      630       610 590     570
0003  0 0.000000 0.8171377 2.527024 0.8724953 1.782318 0.9383425   0 1.04236
0033  0 7.054425 0.8171377 1.684683 0.8724953 0.000000 1.8766849   1 0.00000

> co={}
> for(i in 1:33){ne_co=cor(cm2[,i],cm2[,34]){co<-cbind(co,ne_co)}

> co={}

for (i in 1:50){
for (j in 2:34){
> d<-matrix(co,nrow=33,ncol=50)
> colnames(d)<-paste("S_",seq(1,50,1,sep=""))
> rownames(d)<-colnames(cm)[2:34]
> head(d,3)
          S_1       S_2       S_3       S_4       S_5       S_6       S_7
90  0.9915502 0.9948556 0.9036831 0.8072887 0.9066141 0.8463588 0.8704763
70  0.9827493 0.9849512 0.7761056 0.7818305 0.7954177 0.7378713 0.8088688
690 0.9987495 0.9986940 0.9849712 0.9676668 0.9768251 0.9773340 0.9801521

> d1<-reshape2::melt(d)
> head(d1,3)
  Var1 Var2     value
1   90  S_1 0.9915502
2   70  S_1 0.9827493
3  690  S_1 0.9987495

> ggboxplot(d1,x='Var1',y='value',group='Var2',color="black",add="jitter",xlab="Gene Size",ylab="Cor",title="TMB(>1%) correlation with diff gene size",ggtheme=theme_pubr())+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,hjust = 1,colour="black",family="Times",size=10),panel.grid.major = element_blank(),panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),panel.background = element_blank(),axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),plot.margin = unit(c(2,2,2,2),"cm"))
ds<- d[sample(seq(1,dim(d)[1],1),50),]   #随机选择50行
ds1<-ds1<-ds[,c(1,2,5)]   #选择1%频率的
> ds1
     sampleID          a          d
2986     A14P  2.1746661  3.0040540
1842     7147  9.7220367 11.2652024
3371     A1N2  3.5818030  4.5060810
4761     A4A9  5.7053005  9.0121619
> colnames(ds1)<-c("sampleID","WES","652GenePanel")
> ggpaired(ds1,cond1='WES',cond2='652GenePanel',color='sampleID',width=0.1,line.size=0.5,line.color="grey",repel=T,title="WES vs 652GenePanel (50 samples show)",ylab="TMB value",xlab="")+theme(plot.margin = unit(c(2,2,2,2),"cm"),legend.position = "none")

> dim(d)
[1] 8411    7

> co={}
for (i in 1:50){
ds<- d[sample(seq(1,dim(d)[1],1),200),]
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