Houdini VEX(十九)格式化打印

2019-08-08  本文已影响0人  Joe_Game

The format string is a simpler version of the C printf format string. When a % symbol is found in the string, an argument will be printed out in a format specified by the characters following the % symbol. The conversion of the argument is specified by a single letter: g, f, s, d, x, c, p.
格式化字符串是一个简单的版本的C printf格式字符串。当字符串中有一个%符号时,一个参数将以字符的形式在%符号后面以指定的格式输出。参数的转换由一个字母指定:g,f,s,d,x,c,p。
You can prefix the format option with an optional prefix characters to control the formatting of the output. The general form of a prefix is [flags][width][.precision][format], where Flags can be:
你可以使用可选前缀字符对格式选项进行前缀,以控制输出格式。前缀的一般形式是[宽度] [精度]格式],可用标志有:
-: The result will be left justified in the field
-: 结果会被左对齐。
+: A numeric value will be prefixed with either + for positive values. A non- standard behavior of this flag is that string arguments will be quoted when the + flag is set.
0: For numeric values, leading zeros are used to pad the field.
The width can be specified by one or more decimal digits. Alternately, if an asterisk () is given, the width will be taken from the next value in the printf argument list.
宽度 即打印出多少个字符 不够的话用空格或0补(flag为0则补0 否则补空格)

The precision can be specified by one or more decimal digits. Alternately, if an asterisk () is given, the width will be taken from the next value in the printf argument list.

The different format characters supported are

%g, %p, %c
Print an integer float, vector, vector4, matrix3, matrix or string in "general" form.

%f, %e, %E
Print a float, vector, vector4, matrix3 or matrix in floating point form.

Print a string.

%d, %i
Print an integer variable in decimal.

%x, %X
Print an integer variable in hexidecimal. The value will be prefixed with "0x" (i.e. 0×42).

Print an integer variable in octal.

Print a percent sign (%).

string var_string = "abcdef";
float var_float = 1.23456789;
int var_int = 256;

printf("string: %+1s, float: %10.3f, integer: %-6d \n", var_string, var_float, var_int);
// string = abcdef
// %[+-][length]s 

// %10s -> ____abcdef
// %-10s -> abcdef____
// %+10s -> __"abcdef"
// %+-10s -> "abcdef"__

// float = 1.23456789
// %[+-][0][length][precision]f

// %8.3f -> ___1.235
// %-8.3f -> 1.235___
// %08.3f -> 0001.235
// %+8.3f -> __+1.235 (+ shows sign)

// integer = 256
// %[+-][0][length]d

// %6d -> ___256
// %+6d -> __+256
// %-6d -> 256___
// %06d -> 000256


// escaping characters in string
// from my testing it requires 4 more backslashes to escape \n
// when using raw strings, they are automatically escaped, but @ symbol still
// needs to be escaped
// following lines will output the same thing
// 4 backslashes are needed probably because hscript is parsing this text field
// and sending to vop's field, see the node bellow
string a = 'abc \\\\\n \\\\\t v\@P, %04.2f';
string b = "abc \\\\\n \\\\\t v\@P, %04.2f";
string c = r"abc \n \t v\@P, %04.2f";
string d = R"(abc \n \t v\@P, %04.2f)";

printf(a + "\n");
printf(b + "\n");
printf(c + "\n");
printf(d + "\n"); 

string multiLine = 
R"(It is possible to easily create multi
line strings with this syntax.
In some cases it might
be useful to do it this way,
rather then using \n
However as you have noticed it has weird
4 characters offset starting on the second line,
not sure if it is a bug or feature)";

printf(multiLine + '\n');

// sprintf() 类似printf() 
//而且起到 将输入值转化为字符串,并且返回该字符串的作用
string ss = sprintf('%010d', 20180412);
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