
Black Panther Symbolism & Meaning黑豹的神圣意义
Black Panther speaks to our soul with the shimmering energy of the Moon. This big cat is the ultimate shapeshifter, the master of disguise. Panther’s sleek black coat cloaks its true identity in the shadows. It isn’t until you are close to a Panther that their illusion is revealed and who they really are can be seen.
But, good luck getting close to this elusive animal and any human for which Black Panther is their Totem Animal.
The Black Panther is actually a Leopard or Jaguar (usually, though it can be any big cat) with a genetic difference that gives them a black coat. It isn’t until you get very close that you can see slight color variations – mostly spots. So, while the old saying of “A leopard can’t change its spots” might be true, they can hide them. In this ability to masque its authentic nature is where we find the Black Panther’s deepest symbolism and meanings.
Egyptian priests wore a Panther tail to give them strength and safety during sacred rituals. It was also a Panther who diligently protected IO, Zeus’s beloved heifer.
In nature, Black Panthers can move over short distances very quickly, leading to the symbolic meaning of swift, graceful action. When you find yourself seeking out Panther Medicine, you may find yourself likewise having to make fast choices. After making that move, however, don’t maintain that pace as Panther cannot go the distance for very long.
Black Panther is a loner. This Spirit is one of solitary study who often walks alone. This is not a lonely life, rather one of choice that develops Panther’s senses especially to psychic abilities and magic. They hunt silently seeming to appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. This means that Black Panther people can be very elusive. You may have to wait for them to find you.
Because Panther has lunar ties, they hold the power of mysticism and the safety of darkness. Her wisdom and knowledge is a deep as the night itself. She is sensitive to vibrations that others cannot process, and very in touch with her sensual, sexual self. When Black Panther walks with you, your love life is about to take on whole new intensity.
A Black Panther’s stare is intense. You cannot avoid its piercing awareness. This Spirit Animal strips away all facades and understands others down to a cellular level. It is a very powerful guide, and one worthy of deep respect.
Black Panther Spirit Animal黑豹神圣动物
Black Panther as a Spirit Animal often comes those who need protection. Panthers, generally speaking, is smaller than lions or tigers – yet far more fierce.
This Sacred Mother watches over those She chooses with great courage, often chasing away our own fears of those things we don’t understand with her proactive bravery.
See, the Panther Spirit Animal helps us navigate darkness, within and without. As we follow Her lead, we transform doubts into strengths so that we may inevitably be birthed into a new level of awareness.
Mothers who need help leaving a toxic marriage often find Black Panther appearing as their Spirit Animal.
Black Panther Totem Animal黑豹图腾动物
Those born with a Black Panther Totem Animal have a natural understanding of life’s cycles. They are graceful individuals who move in and out of our lives, often with little notice. Panther people typically seeks out other solitary souls who value brief connection.
Panther is cautiously curious. She has deep running passions that beg for expression. If your Totem Animal is a Black Panther, this is part of your power. You need that release, but frequently without commitment.
It’s said that the most powerful form of communication available to humans is complete silence. Those with Panther as a Totem Animal know when to be silent and have the strength to do so. Additionally, Panther people rarely reveal too much about themselves.