

2021-04-20  本文已影响0人  super刊

1. 阿蒙·戈斯:“This is very cruel, Oskar. You're giving them hope. You shouldn't do that. *That's* cruel! ”这是非常残忍的,奥斯卡。你在给他们希望。你不该那么做。太TM残忍了!- 《辛德勒的名单》(1993)

2. 阿蒙·戈斯:“Today is history. Today will be remembered. Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day. Today is history and you are part of it. ”今天是历史性的一天,今天将会被永远记住。很多年以后,年轻人将会用崇敬和好奇来询问今天发生的一切。今天是历史性的一天、并且你们就是其中的一部分。-《辛德勒的名单》(1993)

3. 卡尔文·坎迪:“Broomhilda is my property. And I can choose to do with my property, whatever I so desire. ” 布隆希达是我的财产。我可以随意支配我的财产。-《被解救的姜戈》(2012)

4. 卡尔文·坎迪: “Gentlemen, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. ”先生们,你们之前激发了我的好奇心,现在你们赢得了我的注意。- 《被解救的姜戈》(2012)

5. 汉斯·兰达:"So, gentlemen, let's discuss the prospect of ending the war tonight." 那么,先生们,我们今晚来探讨一下结束战争的可能性。- 《无耻混蛋》(2007)

6. "I love rumors! … 我爱谣言!-《无耻混蛋》(2007)

7. 沃顿·诺顿:“I believe in two things. Discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord.  我信奉这两样:纪律和圣经。两样你们都会有- 《肖申克的救赎》(1994)

8. 沃顿·诺顿:“Salvation lies within.” 救赎来自于内心。 - 《肖申克的救赎》(1994)

9. 汤米·德维托: "So What? He Got Shot In The Foot. What Is It? A Big Deal?" 那又怎样?我射中了他的脚。怎么了?有什么大不了了?- 《好家伙》(1990)

10. 汤米·德维托:"F***N Rat Anyway. His Family's All Rats. He'd Have Grown Up To Be A Rat." 不管怎样,干死那些卑鄙小人。他的家人都是小人。他长大后也会变成卑鄙小人。- 《好家伙》(1990)

11. 丹尼尔·普莱维: "I hate most people. I look at people and I don't see one thing worth liking." 我恨大多数人。我看着人们,看不到任何可爱之处。- 《血色将至》(2007)

12. 丹尼尔·普莱维:"I Want No One Else To Succeed." 我不想看到任何其他人成功。 - 《血色将至》(2007)

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