那不勒斯四部曲III-离开的,留下的 中英双语版3
My family’s horror at the idea of a civil
union alone certainly was not exhausted that night, but it diminished. The
next day my mother treated me as if anything she touched—the coffee pot, the
cup with the milk, the sugar bowl, the fresh loaf of bread—were there only to
lead her into the temptation to throw it in my face. Yet she didn’t start
yelling again. As for me I ignored her; I left early in the morning, and went
to start the paperwork for the installation of the telephone. Having taken
care of that business I went to Port’Alba and wandered through the
bookstores. I was determined, within a short time, to enable myself to speak
with confidence when situations like the one in Milan arose. I chose journals
and books more or less at random, and spent a lot of money. After many
hesitations, influenced by that remark of Nino’s that kept coming to mind, I
ended up getting Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality—I knew almost
nothing of Freud and the little I knew irritated me—along with a couple of small
books devoted to sex. I intended to do what I had done in the past with
schoolwork, with exams, with my thesis, what I had done with the newspapers
that Professor Galiani passed on to me or the Marxist texts that Franco had
given me. I wanted to study the contemporary world. Hard to say what I had
already taken in at that time. There had been the discussions with Pasquale,
and also with Nino. There had been some attention paid to Cuba and Latin
America. There was the incurable poverty of the neighborhood, the lost battle
of Lila. There was school, which defeated my siblings because they were less
stubborn than I was, less dedicated to sacrifice. There were the long
conversations with Franco and occasional ones with Mariarosa, now jumbled
together in a wisp of smoke. (The world is profoundly unjust and must be
changed, but both the peaceful coexistence between American imperialism and
the Stalinist bureaucracies, on the one hand, and the reformist politics of
the European, and especially the Italian, workers’ parties, on the other, are
directed at keeping the proletariat in a subordinate wait-*-see situation
that throws water on the fire of revolution, with the result that if the
global stalemate wins, if social democracy wins, it will be capital that
triumphs through the centuries and the working class will fall victim to
enforced consumerism.) These stimuli had functioned, certainly they had been
working in me for a long time, occasionally they excited me. But driving that
decision to bring myself up to date by forced marches was, at least at first,
I think, the old urgency to succeed. I had long ago convinced myself that one
can train oneself to anything, even to political passion.
As I was paying, I glimpsed my novel on a
shelf, and immediately looked in another direction. Whenever I saw the book
in a window, among other novels that had just come out, I felt inside a
mixture of pride and fear, a dart of pleasure that ended in anguish.
Certainly, the story had come into being by chance, in twenty days, without
struggle, as a sedative against depression. Moreover, I knew what great
literature was, I had done a lot of work in the classics, and it never
occurred to me, while I was writing, that I was making something of value.
But the effort of finding a form had absorbed me. And the absorption had
become that book, an object that contained me. Now I was there, exposed, and
seeing myself caused a violent pounding in my chest. I felt that not only in
my book but in novels in general there was something that truly agitated me,
a bare and throbbing heart, the same that had burst out of my chest in that
distant moment when Lila had proposed that we write a story together. It had
fallen to me to do it seriously. But was that what I wanted? To write, to
write with purpose, to write better than I had already? And to study the
stories of the past and the present to understand how they worked, and to
learn, learn everything about the world with the sole purpose of constructing
living hearts, which no one would ever do better than me, not even Lila if
she had had the opportunity?
I came out of the bookshop, I stopped in
Piazza Cavour. The day was fine, Via Foria seemed unnaturally clean and solid
in spite of the scaffolding that shored up the Galleria. I imposed on myself
the usual discipline. I took out a notebook that I had bought recently, I
wished to start acting like a real writer, putting down thoughts,
observations, useful information. I read l’Unità from beginning to end, I
took notes on the things I didn’t know. I found the article by Pietro’s
father in Il Ponte and skimmed it with curiosity, but it didn’t seem as
important as Nino had claimed. Rather, it put me off for two reasons: first,
Guido Airota used the same professorial language as the man with the thick
eyeglasses but even more rigorously; second, in a passage in which he spoke
about women students (“It’s a new crowd,” he wrote, “and by all the evidence
they are not from well-*-mindedness?) and, not exactly in a good mood, in
fact with some irritation, I began to leaf through the Corriere della Sera.
I remember that the air was warm, and
I’ve preserved an olfactory memory—invented or real—a mixture of printed
paper and fried pizza. Page after page I looked at the headlines, until one
took my breath away. There was a photograph of me, set amid four dense
columns of type. In the background was a view of the neighborhood, with the
tunnel. The headline said: Salacious Memoirs of an Ambitious Girl: Elena
Greco’s Début Novel. The byline was that of the man with the thick
I was covered in a cold sweat while I
read; I had the impression that I was close to fainting. My book was treated
as an occasion to assert that in the past decade, in all areas of productive,
social, and cultural life, from factories to offices, to the university,
publishing, and cinema, an entire world had collapsed under the pressure of a
spoiled youth, without values. Occasionally he cited some phrase of mine, in
quotation marks, to demonstrate that I was a fitting exponent of my badly
brought-up generation. In conclusion he called me “a girl concerned with
hiding her lack of talent behind titillating pages of mediocre triviality.”
I burst into tears. It was the harshest
thing I had read since the book came out, and not in a daily with a small
circulation but in the most widely read newspaper in Italy. Most of all, the
image of my smiling face seemed to me intolerable in the middle of a text so
offensive. I walked home, not before getting rid of the Corriere. I was
afraid my mother might read the review and use it against me. I imagined that
she would have liked to put it, too, in her album, to throw in my face
whenever I upset her.
I found the table set only for me. My
father was at work, my mother had gone to ask a neighbor for something or
other, and my siblings had already eaten. As I ate pasta and potatoes I
reread at random some passages of my book. I thought desperately: Maybe it
really is worthless, maybe it was published only as a favor to Adele. How
could I have come up with such pallid sentences, such banal observations? And
how sloppy, how many useless commas; I won’t write anymore. Between disgust
with the food and disgust with the book I was depressed, when Elisa arrived
with a piece of paper. It came from Signora Spagnuolo, who had kindly agreed
to let her telephone number be used by anyone who urgently needed to
communicate with me. The piece of paper said that there had been three phone
calls, one from Gina Medotti, who ran the press office at the publisher’s,
one from Adele, and one from Pietro.
The three names, written in Signora
Spagnuolo’s labored handwriting, had the effect of giving concreteness to a
thought that until a moment before had remained in the background: the
terrible words of the man with the thick eyeglasses were spreading rapidly,
and in the course of the day they would be everywhere. They had already been
read by Pietro, by his family, by the directors of the publishing house.
Maybe they had reached Nino. Maybe they were before the eyes of my professors
in Pisa. Certainly they had come to the attention of Professor Galiani and
her children. And who knows, even Lila might have read them. I burst into
tears again, frightening Elisa.
“What’s wrong, Lenù?”
“I don’t feel well.”
“Shall I make you some chamomile tea?”
But there wasn’t time. Someone was
knocking at the door, it was Rosa Spagnuolo. Cheerful, slightly out of breath
from hurrying up the stairs, she said that my fiancé was again looking for
me, he was on the telephone, what a lovely voice, what a lovely northern
accent. I ran to answer, apologizing repeatedly for bothering her. Pietro
tried to console me, he said that his mother urged me not to be upset, the
main thing was that it talked about the book. But, surprising Signora
Spagnuolo, who knew me as a meek girl, I practically screamed, What do I care
if it talks about it if it says such terrible things? He urged me again to be
calm and added: Tomorrow an article is coming out in l’Unità. I ended the
call coldly, I said: It would be better if no one worried about me anymore.
I couldn’t close my eyes that night. In
the morning I couldn’t contain myself and went out to get l’Unità. I leafed
through it in a rush, still at the newsstand, a few steps from the elementary
school. I was again confronted by a photograph of myself, the same that had
been in the Corriere, not in the middle of the article this time but above
it, next to the headline: Young Rebels and Old Reactionaries: Concerning the
Book by Elena Greco. I had never heard of the author of the article, but it
was certainly someone who wrote well, and his words acted as a balm. He
praised my novel wholeheartedly and insulted the prestigious professor. I
went home reassured, maybe even in a good mood. I paged through my book and
this time it seemed to me well put together, written with mastery. My mother
said sourly: Did you win the lottery? I left the paper on the kitchen table
without saying anything.
In the late afternoon Signora Spagnuolo
reappeared, I was wanted again on the telephone. In response to my
embarrassment, my apologies, she said she was very happy to be able to be
useful to a girl like me, she was full of compliments. Gigliola had been unlucky,
she sighed on the stairs, her father had taken her to work in the Solaras’
pastry shop when she was thirteen, and good thing she was engaged to Michele,
otherwise she’d be slaving away her whole life. She opened the door and led
me along the hall to the telephone that was attached to the wall. I saw that
she had put a chair there so that I would be comfortable: what deference was
shown to someone who is educated. Studying was considered a ploy used by the
smartest kids to avoid hard work. How can I explain to this woman—I
thought—that from the age of six I’ve been a slave to letters and numbers,
that my mood depends on the success of their combinations, that the joy of
having done well is rare, unstable, that it lasts an hour, an afternoon, a night?
“Did you read it?” Adele asked.
“Are you pleased?”
“Then I’ll give you another piece of good
news: the book is starting to sell, if it keeps on like this we’ll reprint
“What does that mean?”
“It means that our friend in the Corriere
thought he was destroying us and instead he worked for us. Bye, Elena, enjoy
your success.”
The book was selling really well, I
realized in the following days. The most conspicuous sign was the increasing
number of phone calls from Gina, who reported a notice in such-*-such a
newspaper, or announced some invitation from a bookstore or cultural group,
without ever forgetting to greet me with the kind words: The book is taking
off, Dottoressa Greco, congratulations. Thank you, I said, but I wasn’t
happy. The articles in the newspapers seemed superficial, they confined
themselves to applying either the enthusiastic matrix of l’Unità or the
ruinous one of the Corriere. And although Gina repeated on every occasion
that even negative reviews were good for sales, those reviews nevertheless
wounded me and I would wait anxiously for a handful of favorable comments to
offset the unfavorable ones and feel better. In any case, I stopped hiding
the malicious reviews from my mother; I handed them all over, good and bad.
She tried to read them, spelling them out with a stern expression, but she
never managed to get beyond four or five lines before she either found a
point to quarrel with or, out of boredom, took refuge in her mania for
collecting. Her aim was to fill the entire album and, afraid of being left
with empty pages, she complained when I had nothing to give her.
The review that at the time wounded me
most deeply appeared in Roma. Paragraph by paragraph, it retraced the one in
the Corriere, but in a florid style that at the end fanatically hammered at a
single concept: women are losing all restraint, one has only to read Elena
Greco’s indecent novel to understand it, a novel that is a cheap version of
the already vulgar Bonjour Tristesse. What hurt me, though, was not the
content but the byline. The article was by Nino’s father, Donato Sarratore. I
thought of how impressed I had been as a girl by the fact that that man was
the author of a book of poems; I thought of the glorious halo I had enveloped
him in when I discovered that he wrote for the newspapers. Why that review?
Did he wish to get revenge because he recognized himself in the obscene
family man who seduces the protagonist? I was tempted to call him and insult
him atrociously in dialect. I gave it up only because I thought of Nino, and
made what seemed an important discovery: his experience and mine were
similar. We had both refused to model ourselves on our families: I had been
struggling forever to get away from my mother, he had burned his bridges with
his father. This similarity consoled me, and my rage slowly diminished.
But I hadn’t taken into account that, in
the neighborhood, Roma was read more than any other newspaper. I found out
that evening. Gino, the pharmacist’s son, who lifted weights and had become a
muscular young man, looked out from the doorway of his father’s shop just as
I was passing, in a white pharmacist’s smock even though he hadn’t yet taken
his degree. He called to me, holding out the paper, and said, in a fairly
serious tone, because he had recently moved up a little in the local section
of the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement party: Did you see what they’re
writing about you? In order not to give him the satisfaction, I answered,
they write all sorts of things, and went on with a wave. He was flustered,
and stammered something, then he said, with explicit malice: I’ll have to
read that book of yours, I understand it’s very interesting.
That was only the start. The next day
Michele Solara came up to me on the street and insisted on buying me a
coffee. We went into his bar and while Gigliola served us, without saying a
word, in fact obviously annoyed by my presence and perhaps also by her
boyfriend’s, he began: Lenù, Gino gave me an article to read where it says
you wrote a book that’s banned for those under eighteen. Imagine that, who
would have expected it. Is that what you studied in Pisa? Is that what they
taught you at the university? I can’t believe it. In my opinion you and Lina
made a secret agreement: she does nasty things and you write them. Is that
right? Tell me the truth. I turned red, I didn’t wait for the coffee, I waved
to Gigliola and left. He called after me, laughing: What’s the matter, you’re
offended, come here, I was joking.
Soon afterward I had an encounter with
Carmen Peluso. My mother had obliged me to go to the Carraccis’ new grocery,
because oil was cheaper there. It was afternoon, there were no customers,
Carmen was full of compliments. How well you look, she said, it’s an honor to
be your friend, the only good luck I’ve had in my whole life. Then she said
that she had read Sarratore’s article, but only because a supplier had left
Roma behind in the shop. She described it as spiteful, and her indignation
seemed genuine. On the other hand, her brother, Pasquale, had given her the
article in l’Unità—really, really good, such a nice picture. You’re
beautiful, she said, in everything you do. She had heard from my mother that
I was going to marry a university professor and that I was going to live in
Florence in a luxurious house. She, too, was getting married, to the owner of
the gas pump on the stradone, but who could say when, they had no money.
Then, without a break, she began complaining about Ada. Ever since Ada had
taken Lila’s place with Stefano, things had gone from bad to worse. She acted
like the boss in the grocery stores, too, and had it in for her, accused her
of stealing, ordered her around, watched her closely. She couldn’t take it
anymore, she wanted to quit and go to work at her future husband’s gas pump.
I listened closely, I remembered when
Antonio and I wanted to get married and, similarly, have a gas pump. I told
her about it, to amuse her, but she muttered, darkening: Yes, why not, just
imagine it, you at a gas pump, lucky you who got yourself out of this
wretchedness. Then she made some obscure comments: there’s too much
injustice, Lenù, too much, it has to end, we can’t go on like this. And as
she was talking she pulled out of a drawer my book, with the cover all
creased and dirty. It was the first copy I’d seen in the hands of anyone in
the neighborhood, and I was struck by how bulging and grimy the early pages
were, how flat and white the others. I read a little at night, she said, or
when there aren’t any customers. But I’m still on page 32, I don’t have time,
I have to do everything, the Carraccis keep me shut up here from six in the
morning to nine in the evening. Then suddenly she asked, slyly, how long does
it take to get to the dirty pages? How much do I still have to read?
The dirty pages.
A little while later I ran into Ada
carrying Maria, her daughter with Stefano. I struggled to be friendly, after
what Carmen had told me. I praised the child, I said her dress was pretty and
her earrings adorable. But Ada was aloof. She spoke of Antonio, she said they
wrote to each other, it wasn’t true that he was married and had children, she
said I had ruined his brain and his capacity to love. Then she started on my
book. She hadn’t read it, she explained, but she had heard that it wasn’t a
book to have in the house. And she was almost angry: Say the child grows up
and finds it, what can I do? I’m sorry, I won’t buy it. But, she added, I’m
glad you’re making money, good luck.
These episodes, one after the other, led
me to suspect that the book was selling because both the hostile newspapers
and the favorable ones had indicated that there were some risqué passages. I
went so far as to think that Nino had alluded to Lila’s sexuality only
because he thought that there was no problem in discussing such things with
someone who had written what I had written. And via that path the desire to
see my friend returned. Who knows, I said to myself, if Lila had the book, as
Carmen did. I imagined her at night, after the factory—Enzo in solitude in
one room, she with the baby beside her in the other—exhausted and yet intent
on reading me, her mouth half open, wrinkling her forehead the way she did
when she was concentrating. How would she judge it? Would she, too, reduce
the novel to the dirty pages? But maybe she wasn’t reading it at all, I
doubted that she had the money to buy a copy, I ought to take her one as a
present. For a while it seemed to me a good idea, then I forgot about it. I
still cared more about Lila than about any other person, but I couldn’t make
up my mind to see her. I didn’t have time, there were too many things to
study, to learn in a hurry. And then the end of our last visit—in the
courtyard of the factory, she with that apron under her coat, standing in
front of the bonfire where the pages of The Blue Fairy were burning—had been
a decisive farewell to the remains of childhood, the confirmation that our
paths by now diverged, and maybe she would say: I don’t have time to read
you, you see the life I have? I went my own way.
Whatever the reason, the book really was
doing better and better. Once Adele telephoned and, with her usual mixture of
irony and affection, said: If it keeps going like this you’ll get rich and
you won’t know what to do with poor Pietro anymore. Then she passed me on to
her husband, no less. Guido, she said, wants to talk to you. I was agitated,
I had had very few conversations with Professor Airota and they made me feel
awkward. But Pietro’s father was very friendly, he congratulated me on my
success, he spoke sarcastically about the sense of decency of my detractors,
he talked about the extremely long duration of the dark ages in Italy, he
praised the contribution I was making to the modernization of the country,
and so on with other formulas of that sort. He didn’t say anything specific
about the novel; surely he hadn’t read it, he was a very busy man. But it was
nice that he wanted to give me a sign of approval and respect.
Mariarosa was no less affectionate, and
she, too, was full of praise. At first she seemed on the point of talking in
detail about the book, then she changed the subject excitedly, she said she
wanted to invite me to the university: it seemed to her important that I
should take part in what she called the unstoppable flow of events. Leave
tomorrow, she urged, have you seen what’s happening in France? I knew all
about it, I clung to an old blue grease-*-minded, so modern, completely in
touch with the realities of the world, almost as much a master of political
speech as the men. I admired her, there were no women who stood out in that
chaos. The young heroes who faced the violence of the reactions at their own
peril were called Rudi Dutschke, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, and, as in war films
where there were only men, it was hard to feel part of it; you could only
love them, adapt their thoughts to your brain, feel pity for their fate. It
occurred to me that among Mariarosa’s friends there might also be Nino. They
knew each other, it was possible. Ah, to see him, to be swept into that
adventure, expose myself to dangers along with him. The day passed like that.
The kitchen was silent now, my parents were sleeping, my brothers were still
out wandering in the streets, Elisa was in the bathroom, washing. To leave,
tomorrow morning.
I left, but not for Paris. After the
elections of that turbulent year, Gina sent me out to promote the book. I
began with Florence. I had been invited to teach by a woman professor friend
of a friend of the Airotas, and I ended up in one of those student-*-in-law
in Il Ponte: badly dressed, badly made up, muddled, excitable, angry at the
exams, at the professors. Urged by the professor who had invited me, I spoke
out about the student demonstrations with manifest enthusiasm, especially the
ones in France. I showed off what I was learning; I was pleased with myself.
I felt that I was expressing myself with conviction and clarity, that the
girls in particular admired the way I spoke, the things I knew, the way I
skillfully touched on the complicated problems of the world, arranging them
into a coherent picture. But I soon realized that I tended to avoid any
mention of the book. Talking about it made me uneasy, I was afraid of
reactions like those of the neighborhood, I preferred to summarize in my own
words ideas from Quaderni piacentini or the Monthly Review. On the other hand
I had been invited because of the book, and someone was already asking to
speak. The first questions were all about the struggles of the female
character to escape the environment where she was born. Then, near the end, a
girl I remember as being tall and thin asked me to explain, breaking off her
phrases with nervous laughs, why I had considered it necessary to write, in
such a polished story, a risqué part.
I was embarrassed, I think I blushed, I
jumbled together a lot of sociological reasons. Finally, I spoke of the
necessity of recounting frankly every human experience, including—I said
emphatically—what seems unsayable and what we do not speak of even to
ourselves. They liked those last words, I regained respect. The professor who
had invited me praised them, she said she would reflect on them, she would
write to me.
Her approval established in my mind those
few concepts, which soon became a refrain. I used them often in public,
sometimes in an amusing way, sometimes in a dramatic tone, sometimes
succinctly, sometimes developing them with elaborate verbal flourishes. I
found myself especially relaxed one evening in a bookstore in Turin, in front
of a fairly large audience, which I now faced with growing confidence. It
began to seem natural that someone would ask me, sympathetically or
provocatively, about the episode of sex on the beach, and my ready response,
which had become increasingly polished, enjoyed a certain success.
On the orders of the publisher,
Tarratano, Adele’s old friend, had accompanied me to Turin. He said that he
was proud of having been the first to understand the potential of my novel
and introduced me to the audience with the same enthusiastic words he had
used before in Milan. At the end of the evening he congratulated me on the
great progress I had made in a short time. Then he asked me, in his usual
good-humored way: why are you so willing to let your erotic pages be called
“risqué,” why do you yourself describe them that way in public? And he
explained to me that I shouldn’t: my novel wasn’t simply the episode on the
beach, there were more interesting and finer passages; and then, if here and
there something sounded daring, that was mainly because it had been written
by a girl; obscenity, he said, is not alien to good literature, and the true
art of the story, even if it goes beyond the bounds of decency, is never
I was confused. That very cultured man
was tactfully explaining to me that the sins of my book were venial, and that
I was wrong to speak of them every time as if they were mortal. I was
overdoing it, then. I was submitting to the public’s myopia, its superficiality.
I said to myself: Enough, I have to be less subservient, I have to learn to
disagree with my readers, I shouldn’t descend to their level. And I decided
that at the first opportunity I would be more severe with anyone who wanted
to talk about those pages.
At dinner, in the hotel restaurant where
the press office had reserved a table for us, I listened, half embarrassed,
half amused, as Tarratano quoted, as proof that I was essentially a chaste
writer, Henry Miller, and explained, calling me dear child, that not a few
very gifted writers of the twenties and thirties could and did write about
sex in a way that I at the moment couldn’t even imagine. I wrote down their
names in my notebook, but meanwhile I began to think: This man, in spite of
his compliments, doesn’t consider that I have much talent; in his eyes I’m a
girl who’s had an undeserved success; even the pages that most attract
readers he doesn’t consider outstanding, they may scandalize those who don’t
know much but not people like him.
I said that I was a little tired and
helped my companion, who had drunk too much, to get up. He was a small man
but had the prominent belly of a gourmand. Tufts of white hair bristled over
large ears, he had a red face interrupted by a narrow mouth, a big nose, and
very bright eyes; he smoked a lot, and his fingers were yellowed. In the
elevator he tried to kiss me. Although I wriggled out of his embrace I had a
hard time keeping him away; he wouldn’t give up. The touch of his stomach and
his winey breath stayed with me. At the time, it would never have occurred to
me that an old man, so respectable, so cultured, that man who was such a good
friend of my future mother-*-law, could behave in an unseemly way. Once we
were in the corridor he hastened to apologize, he blamed the wine, and went
straight to his room.
The next day, at breakfast and during the
entire drive to Milan, he talked passionately about what he considered the
most exciting period of his life, the years between 1945 and 1948. I heard in
his voice a genuine melancholy, which vanished, however, when he went on to
describe with an equally genuine enthusiasm the new climate of revolution,
the energy—he said—that was infusing young and old. I kept nodding yes,
struck by how important it was for him to convince me that my present was in
fact the return of his thrilling past. I felt a little sorry for him. A
random biographical hint led me, at a certain point, to make a quick
calculation: the person with me was fifty-eight years old.
Once in Milan I had the driver drop me
near the publishing house, and I said goodbye to my companion. I had slept
badly and was in something of a daze. On the street I tried to eradicate my
disgust at that physical contact with Tarratano, but I still felt the stain
of it and a confusing continuity with a kind of vulgarity I recognized from
the neighborhood. At the publisher’s I was greeted warmly. It wasn’t the
courtesy of a few months earlier but a sort of generalized satisfaction that
meant: how clever we were to guess that you were clever. Even the switchboard
operator, the only one there who had treated me condescendingly, came out of
her booth and embraced me. And for the first time the editor who had done
that punctilious editing invited me to lunch.
As soon as we sat down in a half-empty
restaurant near the office, he returned to his emphasis on the fact that my
writing guarded a fascinating secret, and between courses he suggested that I
would do well to plan a new novel, taking my time but not resting too long on
my laurels. Then he reminded me that I had an appointment at the state
university at three. Mariarosa had nothing to do with it; the publishing
house itself, through its own channels, had organized something with a group
of students. Whom should I look for when I get there? I asked. My
authoritative lunch companion said proudly: My son will be waiting for you at
the entrance.
I retrieved my bag from the office, and
went to the hotel. I stayed a few minutes and left for the university. The
heat was unbearable. I found myself against a background of posters dense
with writing, red flags, and struggling people, placards announcing
activities, noisy voices, laughter, and a widespread sense of apprehension. I
wandered around, looking for signs that had to do with me. I recall a
dark-haired young man who, running, rudely bumped into me, lost his balance,
picked himself up, and ran out into the street as if he were being pursued,
even though no one was behind him. I recall the pure, solitary sound of a
trumpet that pierced the suffocating air. I recall a tiny blond girl, who was
dragging a clanking chain with a large lock at the end, and zealously
shouting, I don’t know to whom: I’m coming! I remember it because in order to
seem purposeful, as I waited for someone to recognize me and come over, I
took out my notebook and wrote down this and that. But half an hour passed,
and no one arrived. Then I examined the placards and posters more carefully,
hoping to find my name, or the title of the book. It was useless. I felt a
little nervous, and decided not to stop one of the students: I was ashamed to
cite my book as a subject of discussion in an environment where the posters
pasted to the walls proclaimed far more significant themes. I found to my
annoyance that I was poised between opposing feelings: on the one hand, a
strong sympathy for all those young men and women who in that place were
flaunting, gestures and voices, with an absolute lack of discipline, and, on
the other, the fear that the disorder I had been fleeing since I was a child
might, now, right here, seize me and fling me into the middle of the
commotion, where an incontrovertible power—a Janitor, a Professor, the
Rector, the Police—would quickly find me at fault, me, me who had always been
good, and punish me.
I thought of sneaking away, what did I
care about a handful of kids scarcely younger than me, to whom I would say
the usual foolish things? I wanted to go back to the hotel, enjoy my
situation as a successful author who was traveling all over, eating in restaurants
and sleeping in hotels. But five or six busy-looking girls passed by,
carrying bags, and almost against my will I followed them, the voices, the
shouts, even the sound of the trumpet. Like that, walking and walking, I
ended up outside a crowded classroom from which, just then, an angry clamor
arose. And since the girls I was following went in, I, too, cautiously
A sharp conflict involving various
factions was under way, both in the packed classroom and in a small crowd
that besieged the lectern. I stayed near the door, ready to leave, already
repelled by a burning cloud of smoke and breath, by a strong odor of excitement.
I tried to orient myself. I think they
were discussing procedural matters, in an atmosphere, however, in which no
one—some were shouting, some were silent, some poking fun, some laughing,
some moving rapidly like runners on a battlefield, some paying no attention,
some studying—seemed to think that agreement was possible. I hoped that
Mariarosa was there somewhere. Meanwhile I was getting used to the uproar,
the smells. So many people: mostly males, handsome, ugly, well-dressed,
scruffy, violent, frightened, amused. I observed the women with interest; I
had the impression that I was the only one who was there alone. Some—for
example the ones I had followed—stayed close together, even as they
distributed leaflets in the crowded classroom: they shouted together, laughed
together, and if they were separated by a few meters they kept an eye on each
other so as not to get lost. Longtime friends or perhaps chance
acquaintances, they seemed to draw from the group the authority to stay in
that place of chaos, seduced by the lawless atmosphere, yes, but open to the
experience only on the condition that they not separate, as if they had
decided beforehand, in more secure places, that if one left they would all
leave. Other women, however, by themselves or at most in pairs, had
infiltrated the male groups, displaying a provocative intimacy, the
lighthearted dissolution of safe distances, and they seemed to me the
happiest, the most aggressive, the proudest.
I felt different, there illegally,
without the necessary credentials to shout myself, to remain inside those
fumes and those odors that brought to mind, now, the odors and fumes that
came from Antonio’s body, from his breath, when we embraced at the ponds. I
had been too wretched, too crushed by the obligation to excel in school. I
had hardly ever gone to the movies. I had never bought records, yet how I
would have liked to. I wasn’t a fan of any singers, hadn’t rushed to
concerts, collected autographs; I had never been drunk, and my limited sexual
experiences had taken place uncomfortably, amid subterfuges, fearfully. Those
girls, on the other hand, to varying degrees, must have grown up in easier
circumstances, and were more prepared to change their skin; maybe they felt
their presence in that place, in that atmosphere, not as a derailment but as
a just and urgent choice. Now that I have some money, I thought, now that
I’ll earn who knows how much, I can have some of the things I missed. Or
maybe not, I was now too cultured, too ignorant, too controlled, too
accustomed to freezing life by storing up ideas and facts, too close to
marriage and settling down, in short too obtusely fixed within an order that
here appeared to be in decline. That last thought frightened me. Get out of
this place right away, I said to myself, every gesture or word is an insult
to the work I’ve done. Instead I slipped farther inside the crowded
I was struck immediately by a very
beautiful girl, with delicate features and long black hair that hung over her
shoulders, who was certainly younger than me. I couldn’t take my eyes off
her. She was standing in the midst of some combative young men, and behind
her a dark man about thirty, smoking a cigar, stood glued to her like a
bodyguard. What distinguished her in that environment, besides her beauty,
was that she was holding in her arms a baby a few months old, she was nursing
him and, at the same time, closely following the conflict, and occasionally
even shouting something. When the baby, a patch of blue, with his little
reddish-colored legs and feet uncovered, detached his mouth from the nipple,
she didn’t put her breast back in the bra but stayed like that, exposed, her
white shirt unbuttoned, her breast swollen, her mouth half open, frowning,
until she realized the child was no longer suckling and mechanically tried to
reattach him.
That girl disturbed me. In the noisy
smoke-filled classroom, she was an incongruous icon of maternity. She was
younger than me, she had a refined appearance, responsibility for an infant.
Yet she seemed determined to reject the persona of the young woman placidly
absorbed in caring for her child. She yelled, she gesticulated, she asked to
speak, she laughed angrily, she pointed to someone with contempt. And yet the
child was part of her, he sought her breast, he lost it. Together they made
up a fragile image, at risk, close to breaking, as if it had been painted on
glass: the child would fall out of her arms or something would bump his head,
an elbow, an uncontrolled movement. I was happy when, suddenly, Mariarosa
appeared beside her. Finally: there she was. How lively, how bright, how
cordial she was: she seemed to be friendly with the young mother. I waved my
hand, she didn’t see me. She whispered briefly in the girl’s ear,
disappeared, reappeared in the crowd that was gathered around the lectern. Meanwhile,
through a side door, a small group burst in whose mere arrival calmed people
down. Mariarosa signaled, waited for a signal in response, grabbed the
megaphone, and spoke a few words that silenced the packed classroom. For a
few seconds I had the impression that Milan, the tensions of that period, my
own excitement had the power to let the shadows I had in my head emerge. How
many times had I thought in those days of my early political education?
Mariarosa yielded the megaphone to a young man beside her, whom I recognized
immediately. It was Franco Mari, my boyfriend from the early years in Pisa.