2022-02-25 本文已影响0人
Let me look in your mouth. 让我看看你的嘴巴里面。
Don‘t your gums feel itchy? / Your gums must be itching.你的牙床不会痒痒的吗?/你的牙床一定很痒。
Here‘s your teether. 这是给你要的玩具哦。
It seems like your baby teeth will come out. 看起来你的乳牙要长出来了。
Congratulations! You‘re about to get your first teeth.恭喜!你的第一颗牙齿要长出来了。
Finally, your baby teeth are coming out! 终于,你的乳牙长出来了。
Hey, baby, you have teeth now! 嘿,宝贝,你现在有牙齿了!
I see two front teeth on the bottom. 我看到在下面有两颗门牙。
I think you will have two front upper teeth soon. 我想你很快就会有两颗在上面的门牙。
Mommy will brush your teeth, Sweetie. 甜心,妈咪帮你刷牙。
Mommy will massage you gums. 妈妈帮你按摩牙床。
Oh my! You drool too much, Honey. 喔!宝贝,你流太多口水了。
You‘ve gotten a rash from all that drooling. 你流这么多的口水,长疹子了。