

2019-01-16  本文已影响0人  郝嗨森


Sending a message to an object that does not handle that message is an error. However, before announcing the error, the runtime system gives the receiving object a second chance to handle the message.



If you send a message to an object that does not handle that message, before announcing an error the runtime sends the object a forwardInvocation: message with an NSInvocation object as its sole argument—the NSInvocation object encapsulates the original message and the arguments that were passed with it.


You can implement a forwardInvocation: method to give a default response to the message, or to avoid the error in some other way. As its name implies, forwardInvocation: is commonly used to forward the message to another object.


To see the scope and intent of forwarding, imagine the following scenarios: Suppose, first, that you’re designing an object that can respond to a message called negotiate, and you want its response to include the response of another kind of object. You could accomplish this easily by passing a negotiate message to the other object somewhere in the body of the negotiate method you implement.


// class A
- (void)negotiate {
    // A类对消息的响应
    NSLog(@"A 类的响应");
    // 让B类也响应
    B *b = [B new];
    [b negotiate]; 

Take this a step further, and suppose that you want your object’s response to a negotiate message to be exactly the response implemented in another class. One way to accomplish this would be to make your class inherit the method from the other class. However, it might not be possible to arrange things this way. There may be good reasons why your class and the class that implements negotiate are in different branches of the inheritance hierarchy.


Even if your class can’t inherit the negotiate method, you can still “borrow” it by implementing a version of the method that simply passes the message on to an instance of the other class:


- (id)negotiate
    if ( [someOtherObject respondsTo:@selector(negotiate)] )
        return [someOtherObject negotiate];
    return self;

This way of doing things could get a little cumbersome, especially if there were a number of messages you wanted your object to pass on to the other object. You’d have to implement one method to cover each method you wanted to borrow from the other class. Moreover, it would be impossible to handle cases where you didn’t know, at the time you wrote the code, the full set of messages you might want to forward. That set might depend on events at runtime, and it might change as new methods and classes are implemented in the future.


The second chance offered by a forwardInvocation: message provides a less ad hoc solution to this problem, and one that’s dynamic rather than static. It works like this: When an object can’t respond to a message because it doesn’t have a method matching the selector in the message, the runtime system informs the object by sending it a forwardInvocation: message. Every object inherits a forwardInvocation: method from the NSObject class. However, NSObject’s version of the method simply invokes doesNotRecognizeSelector:. By overriding NSObject’s version and implementing your own, you can take advantage of the opportunity that the forwardInvocation: message provides to forward messages to other objects.


To forward a message, all a forwardInvocation: method needs to do is:

  • Determine where the message should go, and
  • Send it there with its original arguments.
    The message can be sent with the invokeWithTarget: method:


- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
    if ([someOtherObject respondsToSelector:
            [anInvocation selector]])
        [anInvocation invokeWithTarget:someOtherObject];
        [super forwardInvocation:anInvocation];

The return value of the message that’s forwarded is returned to the original sender. All types of return values can be delivered to the sender, including ids, structures, and double-precision floating-point numbers.


A forwardInvocation: method can act as a distribution center for unrecognized messages, parceling them out to different receivers. Or it can be a transfer station, sending all messages to the same destination. It can translate one message into another, or simply “swallow” some messages so there’s no response and no error. A forwardInvocation: method can also consolidate several messages into a single response. What forwardInvocation: does is up to the implementor. However, the opportunity it provides for linking objects in a forwarding chain opens up possibilities for program design.


Note: The forwardInvocation: method gets to handle messages only if they don’t invoke an existing method in the nominal receiver. If, for example, you want your object to forward negotiate messages to another object, it can’t have a negotiate method of its own. If it does, the message will never reach forwardInvocation:.



Forwarding mimics inheritance, and can be used to lend some of the effects of multiple inheritance to Objective-C programs. As shown in Figure 5-1, an object that responds to a message by forwarding it appears to borrow or “inherit” a method implementation defined in another class.



In this illustration, an instance of the Warrior class forwards a negotiate message to an instance of the Diplomat class. The Warrior will appear to negotiate like a Diplomat. It will seem to respond to the negotiate message, and for all practical purposes it does respond (although it’s really a Diplomat that’s doing the work).


The object that forwards a message thus “inherits” methods from two branches of the inheritance hierarchy—its own branch and that of the object that responds to the message. In the example above, it appears as if the Warrior class inherits from Diplomat as well as its own superclass.


Forwarding provides most of the features that you typically want from multiple inheritance. However, there’s an important difference between the two: Multiple inheritance combines different capabilities in a single object. It tends toward large, multifaceted objects. Forwarding, on the other hand, assigns separate responsibilities to disparate objects. It decomposes problems into smaller objects, but associates those objects in a way that’s transparent to the message sender.



Forwarding not only mimics multiple inheritance, it also makes it possible to develop lightweight objects that represent or “cover” more substantial objects. The surrogate stands in for the other object and funnels messages to it.


The proxy discussed in “Remote Messaging” in The Objective-C Programming Language is such a surrogate. A proxy takes care of the administrative details of forwarding messages to a remote receiver, making sure argument values are copied and retrieved across the connection, and so on. But it doesn’t attempt to do much else; it doesn’t duplicate the functionality of the remote object but simply gives the remote object a local address, a place where it can receive messages in another application.

The Objective-C Programming Language中的“远程消息传递”中提到的proxy就是这样的一个代理。proxy负责转发消息给远程接收者的管理细节,通过连接确保参数值被复制和检索,等等。但是他并没有尝试做更多其他的事情;它不会复制远程对象的功能,而只是给远程对象一个可以在另一个程序中接收消息的本地地址。

Other kinds of surrogate objects are also possible. Suppose, for example, that you have an object that manipulates a lot of data—perhaps it creates a complicated image or reads the contents of a file on disk. Setting this object up could be time-consuming, so you prefer to do it lazily—when it’s really needed or when system resources are temporarily idle. At the same time, you need at least a placeholder for this object in order for the other objects in the application to function properly.


In this circumstance, you could initially create, not the full-fledged object, but a lightweight surrogate for it. This object could do some things on its own, such as answer questions about the data, but mostly it would just hold a place for the larger object and, when the time came, forward messages to it. When the surrogate’s forwardInvocation: method first receives a message destined for the other object, it would ensure that the object existed and would create it if it didn’t. All messages for the larger object go through the surrogate, so, as far as the rest of the program is concerned, the surrogate and the larger object would be the same.



Although forwarding mimics inheritance, the NSObject class never confuses the two. Methods like respondsToSelector: and isKindOfClass: look only at the inheritance hierarchy, never at the forwarding chain. If, for example, a Warrior object is asked whether it responds to a negotiate message,

虽然转发模仿继承,但是NSObject类永远不会混淆这两个。像respondsToSelector:isKindOfClass: 这些方法看起来只在继承层次中,永远不会再转发链中。例如,如果一个Warrior对象被请求是否能响应negotiate消息,

if ( [aWarrior respondsToSelector:@selector(negotiate)] )

the answer is NO, even though it can receive negotiate messages without error and respond to them, in a sense, by forwarding them to a Diplomat. (See Figure 5-1.)


In many cases, NO is the right answer. But it may not be. If you use forwarding to set up a surrogate object or to extend the capabilities of a class, the forwarding mechanism should probably be as transparent as inheritance. If you want your objects to act as if they truly inherited the behavior of the objects they forward messages to, you’ll need to re-implement the respondsToSelector: and isKindOfClass: methods to include your forwarding algorithm:

在很多情况下,NO是正确的答案。但也有可能不是。如果你使用转发设置一个代理对象或者扩展一个类的功能,转发机制应该会像继承一样透明。如果你希望对象表现得好像真的继承了它们转发消息的对象的行为一样,你将需要实现方法respondsToSelector:isKindOfClass: 来包含你的转发算法。

- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector
    if ( [super respondsToSelector:aSelector] )
        return YES;
    else {
        /* Here, test whether the aSelector message can     *
         * be forwarded to another object and whether that  *
         * object can respond to it. Return YES if it can.  */
    return NO;

In addition to respondsToSelector: and isKindOfClass:, the instancesRespondToSelector: method should also mirror the forwarding algorithm. If protocols are used, the conformsToProtocol:method should likewise be added to the list. Similarly, if an object forwards any remote messages it receives, it should have a version of methodSignatureForSelector: that can return accurate descriptions of the methods that ultimately respond to the forwarded messages; for example, if an object is able to forward a message to its surrogate, you would implement methodSignatureForSelector: as follows:

除了respondsToSelector: and isKindOfClass:,方法instancesRespondToSelector:也应该同样转发算法。如果使用了协议,conformsToProtocol:方法同样应该添加到列表中。同样地,如果一个对象转发任何它收到的消息,它应该实现methodSignatureForSelector:的一个版本来返回最终响应转发消息的方法的准确描述;例如,如果一个对象能够转发消息给它的代理,你应该像下面这样实现methodSignatureForSelector:方法:

- (NSMethodSignature*)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector
    NSMethodSignature* signature = [super methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
    if (!signature) {
       signature = [surrogate methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
    return signature;

You might consider putting the forwarding algorithm somewhere in private code and have all these methods, forwardInvocation: included, call it.


Note: This is an advanced technique, suitable only for situations where no other solution is possible. It is not intended as a replacement for inheritance. If you must make use of this technique, make sure you fully understand the behavior of the class doing the forwarding and the class you’re forwarding to.


The methods mentioned in this section are described in the NSObject class specification in the Foundation framework reference. For information on invokeWithTarget:, see the NSInvocation class specification in the Foundation framework reference.

本节中提到的方法在Foundation框架参考中的 NSObject 类规范中进行了描述。 有关invokeWithTarget:的信息,请参阅Foundation框架参考中的 NSInvocation 类规范。

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