
2023-04-22  本文已影响0人  玉桑说


1 Get a kick out of - To enjoy something. (喜欢某事)

2 Silver lining - A positive aspect of a difficult situation. (困境中的积极方面)

3 Red tape - Excessive bureaucratic or administrative procedures. (过度繁琐的官僚程序)

4 Put all your eggs in one basket - To risk everything on one plan or idea. (把所有的希望寄托在一个计划或想法上)

5 Gung ho - Very enthusiastic or eager. (非常热情或渴望)

6 The whole nine yards - Everything or all the way. (全部或完全)

7 Take it easy - To relax or calm down. (放松或冷静)

8 On the same page - In agreement or understanding. (达成一致或理解)

9 Spill the beans - To reveal a secret. (泄露秘密)

10 To cut corners - To do something quickly or cheaply, often sacrificing quality. (做某事快速或廉价,常常牺牲质量)

11 Cut to the chase - To get to the point. (直接说重点)

12 Break a leg - Good luck. (祝你好运)

13 Go haywire - To become chaotic or dysfunctional. (变得混乱或失灵)

14 Blood is thicker than water - Family comes first. (血浓于水,亲情最重要)

15 Easy as pie - Very easy. (非常容易)

16 To pull someone's leg - To tease or play a joke on someone. (戏弄或开玩笑)

17 Take a rain check - To decline an invitation or offer, but suggest doing it another time. (谢绝邀请或提议,但建议另安排时间)

18 Fly off the handle - To lose one's temper suddenly and unexpectedly. (突然失去控制,大发脾气)

19 See eye to eye - To agree or have the same opinion. (达成一致或持相同观点)

20 Cut to the chase - To get to the point. (直奔主题)

21 Fair weather friend - Someone who is only a friend during good times. (只在好时候才是朋友)

22 For crying out loud - An expression of frustration or exasperation. (表示沮丧或愤怒)

23 Draw a blank - To have no answer or idea. (脑袋一片空白)

24 Cold turkey - To quit something suddenly and completely. (突然完全戒掉某事)

25 Spread oneself too thin - To take on too many responsibilities or commitments. (承担过多责任或承诺)

26 To cost an arm and a leg - To be very expensive. (非常昂贵)

27 Chock full - Completely full. (满满的,充满的)

28 Hit the nail on the head - To be exactly right. (说中了要害,一针见血)

29 To keep your chin up - To stay positive in a difficult situation. (在困难的情况下保持积极态度)

30 Bite the bullet - To endure pain or hardship. (咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦或困难)

31 Out of the blue - Unexpectedly or without warning. (突然或没有预警)

32 Straight from the horse's mouth - From a reliable or firsthand source. (来自可靠或第一手的消息来源)

33 Bob's your uncle - Everything is all set. (一切都准备好了)

34 Rule of thumb - A general principle or guideline. (一般原则或指导方针)

35 To wait for the other shoe to drop - To anticipate something negative happening. (预见到负面事件的发生)

36 To put in your two cents - To give your opinion. (表达你的观点)

37 Clam up - To stop talking. (闭嘴)

38 To break the ice - To initiate or start a conversation. (开始交谈)

39 To beat around the bush - To avoid talking about something directly or to use unnecessary words. (拐弯抹角地说话或使用不必要的词语)

40 To take a rain check - To postpone an invitation. (推迟邀请)

41 To let the cat out of the bag - To reveal a secret. (泄露秘密)

42 To hit the nail on the head - To be correct or accurate. (正确或准确)

43 To play devil's advocate - To argue the opposite side of an issue, even if you don't believe it. (辩论问题的另一面,即使你不相信它)

44 No pain, no gain - You have to work hard to see results. (没有付出就没有收获)

45 To twist someone's arm - To persuade or pressure someone to do something. (说服或强迫某人做某事)

46 Keep your chin up - To remain optimistic in the face of adversity. (在逆境中保持乐观)

47 The ball is in your court - It's your turn to take action or make a decision. (轮到你采取行动或做出决定了)

48 All ears - Listening intently or attentively. (洗耳恭听)

49 Down to earth - Realistic and practical. (脚踏实地)

50 Every cloud has a silver lining - There is always something positive to be found in a negative situation. (任何困难的情况都有积极的方面)

51 Come hell or high water - No matter what happens. (无论发生什么)

52 Add fuel to the fire - To make a bad situation worse. (火上加油,使情况更糟)

53 Take the bull by the horns - To face a problem or challenge head-on. (直面问题或挑战)

54 In the black - Profitable or financially successful. (盈利或财务成功)

55 Don't count your chickens before they hatch - Don't make assumptions about the future before it happens. (不要过早乐观)

56 To throw in the towel - To give up. (放弃)

57 Drop the ball - To make a mistake or fail to follow through on something. (犯错误或未能完成某事)

58 To shoot the messenger - To blame the person who delivers bad news. (责怪传递坏消息的人)

59 Over the top - Excessive or overdone. (过分或夸张)

60 Crank up - To increase in intensity or volume. (加强,增加)

61 Miss the boat - To miss an opportunity. (错过机会)

62 Stick to your guns - To remain firm in your beliefs or decisions. (坚定自己的信仰或决定)

63 Tough luck - Bad luck. (不幸)

64 To go the extra mile - To make an extra effort. (做出额外的努力)

65 Under the weather - Feeling sick or unwell. (感觉不舒服或生病)

66 Fish out of water - Feeling out of place or uncomfortable in a new environment. (感到不适应,处境尴尬)

67 Don't cry over spilled milk - Don't worry about something that can't be changed. (别为已经发生的事情懊悔)

68 Chuffed - Proud or pleased. (骄傲或高兴)

69 Eat crow - To admit you were wrong and apologize. (承认自己错误并道歉)

70 Last straw - The final thing that causes someone to give up or lose their temper. (导致某人放弃或发脾气的最后一件事情)

71 Whatever floats your boat - Whatever makes you happy. (做自己开心的事)

72 Croak - To die. (死亡)

73 Brick and mortar - A physical building or store. (实体店)

74 Make ends meet - To manage finances and pay bills with limited income. (勉强维持生计)

75 Get the ball rolling - To start something. (开始做某事)

76 Ring a bell - To sound familiar or to remember something. (听起来熟悉或记得某事)

77 Hold your horses - To be patient or wait. (耐心等待)

78 Butter someone up - To flatter or praise someone in order to gain their favor. (拍马屁,奉承)

79 Drop the ball - To make a mistake or fail to do something important. (失误,没做好重要的事情)

80 Sleep on it - To take time to think about something before making a decision. (在做出决定之前花时间考虑)

81 Head over heels - Completely in love. (

82 To call it a day - To end work or an activity for the day. (结束当天的工作或活动)

83 Skate on thin ice - To take a big risk or to be in a dangerous situation. (冒险或处于危险境地)

84 Face the music - To accept the consequences of one's actions. (面对现实,接受后果)

85 Close but no cigar - Almost, but not quite successful. (差点就成功了)

86 Fair-weather friend - A friend who is only supportive when things are going well. (只在顺境中出现的朋友)

87 Dead ringer - An exact copy or duplicate. (完全一样的复制品)

88 To miss the boat - To miss an opportunity. (错过机会)

89 Lay it on thick - To exaggerate or flatter excessively. (夸张或过度恭维)

90 Live and learn - To gain experience and knowledge through life's challenges. (通过生活的挑战获得经验和知识)

91 Don't put all your eggs in one basket - Don't rely on one thing for success. (不要把所有的希望都寄托在一件事情上)

92 Rain check - A postponement of plans to a later time. (推迟计划到以后的时间)

93 Throw in the towel - To give up or quit. (放弃)

94 Egg someone on - To encourage or provoke someone into doing something. (怂恿,激励某人做某事)

95 Fly off the handle - To lose one's temper suddenly and unexpectedly. (突然失去耐心)

96 Beat around the bush - To avoid talking about something directly. (拐弯抹角,不直截了当)

97 Kick the bucket - To die. (去世)

98 Sitting duck - A vulnerable or easy target. (容易受攻击的目标)

99 Time flies - Time passes quickly. (时间飞逝)

100 Right off the bat - Immediately or without delay. (立刻或不耽搁)

101 Let the cat out of the bag - To reveal a secret. (泄露秘密)

102 Play it by ear - To improvise or make decisions as events unfold. (随机应变或在事件发展中做出决定)

103 Grindstone - A source of hard work or labor. (辛勤工作的来源)

104 In the bag - Certain or guaranteed. (肯定会成功)

105 Know the ropes - To be knowledgeable or experienced in a particular area. (对某个领域有知识或经验)

106 Hang in there - To persevere or keep going. (坚持下去)

107 To drop the ball - To make a mistake or fail to do something. (犯错误或未能做某事)

108 When in Rome, do as the Romans do - To follow the customs or practices of a particular place or group. (入乡随俗)

109 To spill the beans - To reveal a secret. (泄露秘密)

110 Flash in the pan - A temporary success or trend that fades quickly. (昙花一现的成功或潮流)

111 Full of beans - Full of energy or enthusiasm. (精力充沛)

112 Go cold turkey - To quit something abruptly and completely. (戒断)

113 Jump the gun - To act prematurely or without all the information. (过早地采取行动或缺少全部信息)

114 Chew the fat - To have a casual conversation. (闲聊)

115 On the fence - Undecided or neutral. (犹豫不决或中立)

116 Flip out - To become very angry or upset. (非常生气或难过)

117 To see the forest for the trees - To see the big picture. (看到大局)

118 Devil's advocate - Someone who argues against a cause or position, not because they believe it, but to stimulate debate or challenge assumptions. (辩护者)

119 Call it a day - To stop working for the day. (结束一天的工作)

120 To get cold feet - To become nervous or anxious about something. (对某事变得紧张或焦虑)

121 Ballpark figure - An approximate estimate. (大致估计)

122 Apple of my eye - A person or thing that is cherished above all others. (心肝宝贝,最爱的人或物)

123 Fender bender - A minor car accident. (小车祸)

124 Blow off steam - To vent one's anger or frustration. (发泄情绪)

125 Keep your eyes peeled - To be alert and watchful. (保持警觉)

126 Devil's advocate - Someone who argues against the popular opinion, just to see the other side of the argument. (反面论

127 Make a long story short - To summarize or simplify a story. (简短地叙述一个故事)

128 Chew the fat - To have a casual conversation. (随便聊天)

129 To give someone the benefit of the doubt - To believe someone's words or actions, even if they seem suspicious. (相信某人的话或行动,即使它们似乎有问题)

130 Catch someone's eye - To get someone's attention. (引起某人的注意)

131 To get a kick out of something - To enjoy something. (享受某事)

132 Sick as a dog - Very sick. (非常生病)

133 To sit tight - To wait patiently. (耐心等

134 Put two and two together - To make an obvious conclusion. (做出显而易见的结论)

135 Green with envy - Jealous. (非常嫉妒)

136 To bite the bullet - To face a difficult situation with courage. (勇敢地面对困境)

137 To cut someone some slack - To be lenient or forgiving towards someone. (对某人宽容或宽恕)

138 Fit as a fiddle - In good health. (身体健康)

139 Clam up - To suddenly become quiet or refuse to talk. (突然变得安静或拒绝说话)

140 Good riddance - A farewell to something or someone unwelcome. (离开或摆脱不受欢迎的东西或人)

141 To put the cart before the horse - To do things in the wrong order. (按错误的顺序做事)

142 In the red - Unprofitable or financially unsuccessful. (亏损或财务不利)

143 Long shot - An unlikely or difficult possibility. (不大可能的事情)

144 Face the music - To accept the consequences of your actions. (承担自己的行为后果)

145 Hit the hay - To go to bed. (上床睡觉)

146 Everything but the kitchen sink - Including everything imaginable. (包罗万象)

147 Cheap shot - An unfair or unsportsmanlike act. (不公平或不体面的行为)

148 Bummed out - Disappointed or upset. (失望或难过)

149 On the ball - Alert and quick to respond. (敏捷反应)

150 Can't cut the mustard - Can't perform up to expectations. (不能胜任)

151 Go off the deep end - To lose control or become extremely angry. (失去控制或非常生气)

152 Head over heels - Completely in love. (彻底沉迷于某人)

153 Couch potato - A lazy person who spends a lot of time watching TV or lounging on the couch. (电视迷,懒人)

154 To talk the talk and walk the walk - To back up your words with action. (言行一致)

155 Smooth sailing - Easy or trouble-free. (轻松顺利)

156 Piece of cake - Very easy. (非常容易)

157 Put on a show - To perform or pretend for others. (为别人表演或假装)

158 Gut feeling - An intuition or instinct. (直觉)

159 Quick on the draw - Fast to react or respond. (反应迅速)

160 To take something with a grain of salt - To not believe something completely. (不完全相信某事)

161 Break a leg - Good luck! (祝你好运!)

162 Catch some Z's - To get some sleep. (睡觉)

163 Fit as a fiddle - In good physical health. (非常健康)

164 Ace - A top-notch or excellent person or thing. (超级的,出色的人或事情)

165 Beef - A complaint or grievance. (牢骚,抱怨)

166 Pull someone's leg - To tease or joke with someone. (取笑或开玩笑)

167 Go for broke - To risk everything in the hope of success. (孤注一掷)

168 In a pickle - In a difficult situation. (处于困境中)

169 To get the ball rolling - To start something. (开始做某事)

170 Smell a rat - To sense that something is wrong or suspicious. (感觉有些不对劲)

171 By the skin of one's teeth - Just barely. (勉强,只是差一点)

172 Shoot the breeze - To chat or engage in casual conversation. (闲聊或进行非正式交谈)

173 Home stretch - The final portion of a race or project. (比赛或项目的最后一段路程)

174 To burn the midnight oil - To work late into the night. (深夜工作)

175 To go back to the drawing board - To start over or come up with a new plan. (重新开始或想出新的计划)

176 Get a grip - To control one's emotions or behavior. (控制情绪或行为)

177 Cool as a cucumber - Calm and composed under pressure. (在压力下冷静自若)

178 Buckle down - To focus and work hard. (集中精力,努力工作)

179 Down to the wire - To be close to the end of a deadline or competition. (来到最后时刻)

180 Dumb as a rock - Extremely unintelligent. (非常愚蠢)

181 Cool as a cucumber - Calm and composed. (冷静自若)

182 Give someone the cold shoulder - To ignore or snub someone. (冷落或对某人冷淡)

183 Cry over spilled milk - To dwell on something that cannot be undone. (船到桥头自然直)

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