headless browser automation and
I planned to continue researching Gauge framework today, but Fengwei introduced Phantomjs to me, so I did a bit research on it.
The first few things I learnt are:
the development of PhantomJs has been stopped.
however, PhantomJs has a large amount of stars in github, then it must be a good product ever.
By watching the video on youtube published 3 years ago, I learnt it had been widely used by various big companies for web automations. So I decided to give a try on it even though it had faded out for a reason. but after I finished setting up the environment, and write the following code:
def setUp(self):
self.dirver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
following error message pops up:
UserWarning: Selenium support for PhantomJS has been deprecated.
Then I googled it, and found nowadays, people switched to use headless chrome (with webdriver v59+), and here is how it works:
from seleniumimport webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.optionsimport Options
chrome_options = Options()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)
print "finished"
yeah! Now the code will take the screenshot without popping up chrome browser, and print "finished" before the test finishes.
Here are more about headless Chrome:
The easiest way to get started with headless mode is to open the Chrome binary from the command line. If you've got Chrome 59+ installed, start Chrome with the --headless flag:
\--headless \ # Runs Chrome in headless mode.
--disable-gpu \ # Temporarily needed if running on Windows.
--remote-debugging-port=9222 \
https://www.chromestatus.com # URL to open. Defaults to about:blank.
Ps. To add chromdriver to the $PATH, here's another way:
sudo vi /etc/paths.d/web_driver
input driver directory to the file then save it.