

2017-02-12  本文已影响0人  觉智师兄

On Practice I 【修行 (一) - 英文】


The purpose of practice is to eliminate our greed, anger, and ignorance so that our deeds, words, and thoughts will be pure and clean.


Wisdom will not unfold for those who do not eradicate their greed, anger, and ignorance.


Likewise, those who cling to the pleasure of the six gunas (sense objects, i.e. sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, andideas) cannot unfold their wisdom.


Most of the karma we are born with is negative, little is virtuous. Therefore, we must practice asceticism to eradicate our karmic obstructions.


Only after the evil thoughts have been expelled can right mindfulness come to the fore in us and steer us away from Klesa (vexations, i.e.attitudes, views, emotional states, or conditions, arising from attachments that cause suffering or disharmony).


When Master Hsu Yun set out on his pilgrimage, he left bare-footed, took along only a stool and a simple bundle, and passed many a day with scanty food. He would just follow his path, never worrying about the next day. Since his mind was free of clinging, the dragon kings and Dharmapala (defenders of the dharma) protected and maintained him. We simply lack such determination; or else there should be nothing we could not accomplish in our practice.


"Withno designated time and place to feed, wild cranes have the whole wild world for themselves to find food instead." They fly and rest as they please and are truly at ease. Our practice ought to be like that: remain tranquil whereverat rest or in action. With no attachment and hindrance, our mind remains stilland unmoved. Such is the state of true "Samadhi" (true Buddhist concentration).


The negative karma we have accumulated in the eons has grown as high as a mountain. The purpose of practice is to eradicate such karma. If we fail to practice diligently and continue to create more negative karma, that mountain of obstruction will grow to even more formidable height, barring us from escaping the cycle of birth and death.

——Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)


On Practice II 【修行 (二) - 英文】


Ascetic practice means cleansing our minds, or replacing the bad seeds within us: washing away the seeds of greed, anger, and ignorance that common people cling to, replacing them by seeds of buddhahood and bodhisattvahood, such as kindness, compassion, joy and relinquishment.


Expect and embrace obstacles! For without them, we cannot make progress in our practice. Only when we comprehend the true nature of adversity and are free of vexations would our wisdom unfold.


Practice means to dedicate to good deedsthat ordinary people will not do. In this way, we will be able to eradicate karma and raise virtues. Therefore, we should vow to practice diligently. Let us not argue with others and refuse to take up tasks thinking "that matter is no concern of mine", bickering as worldly persons do. Practitioners do not haggle, do not be calculating on how little work the others have done as opposed to "how much work I have done." Such behavior undermines practice and would not facilitate the advance of virtues and wisdom.


The purpose of practice is to retrieve the true self of us, the true self that exists even before we were born. Those whose wisdom have not yet unfolded probably are not able to understand it yet. It is just like the moon veiled by dark clouds and its true face cannot be seen.

——Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)


On Practice III 【修行 (三) -英文】


Practitioners should not quibble over who is right or wrong. When being wronged, we accept it even when we think we are right. If we are ready to admit mistakes and accept the wrong deeds that we are accused of, we will remain untroubled. If not, our mind will be disturbed and vexation will follow.


Ascetic practice means training ourselves to "renounce the body" (i.e. renounce physical desires and cravings). We should realize that no matter how well we take care of it, this body is created and will eventually decay. What does it mean when we speak of "renouncing the body"? It means to wear coarse clothes and to eat simple fare, and in general to live a simple life. To stop craving for lavish clothes, meals, and living conditions is the first step into practice.


The harder the path of practice, the closer to enlightenment we will be.

Do not expect people to treat us well, otherwise we will be no different than a lay person.


Learn to be willing to take losses or be taken advantage of without resentment. Be tolerant rather than calculating so that we may progress in practice.

(常自见己过,与道即相当。) 一个越有修行的人,越会发觉自己的缺失而觉得惭愧忏悔。

"Keep constant watch over our own transgressions, and we will not stray away from the right path". The more we practice, the easier it will become for us to discover our own shortcomings and feel remorse.


Keep on practicing until we are capable of remaining tranquil and unfettered whether in action or stillness. What does this mean? It means that while we are active, our mind should stay calm and unswayed by our concerns. While we are instillness, we must not cling to the thought, or to the appearance, of the stillness.


"Sweep the dust by chanting the name of (Amitabha) Buddha, and the Lotus will blossom and flourish." Thisstanza means that we practitioners ought to be guided by right mindfulness, purify our minds and turn all evil thoughts into proper ones by incessant mindfulness of the Buddha.


Take everything as it comes; nothing ought to disturb the mind of a practitioner. Forgo our cravings for worldly goods such as clothes, meals, housing, cars, as well as all our sense of judgment, praise, or blame. Once we have untied ourselves from physical and mental distractions, wisdom will unfold. Conduct our daily lives in an unobtrusive fashion-- maintaining an ordinary mind is the way. Also, abstain from both vexation and exultation. Treat others with an ordinary mind, neither overly kind nor too harsh. Foster good karmic affinity with others when occasions arise, but it is not necessary to make efforts deliberately to get to know someone or hang around with someone. Be forever on the watch over our own thoughts and alert ourselves whenever an evil notion arises.

——Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》



