
2016-04-03  本文已影响0人  wangy0727

---title: lipid thickness and areadate: 2016-04-02 21:11:08tags:

MD,GPCR---- [4.3  Bilayer Thickness](#43--bilayer-thickness)    - [4.3.1

Script 1, Parameter File

param_example](#431-script-1-parameter-file--param_example)    - [4.3.2

Script 2,  split trajectory files \(.xtc\) to a time series of gro


- [4.3.3 Script 3, modify the input .gro file name in the

param_example file, run GridMAT-MD and rename output


- [4.3.4  Calculate the mean and the variance of the average

thickness of the


[4.4  Area per Lipid Headgroup](#44--area-per-lipid-headgroup)    -

[4.4.1 Script 1, Parameter File

param_example](#441-script-1-parameter-file--param_example)    - [4.4.2

Script 2: modify the input .gro file name in the param_example file, run

GridMAT-MD and rename output


- [4.4.3 Calculate the mean and the variance of the top area of the


4.3  Bilayer ThicknessThere is no GROMACS tool capable of calculating

area per lipid headgroup in the presence of a membrane protein. For a

pure membrane, this quantity is simply (Box-X * Box-Y)/(# of lipids).

The box vectors can be easily extracted from the .edr file using gmx

energy. In the case of an embedded protein, such as KALP15, how much

space does the protein occupy? We have run a program that addresses this

problem, GridMAT-MD. It measures area per lipid headgroup, as well as

bilayer thickness as a projection across the 2-D bilayer plane

(ref).Analyzing area per lipid headgroup is a valuable parameter when

verifying that your membrane did not inappropriately enter a gel phase

during the simulation.###### 4.3.1 Script 1, Parameter File


- This is the parameter file for

##     - arguments and values must be separated by white

space (tab or space, any amount) ##     - comments must be preceeded by

a '#' sign                                         ##     - run this

program by typing:   "perl param_example"


Input file and input file parameterscoord_file

step7_9.grofile_type               gronum_frames

1num_lipid_types         1resname1                DMPCatomname1

Psolvent                 TIP3        #  solvent /ion name must be

the same as the .gro fileions                    CLA,SOD  ####### Define

the size and shape of the gridbox_size                vectors#

override_vectors        8.2,8.2,13.5grid

20conserve_ratio          yes###### Define whether there is a protein

embedded in the bilayerprotein                 noprecision

1.3P_value                 5.0###### Define the desired output files

and formatoutput_prefix           outputoutput_format

columnthickness               yesarea                    no```######

4.3.2 Script 2,  split trajectory files (.xtc) to a time series of gro

filesThis  script splits trajectory files (.xtc) to a time series of gro


timeout 20puts ""puts "Split Trajectoies into Seperate Structure

Files(.gro format)"puts ""puts

"=================================================="set command "gmx

trjconv";set structure_file

"/home/wangy0727/Desktop/CXCR1_tleap/step7_1.gro";set trajectory_file

"/home/wangy0727/Desktop/CXCR1_tleap/step19_fit_skip.xtc";set t0 1;set

t1 400;set delta_t 1;puts "Structure File: $structure_file"puts

"Trajectory File: $trajectory_file"puts

"==================================================="spawn bashsend

"source ~/.profile\n"; # set environmentfor {set t $t0} {$t < $t1}

{incr t $delta_t} {    puts ""    puts

"-----------------$t-----------------------"    puts "time: $t ns"

set time [expr {$t * 1000}]    send "$command -s $structure_file -f

$trajectory_file -dump $time -o frames/$t.gro\n"    #send "ls -l\n"

expect "Select a group:"    send "0\n"    expect "bash-3.2"}#expect

eofexit```###### 4.3.3 Script 3, modify the input .gro file name in the

param_example file, run GridMAT-MD and rename output filesThis scipt

could be run by```bashsh``````bashbegin=1end=400for

((i=begin;i$i  #modify the input .gro file name in the param_example

file        perl $i # run          mv

output.frame1.20x20.average_thickness.dat $i.dat #rename output

filesdone```###### 4.3.4  Calculate the mean and the variance of the

average thickness of the meanbrane```bashsh``````bashbegin=1end=400for ((i=begin;i> output_file,

np.mean(data),np.var(data)```Plot error bar files.```bashpython 2_400.dat average.png``````python"""Simple demo of a

horizontal bar chart.""""""Demo of the errorbar function."""import numpy

as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport matplotlib.patches as

patchesimport matplotlib.path as pathfrom StringIO import StringIOimport

argparseimport sysimport re parser =


nargs='?',help="the name of the input

file")parser.add_argument('outfile', nargs='?',help="the name of the

input file")args=


input_filex1=np.genfromtxt(input_file,dtype =float)data = x1print data#

example datax = np.arange(len(data[:,0]))y = data[:,0]plt.errorbar(x,




4.4  Area per Lipid Headgroup###### 4.4.1 Script 1, Parameter File


- This is the parameter file for

##     - arguments and values must be separated by white

space (tab or space, any amount) ##     - comments must be preceeded by

a '#' sign                                         ##     - run this

program by typing:   "perl param_example"


Input file and input file parameterscoord_file

step7_9.grofile_type               gronum_frames

1num_lipid_types         1resname1                DMPCatomname1

Psolvent                 TIP3        #  solvent /ion name must be

the same as the .gro fileions                    CLA,SOD  ####### Define

the size and shape of the gridbox_size                vectors#

override_vectors        8.2,8.2,13.5grid

20conserve_ratio          yes###### Define whether there is a protein

embedded in the bilayerprotein                 noprecision

1.3P_value                 5.0###### Define the desired output files

and formatoutput_prefix           outputoutput_format

columnthickness               noarea                    yes   # output

area```###### 4.4.2 Script 2: modify the input .gro file name in the

param_example file, run GridMAT-MD and rename output filesThis script

could be run by```bashsh``````bashbegin=2end=400for

((i=begin;i$i        perl $i        sed '1,3d'

output.frame1.20x20.top_areas.dat > $i.dat         done```######

4.4.3 Calculate the mean and the variance of the top area of the

meanbraneThis script could be run by```bashsh``````bashbegin=2end=400for ((i=begin;i> output_file,



Top area

![Top area](/home/wangy0727/Desktop/CXCR1_tleap/GridMAT-MD_v2.0/frames/top_area.png)

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