藍/BLUE | 「全新的 Issue 1 – 诗,语言的想象与
I created the name and hope that I can do something with this beautiful name. Though it maybe a slow process, but along the way, while facing the new challenges, I believe I can learn something as well.
I have a dream of writing, and hope that my novels can be published some day.
I have a dream of making a magazine of my own, in which, I will write about anything related to blue, literature, poem and reading. I know it is hard in the real life, but I believe in the power and strength of literature and words, so that is the reason that I want to engage in this. This will become a spirit garden of my own.
Most importantly, I am fond of the culture of Japanese magazines and I am a big fan of them. Through my effort, I hope that I can understand how to make a magazine, and in the end, understand WHAT make a magazine exist permanently.
At this stage, I won’t consider who will read and what people like, and I will just focus on what I really want to express.
I am not a person full of fabulous ideas and excellent outcome, but I am eager to create something, because it make me feel the vitality and enthusiasm.
So, I am on the way. ”
关于“藍/BLUE“ Issue 1
关于用日文写诗。我在日文写作这方面还是相当薄弱的, 不过尽管不足,也还想慢慢地做一些。