CATTI 英语翻译学习英语点滴


2021-12-11  本文已影响0人  海德公园流浪喵


China’s overall security environment remains sound. China is committed to build a moderately prosperous society in all-round way and a socialist harmonious society, and it enjoys steady economic growth, political stability, ethnic harmony, and social progress. Its overall strength has considerably increased, as has its international standing and influence. China’s practical cooperation with major countries continues to grow, its friendly relations with its neighbouring countries have developed steadily, and it is forging strong ties with other developing countries. This has given rise to a new relationship of mutual benefit and win-win between China and other countries.


security environment 安全环境

sound 良好的

be committed to do 致力于……

moderately prosperous society 小康社会

socialist harmonious society 社会主义和谐社会

steady economic growth 经济匀速增长

political stability 政治稳定

ethnic harmony 民族和睦

social progress 社会稳定

international standing 国际地位

practical cooperation 务实合作

forge strong tie 强化纽带联系

mutual benefit 互利

win-win 双赢


1. 这篇翻译选自政府外宣材料,词汇就很具有特色。很多词汇的翻译都是有固定表达的。像小康社会,社会主义和谐社会等等。因此这个材料更多是要去记那些专业词汇的固定表达。

2. 这种政府公文的翻译要尽量去做到“信”和“达”,“雅”在公文翻译中是次要目标。要完整原本的翻译原有公文,不能随意添加原文外的信息。有时间去分析和仿写外交部官网给的白皮书很有帮助。

3. 总体来说这篇练习对译者要求相对较高,难度较大,专业词汇的把握以及句式的转化。


