Lucene 索引文件格式

2018-04-20  本文已影响0人  旺财旺财


lucene索引基本组成结构 index、segment、document、field、term




field:类似数据库中的字段, 一个文档包含多个field, 比如一个网页包含:  标题、作者、内容。不同域的索引方式可以不一样

term: 索引的最小单位,是经过词法分析和语言处理后的字符串

Segment info. This contains metadata about a segment, such as the number of documents, what files it uses,

Field names. This contains the set of field names used in the index.

Stored Field values. This contains, for each document, a list of attribute-value pairs, where the attributes are field names. These are used to store auxiliary information about the document, such as its title, url, or an identifier to access a database. The set of stored fields are what is returned for each hit when searching. This is keyed by document number.

Term dictionary. A dictionary containing all of the terms used in all of the indexed fields of all of the documents. The dictionary also contains the number of documents which contain the term, and pointers to the term's frequency and proximity data.

Term Frequency data. For each term in the dictionary, the numbers of all the documents that contain that term, and the frequency of the term in that document, unless frequencies are omitted (IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY)

Term Proximity data. For each term in the dictionary, the positions that the term occurs in each document. Note that this will not exist if all fields in all documents omit position data.

Normalization factors. For each field in each document, a value is stored that is multiplied into the score for hits on that field.

Term Vectors. For each field in each document, the term vector (sometimes called document vector) may be stored. A term vector consists of term text and term frequency. To add Term Vectors to your index see the Fieldconstructors

Per-document values. Like stored values, these are also keyed by document number, but are generally intended to be loaded into main memory for fast access. Whereas stored values are generally intended for summary results from searches, per-document values are useful for things like scoring factors.

Live documents. An optional file indicating which documents are live.

Point values. Optional pair of files, recording dimensionally indexed fields, to enable fast numeric range filtering and large numeric values like BigInteger and BigDecimal (1D) and geographic shape intersection (2D, 3D).


The following table summarizes the names and extensions of the files in Lucene:

名称                            扩展名                          说明

Segments Fil e           segments_N                  存储检查点

Lock File                     write.lock                       写锁,防止不同IndexWriter 写同一个文件

Segment Info              .si                                   存储段的meta信息

Compound File           .cfs,  .cfe                        种后缀的文件存在也可不存在,只有IndexWriter “优化”过才会出现(将其他索引后缀文件合并,可以防止系统的文件句柄被消耗光)

   Fields                      .fnm                                域文件,存储field的信息

Field Index                 .fdx                                 指向 field data的指针

Field Data                   .fdt                                 域数据文件:包含文档中存储的域

Term Dictionary          .tim                                The term dictionary, stores term info

Term Index                 .tip                                  The index into the Term Dictionary

Frequencies               .doc                                Contains the list of docs which contain each term along with                                                                                     frequency

Positions                     .pos                               Stores position information about where a term occurs in the                                                                             index

Payloads                     .pay                              Stores additional per-position metadata information such as                                                                                         character offsets and user payloads

Norms                        .nvd, .nvm                      Encodes length and boost factors for docs and fields

Per-Document Values    .dvd, .dvm                  Encodes additional scoring factors or other per-document                                                                                        information.

Term Vector Index            .tvx                            Stores offset into the document data file

Term Vector Data            .tvd                             Contains term vector data.

Live Documents            .livInfo                          about what documents are live

Point values                .dii, .dim                          Holds indexed points, if any


Index –> Segments (segments.gen, segments_N) –> Field(fnm, fdx, fdt) –> Term (tvx, tvd, tvf)


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