那些你经常说错的英文系列--1 -
×误:They met at 2:00 afternoon.
√正:They met at 2:00 in the afternoon.
说明:早晨、下午、晚上,而要说in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening.
说某日的早晨、下午、晚上要用介词on. ∷如:on a fine afternoon在一个晴朗下午 on Friday morning在周五早晨 on Sunday evening在周日的傍晚
this morning,this afternoon,this evening就不用介词了。
What time do you usually go to bed?
Do not go to the schoolto see her in class. 不要上课时去学校看她。
I went to the hospitalto see my good friend tomorrow. 我昨天去医院探望我的好
×误:The child went to the bed at ten last night. √正:The child went to bed at ten last night.
说明:go to bed“就寝”是固定词组,同go to school“上学”一样,在bed及school前不加冠词。
go to the school去这个学校
It is time the children go to bed.
×误:My old father's body is good.
√正:My old father is sound in body.
体好”的用法。如: “to be sound(健康的)in body”,be well,be ok短语都可以。body对应词mind,soul,spirit
∷如:body and soul身心。
He devoted himself body and soulto his study. 他全身心地投入到学习中。
The police have found a bodyin the old canal. 警察在老运河中发现了一具尸体。
A sound mind in a sound body. 健康的心理寓于健康的身体。(谚语)
She had injuries to her head and body. 她的头部和身躯都受了伤。
You can imprison my body but not my mind. 你可以禁锢我的身体,但你不能禁锢我的精神。
in a body全体,一起
keep body and soul together苟延残喘
own sb body and soul完全主宰某人
body clock人体生物钟
body language身势语,体态语
×误:Whenever I get an opportunity,I'll see my teachers.
√正:Whenever I get a chance,I'll see my teachers.
∷如:I had a chance(opportunity)to visit Paris three years ago.
We had a chanceto visit the Louvre when we were in Paris. We had an opportunityto visit the Louvre when we were in Paris.
但chance强调机会的“偶然性”和“可能性”,而opportunity则 指“好机会”,
∷Have you got a spare stamp by any chance?
I missed a good opportunityto give my opinion on it. 我失去对那件事提出意见的好机会。
catch(seize,take)an opportunity抓住机会
You should go and see this film if you get the opportunity. 你若有机会,应该去看这部电影。
Chanceplays an important part in many card games.
stand a good chance大有希望 let a chance slip by错失机会
5city城市,都市;town城镇 ∴例:他们住在城市吗? ×误:Do they live in town? √正:Do they live in the city? 说明:city是“城市”,city life都市生活。而town城镇,一般指比村 village大,比城市city小。但英国的town和美国的city无大区别。 city前一般加冠词the,town前不加the。 ∷如:go up to town进城去 My family lived in the citylast year.我家去年住在这个城市。 I prefer the cityto the country.我喜欢城市生活多于乡村生活。 New York is an exciting city.纽约是一个令人兴奋的城市。
Now many friends spend their weekends out of town. 现在很多朋友到乡下度周末。
6.class,lesson课 ∴例:第一课很容易。
×误:Class One is very easy.
√正:Lesson One is very easy.
说明:class和lesson两个词都有“课”的意思,但class的原意是“等级,班级”或“一节课”。 ∷如:have a math class有节数学课 take a French class选一门法语课 ClassOne Grade Two二年一班 要说“第一课”只能说Lesson One或the first lesson,不能说Class One,Class One的意思是“一班”。
We watched an interesting video in classyesterday. We watched an interesting video during the lessonyesterday. 昨天我们在课堂上观看了一部有趣的录像。 Classesbegin at 8 o'clock in the morning.早晨八点开始上课。 They went to evening classesin local history on Sundays. 他们每周日去夜校上地方史课。 We have five intensive reading lessonsevery week. 每周我们有五节精读课。 Next month you will attend my English lesson. 下月你们将听我的英语课。teach sb a lesson教训某人 The incident taught children a lesson. 那意外事件给孩子们一个教训。
9.country,nation国家 ∴例:全国人民学习雷锋。
×误:The whole country should learn from Lei Feng.
√正:The whole nation should learn from Lei Feng.
∷如:Our country,China is in Asia. 我国位于亚洲。
There was snow over much of the countryduring the night. 夜间国内许多地区都下雪。 Bush spoke on radio to the nation. 布什向全国发表了广播演说。 The countryis opposed to war.举国上下反对战争。 The President is going to speak to the nationon television. 总统将在电视中向国民发表演说。 nation集合用法为“国民”(people)如上例句。 the voice of the nation人民之声 the French nation法国人民 a summit of the leaders of eight nations八国领袖的高峰会议