
游戏1:1:Turkey PK Duck
1 Hello, I am Turkey Gobble, gobble, gobble
2, Hello, I am Duck Quack, quack, quack
3 A turkey says gobble; a duck says quack
4 Now, baby, do you want to be turkey or Duck?
5. Let's have a competition
游戏2: Chase Me, Turkey
1, Baby, look, I am turkey and you are duck
2 You stand behind the line and i stand at this point. You will walk to me and i will turn back. If I see you move, I will chase you! Ready? Set! gol
3, Haha, gobble, gobble, gobble, I am chasing you little duck.
4, Now it's your turn to be the turkey
游戏3: Catch you!
1, Here is a scarf, and i will cover my eyes with it.
2, Do you want to be the turkey or duck ,baby? A duck, ok, so a duck says Quack, quack ,quack. And daddy will be the turkey. Gobble, gobble, gobble.
3, We will play in our bedroom and you find a place to stay still. Baby will say quack, quack and Daddy will say gobble, gobble, and mommy will catch you!