Guns, Germs, and Steel 240612 No
Good word usages:
1, groundbreaking (/ˈɡraʊndbreɪkɪŋ/)
原文例句: “Serious, groundbreaking biological studies of human history only seem to come along once every generation or so….
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (p. 2). Kindle 版本.
例句:a groundbreaking piece of research
2, radiate (/ˈreɪdieɪt/)
原文例句:Yali radiated charisma and energy. His eyes flashed in a mesmerizing way.
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (p. 17). Kindle 版本.
更多例句:He radiated self-confidence and optimism.
the energy that seemed to radiate from her
3, impending (/ɪmˈpendɪŋ/)
原文例句:In addition to these current political and economic reverberations of past collisions among peoples, there are current linguistic reverberations—especially the impending disappearance of most of the modern world’s 6,000 surviving languages, becoming replaced by English, Chinese, Russian, and a few other languages whose numbers of speakers have increased enormously in recent centuries.
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (p. 21). Kindle 版本.
(提醒原文句子,但是表达真心精妙,可以做做语法分析, there be 句型为主干,外加一个超长铺垫,以及复合句
his impending retirement
warnings of impending danger/disaster
4, unfold /ʌnˈfəʊld/
原文例句:The question motivating the book is: Why did history unfold differently on different continents?
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (p. 12). Kindle 版本.
更多例句:The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes.
Dramatic events were about to unfold.
She unfolded her tale to us.
Good Sentences:
1, ALTHOUGH YALI’S QUESTION concerned only the contrasting lifestyles of New Guineans and of European whites, it can be extended to a larger set of contrasts within the modern world.
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (p. 18). Kindle 版本.
2, Many of the living descendants of those Aborigines who survived the era of European colonization are now finding it difficult to succeed economically in white Australian society.
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (p. 24). Kindle 版本.
2)用我们初中就学过的结构,find sth. adj. 配合句子其他成分,变得十分有说服力,主客体很好。
Thought-Provoking paragraphs
理由1: 欧洲历史只是人类历史的一小部分;
理由3: 强大要素的根源在哪里
Such narrowly focused accounts of world history suffer from three disadvantages.
First, increasing numbers of people today are, quite understandably, interested in other societies besides those of western Eurasia. After all, those “other” societies encompass most of the world’s population and the vast majority of the world’s ethnic, cultural, and linguistic groups. Some of them already are, and others are becoming, among the world’s most powerful economies and political forces.
Second, even for people specifically interested in the shaping of the modern world, a history limited to developments since the emergence of writing cannot provide deep understanding. It is not the case that societies on the different continents were comparable to each other until 3,000 B.C., whereupon western Eurasian societies suddenly developed writing and began for the first time to pull ahead in other respects as well. Instead, already by 3,000 B.C., there were Eurasian and North African societies not only with incipient writing but also with centralized state governments, cities, widespread use of metal tools and weapons, use of domesticated animals for transport and traction and mechanical power, and reliance on agriculture and domestic animals for food. Throughout most or all parts of other continents, none of those things existed at that time; some but not all of them emerged later in parts of the Native Americas and sub-Saharan Africa, but only over the course of the next five millennia; and none of them emerged in Aboriginal Australia. That should already warn us that the roots of western Eurasian dominance in the modern world lie in the preliterate past before 3,000 B.C. (By western Eurasian dominance, I mean the dominance of western Eurasian societies themselves and of the societies that they spawned on other continents.)
Third, a history focused on western Eurasian societies completely bypasses the obvious big question. Why were those societies the ones that became disproportionately powerful and innovative? The usual answers to that question invoke proximate forces, such as the rise of capitalism, mercantilism, scientific inquiry, technology, and nasty germs that killed peoples of other continents when they came into contact with western Eurasians. But why did all those ingredients of conquest arise in western Eurasia, and arise elsewhere only to a lesser degree or not at all?
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (pp. 13-14). Kindle 版本.
This objection rests on a common tendency to confuse an explanation of causes with a justification or acceptance of results. What use one makes of a historical explanation is a question separate from the explanation itself. Understanding is more often used to try to alter an outcome than to repeat or perpetuate it. That’s why psychologists try to understand the minds of murderers and rapists, why social historians try to understand genocide, and why physicians try to understand the causes of human disease. Those investigators do not seek to justify murder, rape, genocide, and illness. Instead, they seek to use their understanding of a chain of causes to interrupt the chain.
Jared M. Diamond. Guns, Germs, and Steel (p. 22). Kindle 版本.