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2019-05-09, 《The Gift》

2019-05-09  本文已影响22人  随机运动

I have been listening to the book 《The Gift》by Danielle Steel on and off for a few days. And last night, I had to continue to listen until I finished it. It was a pretty old book that was published in the '90s. I was so taken by the story near the end that I found myself in tears.

It was funny that the library app on my iPhone probably figured out what I love to read, it recommended a few more of the author's books after I read 《The Right Time》for the inspiration on writing. This one has nothing to do with writing but inspired me on what's life is about.

The story didn't involve any thrilling adventure nor did any car chasing. But a master is indeed a master of storytelling. She started with the story of a normal family with child death, gradually brought the storyline to the climax through subtle details to make a point: Some people were like angels, they came and went in someone else's life to enrich someone's life. And life is an ultimate precious gift.

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