Interview Questions Answered -3
Tell me about yourself
Sample Answer 2:
I have worked successfully in sales for over 10 years. One of my first sales jobs was in college, where I majored in business. I worked for the college newspaper selling advertising space, and as an extrovert who likes interacting with people, I was very successful in the job. What also helped me sell more than any other salesperson was my persistence. I was willing to follow up with a potential client over weeks and even months, developing a relationship with them until they were ready to make a deal with us.
extrovert – an outgoing person who enjoys spending time with other people; not shy
I’m currently working as a sales rep for the Michmuney Company. I have been their top salesperson for the past two years. Last year, I sold over $3 million worth of products.
top – best; highest-ranking
Now, I’m ready for a new challenge. I want to work in public relations because it is an area where I can use my creativity together with my knowledge of advertising and sales. I have a proven ability to work well with people and I can develop good long-term relationships with clients. I want to work for your company in particular because you work primarily with Internet-based companies, which is an area that is growing at the rate of 40% a year. This makes your company a leader in the industry and I’d like to be part of that.
in particular – especially; specifically; particularly