演讲学习打卡7/100 Public Speaking Tip-

2019-05-14  本文已影响0人  Kate_LU

Public Speaking Tip 2 Sharing from Craig Valentine 52 tips

在演讲要做升华的时候,有的时候我会遇到一种情况,感觉在硬上价值,从故事或者示例到升华的部分会显得生硬。在Craig的这个关于get your audience to apply your message in their life的tip中,他给出了很好的方法:

1. Pick something out of your story,这一般来说是一个事物、形象或者一个比喻。

2. Put it in your audience's life and ask them about it. 将上述讲到的事物、形象和比喻应用到升华内容中。


It was like I had been there before. I had stepped on that stage visually at least 1,000 times. I’m sure you’ve done the same thing. 1,000 times. And by the time I got there physically, it honestly felt like I was at home.

My question to you is, in whatever arena you are in, what stage are you stepping on at least 1,000 times? What stage are you stepping on at least 1,000 times? Because I can almost guarantee you you’ll get there, and more importantly, when you get there you’ll be able to receive it, because you’ll feel like you’re at home.

For example, you heard me talk about the stage in my story. I picked the stage out of my story and I asked my audience, “What stage are you stepping on at least 1,000 times?” So in a sense I put the stage in their life.

Now their stage might be something completely different than mine, but it’s important for them to reflect on what that stage actually is for them.

在今年89大区的International Speech Contest中,Shen Wei的Traffic Light就是一个非常典型的使用了这种Reflection的例子,red light是demotivation或者批评;green light是信任以及鼓励,在演讲的升华中,让观众思考自己曾经遇到过的红绿灯,还有曾经遇到过的红绿灯,最后激励观众为别人亮起绿灯,其实质就是激励听众去鼓励、去信任。

Simon Sinek's sharing: Love Your Work (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDIZS4IQlQk&t=925s)

I'm totally addicted to his speeches and his beliefs of purpose. I can watch his speeches for a whole day, which always inspires me to have a new angle to this world!

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