
2022-03-01  本文已影响0人  xiaoke_donkey


英文 中文
C.I.C., bridge. What are we dealing with here? 舰桥呼叫战斗信息中心现在什么情况
Sir, E.W. reports it's an old version 长官电子战报告说
of a Kirov-Class guided missile cruiser. 是一艘旧版基洛夫级重型导弹巡洋舰
Nuclear powered and possibly carrying warheads. 核动力可能还携带着弹头
I thought those were mothballed in the '90s. 我还以为这些都在90年代已经封存了呢
They're old and ugly, but they're still dangerous. 它们虽然过时了难看点但依然很危险
With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? 请问对方尊姓大名
I am Konstantin Nicolayevitch Ruskov, 我是康斯坦丁·尼克拉耶维奇·拉斯科夫
a former vice admiral of the Red Banner Northern Fleet 是俄罗斯联邦红旗北方舰队的
of the Russian Federation. 一名前副海军上将
Passenger of the watch. 继续监视
Please go to my at-sea cabin and grab me a book off the shelf, 请去我的舱房从书架上拿一本书来
the one in Russian. 俄语的那本书
Aye, Captain. 是舰长
Admiral, I need to advise you 将军我要奉劝你
that you are in United States territorial waters 你现在身处美国领海
and are standing into danger. 并且正步入危险之中
Withdraw seaward or you will be subject to defensive action. 如果不撤回军舰我们将采取防御行动
Commander Chandler, I have pursued you across the globe, 钱德勒舰长我已经追着你跑遍了世界
but I wish no further conflict. 但是我不希望发生进一步的冲突
After you have met my demands, 只要你满足我的要求
you and your crew will be free to leave the harbor 你和你的船员可以自由离开这个海港
and travel the earth as you please. 想去哪里都行
And what would those demands be? 那你的要求是什么
Well, let's not be coy. 我们开门见山吧
You have the primordial strain 你们有蔓延全球的
of the virus that is killing the world. 病毒的原始菌株
You will hand it over to me, along with Dr. Rachel Scott 把原始菌株蕾切尔·斯科特博士
and all of her research. 以及研究资料都交给我
Sorry, Admiral, but I don't know what you're talking about. 不好意思将军我不知道你在说什么
And the thing is, I don't take orders from you. 而且我也不会听从你的命令
I'm gonna ask you one more time. 我再跟你说一次
Move your ship. 把你的船挪走
Your navy and your country no longer exist. 你的海军和你的国家已经不复存在了
There is no higher authority but me. 已经没有上级机关了只有我
If you don't do as I say, 如果不照我说的做
you and your crew will leave this harbor 你和你的船员就驾着蘑菇云
atop a mushroom cloud. 飞出这个海港吧
You saw what happened to France. 你见过法国发生的事了
You know what my ship is capable of. 你知道我的军舰的战斗力
Admiral Ruskov, 拉斯科夫将军
I suggest we meet somewhere face to face, 我建议我们面对面
negotiate a peaceful solution to our problem. 为我们的问题商量出一个和平的解决办法
It will be my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸
Who else has been working on a vaccine? 还有谁在研究这个疫苗
What, in the world? 什么全球吗
Everyone. 每个人都在研究
What about the Russians? Were they close? 俄罗斯人呢他们快研究出来了吗
I mean, nobody was making any real progress. 没有人取得任何实质性进展
And I hate to say it, 而且虽然我不想这么说
but they're probably all dead anyway. Why? 但他们估计都死了怎么了
If somebody had the primordial strain of the virus, 如果某人有这种病毒的原始菌株
the stuff you found in the ice, could they make a vaccine? 就是你在北极发现的那种他们能制造出疫苗吗
I suppose, if they had the right equipment 也许吧如果他们有合适的装备
and someone qualified to run it. 有合适的人来研究的话
But they'd be months behind us. 但是他们比我们慢了几个月了
I need to borrow Dr. Tophet. 我借一下托非特博士
Can you spare him? 可以吗
- Out of the fryin' pan, huh, fellas? - What? -刚出虎口又入狼穴啊小伙子-什么
You joining the team? 你也加入队伍吗
Captain thought I'd be useful, 舰长认为我能帮得上忙
seeing as you're all playing in my backyard. 因为你们要去的地方是我的地盘
And before the plague, 这场瘟疫爆发之前
that fufu cantina, that was the place, boy. 木薯泥酒吧就那个地方小子
Old Juan Carlo, he made the best mimosas locas. 老胡安·卡罗做了最好的含羞草鸡尾酒
We got to get some of that. 我们一定要去弄点来
God help us. 愿上帝保佑我们
Suppose there's no way to convince you not to go? 估计我也没法劝你不去了吧
Konstantin Ruskov's a military genius. 尼克拉耶维奇·拉斯科夫是一个军事天才
Literally wrote the book on modern naval warfare. 写了这本现代海上战争的书
Maybe you can ask him to sign your copy. 也许你能让他给签个名
Seriously, captain, there's only one way out of this harbor. 说真的舰长只有一种方法可以离开这里
Every minute we sit here gives that asshole time to dig in. 我们耗得越久那混蛋的准备时间就越充分
He's already dug in. Meeting him is the only way. 他已经做好准备了跟他会面是唯一的方法
I need to look him in the eyes. 我必须亲自跟他见面
Smith, Berchem, establish the perimeter. 史密斯博切姆做好警戒
Masks up. 戴上面具
You needn't bother with the masks. 你们不需要带面具
We're not infected. 我们没有被感染
Well, we'll test you just the same. 我们还是要检查一下你
I'm unarmed. 我没带武器
Make a fist. 握拳
How can you wear those costumes in this heat? 这么热的天你们怎么穿得了这套行头
Still, better than the Arctic, no? 不过总比北极好吧
The Arctic was bad for both of us, admiral. 北极对咱俩都不好将军
As I recall, you lost five airships. 我记得你损失了五架飞机
Helicopters are easy to replace. 换新的直升机只是小事一桩
Look around you. 看看周围
The world is ours for the taking. 整个世界已任我们拿取
He's clean. 他没问题
You see? Clean. 看到没没问题
X.O., take a look. 大副你看
They're mining the bay. 他们在港湾布雷
We could scare 'em off with the .50-cals. 我们可以用重机枪把他们吓走
No. 不行
Can't risk a fire fight with the C.O. off the bridge. 指挥官不在舰上不能冒险开火
T.A.O., bridge. Get the hunter in the water. 舰桥呼叫作战官派搜寻者下水
Find me a clear route out of this harbor. 找出一条可以安全离开这个港湾的路线
And spin tomahawks one through six. 先装填一枚战斧导弹
If I don't hear from the captain in one hour, 如果一小时内都没有舰长的消息
we're unloading on that Russian son of a bitch. 咱们就冲那俄国混蛋开炮
Mines. I hate freakin' mines. 水雷我恨水雷
I told Moscow it was suicide 我跟莫斯科方面说了这是自杀
and that we must remain at sea 也说了如果我们要在这场瘟疫中活下来
if we are to survive this plague, but they insisted -- 我们就得留在海上但他们坚持说
"All ships must return to home ports." "所有舰船必须回到母港"
And so I took matters into my own hands. 所以我只能将在外君令有所不受了
You are looking at the last admiral 你眼前的就是辉煌一时的
of the last ship of the once Great Russian Navy. 大俄罗斯海军最后一艘舰船上的最后一位上将
So the uniform we wear matters no more. 我们穿的军服已毫无意义
Well, it matters to me. 对我来说还有意义
Whether mine is one of a dozen or the last ship to survive, 无论我们是不是活下来的最后一艘战舰
we're all sailors of the United State's Navy. 我们都是美国海军的水兵
Of course you are. 当然
Still, that we are here is cause to rejoice, no? 但我们还在这里就值得庆祝不是吗
You got a funny way of celebrating, Admiral -- 你庆祝的方式还真特别上将
firing a nuclear weapon at France. 冲法国发射一枚核弹
How many people do you think you killed 你认为自己杀了多少人
- 5, 10 million? - France was already dead. -五百万一千万-法国本来就已经没救了
That missile was meant to stop you, 那枚核弹本来是要阻止你的
to keep you from refueling and sneaking home 阻止你加满油并带着舰上的疫苗
with the vaccine in your pocket. 溜回美国
We have no interest in keeping the vaccine to ourselves to the world. 我们无意私藏疫苗
Do you know what was going on in the world 你在北极军演的时候
while you were playing your war games in the Arctic? 知道这世上发生了些什么吗
The virus spread like an invisible fire, 病毒像无形之火一样蔓延
destroying everything in its path. 所过之处灰飞烟灭
Bodies piled up sky-high. 尸体堆积成山
The fear spread even quicker than the virus itself -- 恐惧甚至比病毒本身传播得更快
turned country against country, 导致国家对立
brother against brother, 兄弟反目
governments against their own people. 政府迫害自己的人民
60 million Chinese were murdered in three days 六千万中国人在三天内惨遭谋杀
like they were culling so many pigs. 就好像杀猪一样轻描淡写
The world... 这世界
is not worth saving. 不值得去救了
So, what? You want to keep the vaccine for yourself? 所以呢你要私吞疫苗吗
What I want is of no concern to you. 我要什么与你无关
Well, I don't have it. 我没有疫苗
Not yet, at least. 至少现在没有
And you won't, 你也不会有
because you are missing an ingredient only I possess. 因为制造疫苗需要的一种原料只有我手上有
Now, you will give me what you have -- 把你所拥有的交出来
the primordial sample, 原始样本
your research, and Dr. Scott. 你们的研究以及斯科特博士
Or you die in Cuba. 要么你们就死在古巴
You won't fire on my ship 只要我们手上有你要的
as long as we have what you want. 你就不会向我们开战
And this little game of chicken you're playing right now 而你现在玩的这个小游戏
will only cause millions more to die. 只会害死更多的人
So why don't I lead with my best offer? 不如我先说说我的最佳提议吧
A sample of the primordial virus. 原始病毒的样本
With my compliments. 以及我的问候
I'm sorry. That will not do, not at all. 很遗憾这样不行
You heard the captain, Boris. 舰长说了老毛子
You ain't getting our scientist. 我们的科学家不会交给你
Don't be foolish, Captain. 别傻了舰长
You cannot win. 你们赢不了的
I'll go. I'll go with them. 我去吧我跟他们去
- I can do what's needed. I'm capable... - No! -你们需要的事我也能做我可以...-不



