2018 年值得一看的前端文章
2019-02-12 本文已影响15人
原文地址:Top Web Development Articles of 2018
A list of the best JavaScript, React, Vue, Angular, and frontend stories of 2018. Required reading for all web developers.
Building the Google Photos Web UI
Google shows us how to build they build the complex, performant, and scalable UI behind Google Photos on web - The state of JavaScript 2018:Introduction
WebAssembly’s post-MVP future: A cartoon skill tree
A cartoon overview of the WebAssembly post-MVP future -
The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018
We learn the computational cost and UX impact to run JavaScript applications in 2018 -
Plans for the Next Iteration of Vue.js
Evan You shows us what will happen in the upcoming major version release for Vue 3.0 -
Developer Survey Results
StackOverflow shows us what developers value the most -
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.
Sunil Sandhu creates a React and Vue app side-by-side -
The Front-End Checklist
David Dias builds up the front-end checklist and helps us improve our web apps -
Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion
GitHub is purchased by Microsoft -
React Conf recap: Hooks, Suspense, and Concurrent Rendering
We learn the future of React with Hooks, Suspense, and Concurrent Rendering -
The Complete JavaScript Handbook
Flavio Copes shares the complete JavaScript handbook -
TypeScript 3.0
TypeScript 3 is released -
Ultimate React Component Patterns with Typescript 2.8
The ultimate guide to React patterns using TypeScript -
React Native at Airbnb
Airbnb shows us their 2-year experience using React Native -
What's in a Production Web Application?
We learn what is a production web application means -
Inside look at modern web browser (part 1)
An inside look at modern web browsers -
The Yoda of Silicon Valley
A profile on Donal Knuth, a figurehead of modern programming -
So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1)
Charles Scalfani gives us a 3 part series on how to become a functional programmer with JavaScript examples -
How I went from newbie to Software Engineer in 9 months while working full time
Austin Tackaberry shares his 9-month journey into becoming a software engineer -
Redux vs. The React Context API
Redux vs the new React context API -
Segment releases Evergreen, a design system for React -
An Extensive Guide To Progressive Web Applications
An extensive guide to progressive web apps -
Growth Engineering at Netflix — Accelerating Innovation
Understand UI/UX with an overview of growth engineering at Netflix -
A Recap of Frontend Development in 2018
For a full recap of frontend development, check out -
React & Redux Tutorial - Build a Hacker News Clone
Tutorial to build a production React / Redux / Styled Components app from scratch