英语流利说-Level2·Unit3·Part3-An Acci

2018-08-12  本文已影响0人  Keyliva

An Accident

Yesterday, there was a terrible accident.

It happened in front of a subway station.

There was a cross walk, and the light was red.

Cars were coming from all directions.

A young man wanted to cross the street.

He didn't want to wait for the light to change.

He looked both ways, and then started to run across the street.

But he didn't see one car, and it hit him.

He flew up into the air and came down on the road.

His head was injured and he was bleeding.

Several people used their phones to call for an ambulance.

It arrived a few minites later and took the man away.

We stilled don't know if he lived or died.

Hopefully he is alive and will get better soon.

So be careful when you across the street.

An ambulance arrived and took him away.

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