那不勒斯四部曲III-离开的,留下的 中英双语版10

2020-05-27  本文已影响0人  yakamoz001




When she came back down, her face very

  pale, Edo asked her how it went, but Lila didn’t answer, she pushed him away

  with one hand and shut herself in the bathroom. She was afraid that Bruno

  would call her back, she was afraid of being forced to have a confrontation

  in Michele’s presence, she was afraid of the unaccustomed fragility of her

  body—she couldn’t get used to it. From the little window she spied on the

  courtyard and drew a sigh of relief when she saw Michele, tall, in a black

  leather jacket and dark pants, going bald at the temples, his handsome face

  carefully shaved, walk nervously to his car, and leave. Then she returned to

  the gutting room and Edo asked her again:




“I did it. But from now on the rest of

  you have to take care of it.”


“In what sense?”


She couldn’t answer: Bruno’s secretary

  had appeared, breathless, the owner wanted her right away. She went like that

  saint who, although she still has her head on her shoulders, is carrying it

  in her hands, as if it had already been cut off. Bruno, as soon as he saw

  her, almost screamed:


“You people want to have coffee in bed in

  the morning? What is this latest thing, Lina? Do you have any idea? Sit down

  and explain. I can’t believe it.”


Lila explained to him, demand by demand,

  in the tone she used with Gennaro when he refused to understand. She said

  emphatically that he had better take that piece of paper seriously and deal

  with the various points in a constructive spirit, because if he behaved

  unreasonably, the office of the labor inspector would soon come down on him.

  Finally she asked him what sort of trouble he’d got into, to end up in the

  hands of dangerous people like the Solaras. At that point Bruno lost control

  completely. His red complexion turned purple, his eyes grew bloodshot, he

  yelled that he would ruin her, that a few extra lire for the four dickheads

  she had set against him would be enough to settle everything. He shouted that

  for years his father had been bribing the inspector’s office and she was

  dreaming if she thought he was afraid of an inspection. He cried that the

  Solaras would eliminate her desire to be a union member, and finally, in a

  choked voice, he said: Out, get out immediately, out.


Lila went to the door. On the threshold

  she said:


“This is the last time you’ll see me. I’m

  done working here, starting now.”


At those words Soccavo abruptly returned  to himself. He had an expression of alarm, he must have promised Michele that  he wouldn’t fire her. He said: 


“Now you’re insulted? Now you’re being

  difficult? What do you say, come here, let’s discuss it, I’ll decide if I

  should fire you or not. Bitch, I said come here.”


For a fraction of a second Ischia came to

  mind, the morning we waited for Nino and his rich friend, the boy who had a

  house in Forio, who was always so polite and patient, to arrive. She went out

  and closed the door behind her. Immediately afterward she began to tremble

  violently, she was covered with sweat. She didn’t go to the gutting room, she

  didn’t say goodbye to Edo and Teresa, she passed by Filippo, who looked at

  her in bewilderment and called to her: Cerù, where are you going, come back

  inside. But she ran along the unpaved road, took the first bus for the

  Marina, reached the sea. She walked for a long time. There was a cold wind,

  and she went up to the Vomero in the funicular, walked through Piazza

  Vanvitelli, along Via Scarlatti, Via Cimarosa, took the funicular again to go

  down. It was late when she realized that she had forgotten about Gennaro. She

  got home at nine, and asked Enzo and Pasquale, who were anxiously questioning

  her to find out what had happened to her, to come and look for me in the



And now here we are, in the middle of the

  night, in this bare room in San Giovanni a Teduccio. Gennaro is sleeping,

  Lila talks on and on in a low voice, Enzo and Pasquale are waiting in the

  kitchen. I feel like the knight in an ancient romance as, wrapped in his

  shining armor, after performing a thousand astonishing feats throughout the

  world, he meets a ragged, starving herdsman, who, never leaving his pasture,

  subdues and controls horrible beasts with his bare hands, and with prodigious





I was a tranquil listener, and I let her

  talk. Some moments of the story, especially when the expression of Lila’s

  face and the pace of her sentences underwent a sudden, painful nervous

  contraction, disturbed me deeply. I felt a powerful sense of guilt, I

  thought: this is the life that could have been mine, and if it isn’t it’s

  partly thanks to her. Sometimes I almost hugged her, more often I wanted to

  ask questions, comment. But in general I held back, I interrupted two or

  three times at most.


For example, I certainly interrupted when

  she talked about Professor Galiani and her children. I would have liked her

  to explain better what the professor had said, what precise words she had

  used, if my name had ever come up with Nadia and Armando. But I realized in

  time the pettiness of the questions and restrained myself, even though a part

  of me considered the curiosity legitimate—they were acquaintances of mine,

  after all, who were important to me.


“Before I go to Florence for good, I

  should pay a visit to Professor Galiani. Maybe you’d come with me, do you

  want to?” and I added: “My relationship with her cooled a little, after

  Ischia, she blamed me for Nino’s leaving Nadia.” Since Lila looked at me as

  if she didn’t see me, I said again: “The Galianis are good people, a little

  stuck up, but this business of the murmur should be checked.”


This time she reacted.


“The murmur is there.”


“All right,” I said, “but even Armando

  said you’d need a cardiologist.”


She replied:


“He heard it, anyway.”


But I felt involved above all when it

  came to sexual matters. When she told me about the drying room, I almost

  said: an old intellectual jumped on me, in Turin, and in Milan a Venezuelan

  painter I’d known for only a few hours came to my room to get in bed as if it

  were a favor I owed him. Yet I held back, even with that. What sense was

  there in speaking of my affairs at that moment? And then really what could I

  have told her that had any resemblance to what she was telling me?


That last question presented itself

  clearly when, from a simple recitation of the facts—years before, when she

  told me about her wedding night, we had talked only of the most brutal

  facts—Lila proceeded to talk generally about her sexuality. It was a subject

  completely new for us. The coarse language of the environment we came from

  was useful for attack or self-defense, but, precisely because it was the

  language of violence, it hindered, rather than encouraged, intimate

  confidences. So I was embarrassed, I stared at the floor, when she said, in

  the crude vocabulary of the neighborhood, that fucking had never given her

  the pleasure she had expected as a girl, that in fact she had almost never

  felt anything, that after Stefano, after Nino, to do it really annoyed her,

  so that she had been unable to accept inside herself even a man as gentle as

  Enzo. Not only that: using an even more brutal vocabulary, she added that

  sometimes out of necessity, sometimes out of curiosity, sometimes out of

  passion, she had done everything that a man could want from a woman, and that

  even when she had wanted to conceive a child with Nino, and had become

  pregnant, the pleasure you were supposed to feel, particularly at that moment

  of great love, had been missing.


Before such frankness I understood that I

  could not be silent, that I had to let her feel how close I was, that I had

  to react to her confidences with equal confidences. But at the idea of having

  to speak about myself—the dialect disgusted me, and although I passed for an

  author of racy pages, the Italian I had acquired seemed to me too precious

  for the sticky material of sexual experiences—my uneasiness grew, I forgot

  how difficult her confession had been, that every word, however vulgar, was

  set in the weariness in her face, in the trembling of her hands, and I was



“For me it’s not like that,” I said.


I wasn’t lying, and yet it wasn’t the

  truth. The truth was more complicated and to give it a form I would have

  needed practiced words. I would have had to explain that, in the time of

  Antonio, rubbing against him, letting him touch me had always been very

  pleasurable, and that I still desired that pleasure. I would have had to

  admit that being penetrated had disappointed me, too, that the experience was

  spoiled by the sense of guilt, by the discomfort of the conditions, by the

  fear of being caught, by the haste arising from that, by the terror of

  getting pregnant. But I would have had to add that Franco—the little I knew

  of sex was largely from him—before entering me and afterward let me rub

  against one of his legs, against his stomach, and that this was nice and

  sometimes made the penetration nice, too. As a result, I would have had to

  tell her, I was now waiting for marriage, Pietro was a very gentle man, I

  hoped that in the tranquility and the legitimacy of marriage I would have the

  time and the comfort to discover the pleasure of coitus. There, if I had

  expressed myself like that, I would have been honest. But the two of us, at

  nearly twenty-five, did not have a tradition of such articulate confidences.

  There had been only small general allusions when she was engaged to Stefano

  and I was with Antonio, bashful phrases, hints. As for Donato Sarratore, as

  for Franco, I had never talked about either one. So I kept to those few

  words—For me it’s not like that—which must have sounded to her as if I were

  saying: Maybe you’re not normal. And in fact she looked at me in

  bewilderment, and said as if to protect herself:


“In the book you wrote something else.”


So she had read it. I murmured



“I don’t even know anymore what ended up

  in there.”


“Dirty stuff ended up in there,” she

  said, “stuff that men don’t want to hear and women know but are afraid to

  say. But now what—are you hiding?”


She used more or less those words,

  certainly she said dirty. She, too, then, cited the risqué pages and did it

  like Gigliola, who had used the word dirt. I expected that she would offer an

  evaluation of the book as a whole, but she didn’t, she used it only as a

  bridge to go back and repeat what she called several times, insistently, the

  bother of fucking. That is in your novel, she exclaimed, and if you told it

  you know it, it’s pointless for you to say: For me it’s not like that. And I

  mumbled Yes, maybe it’s true, but I don’t know. And while she with a tortured

  lack of shame went on with her confidences—the great excitement, the lack of

  satisfaction, the sense of disgust—I thought of Nino, and the questions I had

  so often turned over and over reappeared. Was that long night full of tales a

  good moment to tell her I had seen him? Should I warn her that for Gennaro

  she couldn’t count on Nino, that he already had another child, that he left

  children behind him heedlessly? Should I take advantage of that moment, of

  those admissions of his, to let her know that in Milan he had said an

  unpleasant thing about her: Lila is made badly even when it comes to sex?

  Should I go so far as to tell her that in those agitated confidences of hers,

  even in that way of reading the dirty pages of my book, now, while she was

  speaking I seemed to find confirmation that Nino was, in essence, right? What

  in fact had Sarratore’s son intended if not what she herself was admitting?

  Had he realized that for Lila being penetrated was only a duty, that she

  couldn’t enjoy the union? He, I said to myself, is experienced. He has known

  many women, he knows what good female sexual behavior is and so he recognizes

  when it’s bad. To be made badly when it comes to sex means, evidently, not to

  be able to feel pleasure in the male’s thrusting; it means twisting with

  desire and rubbing yourself to quiet that desire, it means grabbing his hands

  and placing them against your sex as I sometimes did with Franco, ignoring

  his annoyance, the boredom of the one who has already had his orgasm and now

  would like to go to sleep. My uneasiness increased, I thought: I wrote that

  in my novel, is that what Gigliola and Lila recognized, was that what Nino

  recognized, perhaps, and the reason he wanted to talk about it? I let

  everything go and whispered somewhat randomly:


“I’m sorry.”




“That your pregnancy was without joy.”


She responded with a flash of sarcasm:


“Imagine how I felt.”


My last interruption came when it had

  begun to get light, and she had just finished telling me about the encounter

  with Michele. I said: That’s enough, calm down, take your temperature. It was

  101. I hugged her tight, I whispered: now I’ll take care of you, and until

  you’re better we’ll stay together, and if I have to go to Florence you and

  the child will come with me. She refused energetically, she made the final

  confession of that night. She said she had been wrong to follow Enzo to San

  Giovanni a Teduccio, she wanted to go back to the neighborhood.


“To the neighborhood?”




“You’re crazy.”


“As soon as I feel better I’ll do it.”


I rebuked her, I told her it was a

  thought induced by the fever, that the neighborhood would exhaust her, that

  to set foot there was stupid.


“I can’t wait to leave,” I exclaimed.


“You’re strong,” she answered, to my

  astonishment. “I have never been. The better and truer you feel, the farther

  away you go. If I merely pass through the tunnel of the stradone, I’m scared.

  Remember when we tried to get to the sea but it started raining? Which of us

  wanted to keep going and which of us made an about-face, you or me?”


“I don’t remember. But, anyway, don’t go

  back to the neighborhood.”


I tried in vain to make her change her

  mind. We discussed it for a long time.


“Go,” she said finally, “talk to the two

  of them, they’ve been waiting for hours. They haven’t closed their eyes and

  they have to go to work.”


“What shall I tell them?”


“Whatever you want.”


I pulled the covers up, I also covered

  Gennaro, who had been tossing in his sleep all night. I realized that Lila

  was already falling asleep. I whispered:


“I’ll be back soon.”


She said: 


“Remember what you promised.”




“You’ve already forgotten? If something

  happens to me, you’ve got to take Gennaro.”


“Nothing will happen to you.”


As I went out of the room Lila started in  her half-sleep, she whispered: 


“Watch me until I fall asleep. Watch me

  always, even when you leave Naples. That way I’ll know that you see me and

  I’m at peace.”




In the time that passed between that

  night and the day of my wedding—I was married on May 17, 1969, in Florence,

  and, after a honeymoon of just three days in Venice, enthusiastically began

  my life as a wife—I tried to do all I could for Lila. At first, in fact, I

  thought simply that I would help her until she got over the flu. I had things

  to do about the house in Florence, I had a lot of engagements because of the

  book—the telephone rang constantly, and my mother grumbled that she had given

  the number to half the neighborhood but no one called her, to have that

  thingamajig in the house, she said, is just a bother, since the calls were

  almost always for me—I wrote notes for hypothetical new novels, I tried to

  fill the gaps in my literary and political education. But my friend’s general

  state of weakness soon led me to neglect my own affairs and occupy myself

  with her. My mother realized right away that we had resumed our friendship:

  she found it shameful, she flew into a rage, she was full of insults for both

  of us. She continued to believe that she could tell me what to do and what

  not to, she limped after me, criticizing me. Sometimes she seemed determined

  to insert herself into my body, simply to keep me from being my own master.

  What do you have in common with her anymore, she insisted, think of what you

  are and of what she is, isn’t that disgusting book you wrote enough, you want

  to go on being friends with a whore? But I behaved as if I were deaf. I saw

  Lila every day and from the moment I left her sleeping in her room and went

  to face the two men who had waited all night in the kitchen I devoted myself

  to reorganizing her life.


I told Enzo and Pasquale that Lila was

  ill, she couldn’t work at the Soccavo factory anymore, she had quit. With

  Enzo I didn’t have to waste words, he had understood for a while that she

  couldn’t go on at the factory, that she had gotten into a difficult

  situation, that something inside her was giving in. Pasquale, instead,

  driving back to the neighborhood on the early-morning streets, still free of

  traffic, objected. Let’s not overdo it, he said, it’s true that Lila has a

  hard life, but that’s what happens to all the exploited of the world. Then,

  following a tendency he had had since he was a boy, he went on to speak about

  the peasants of the south, the workers of the north, the populations of Latin

  America, of northeastern Brazil, of Africa, about the Negroes, the

  Vietnamese, American imperialism. I soon stopped him, saying: Pasquale, if

  Lina goes on as she has she’ll die. He wouldn’t concede, he continued to

  object, and not because he didn’t care about Lila but because the struggle at

  Soccavo seemed to him important, he considered our friend’s role crucial, and

  deep down he was convinced that all those stories about a little flu came not

  so much from her as from me, a bourgeois intellectual more worried about a

  slight fever than about the nasty political consequences of a workers’

  defeat. Since he couldn’t make up his mind to say these things to me

  explicitly but spoke in sentence fragments, I summed it up for him with

  soothing clarity, to show him I had understood. That made him even more

  anxious and as he left me at the gate he said: I have to go to work now,

  Lenù, but we’ll talk about it again. As soon as I returned to the house in

  San Giovanni a Teduccio I took Enzo aside and said: Keep Pasquale away from

  Lina if you love her, she mustn’t hear any talk of the factory.


In that period I always carried in my

  purse a book and a notebook: I read on the bus or when Lila was sleeping.

  Sometimes I discovered her with her eyes open, staring at me, maybe she was

  peeking to see what I was reading, but she never asked me the title of the

  book, and when I tried to read her some passages—from scenes at the Upton

  Inn, I remember—she closed her eyes as if I were boring her. The fever passed

  in a few days, but the cough didn’t, so I forced her to stay in bed. I

  cleaned the house, I cooked, I took care of Gennaro. Maybe because he was

  already big, somewhat aggressive, willful, he didn’t have the defenseless

  charm of Mirko, Nino’s other child. But sometimes in the midst of violent

  games he would turn unexpectedly sad, and fall asleep on the floor; that

  softened me, and I grew fond of him, and when that became clear to him he

  attached himself to me, keeping me from doing chores or reading.


Meanwhile I tried to get a better

  understanding of Lila’s situation. Did she have money? No. I lent her some

  and she accepted it after swearing endlessly that she would pay me back. How

  much did Bruno owe her? Two months’ salary. And severance pay? She didn’t

  know. What was Enzo’s job, how much did he earn? No idea. And that

  correspondence course in Zurich—what concrete possibilities did it offer? Who

  knows. She coughed constantly, she had pains in her chest, sweats, a vise in

  her throat, her heart would suddenly go crazy. I wrote down punctiliously all

  the symptoms and tried to convince her that another medical examination was

  necessary, more thorough than the one Armando had done. She didn’t say yes

  but she didn’t oppose it. One evening before Enzo returned, Pasquale looked

  in, he said very politely that he, his comrades on the committee, and some

  workers at the Soccavo factory wanted to know how she was. I replied that she

  wasn’t well, she needed rest, but he asked to see her just the same, to say hello.

  I left him in the kitchen, I went to Lila, I advised her not to see him. She

  made a face that meant: I’ll do as you want. I was moved by the fact that she

  gave in to me—she who had always commanded, done and undone—without arguing.




At home that same night I made a long

  call to Pietro, telling him in detail all Lila’s troubles and how important

  it was to me to help her. He listened patiently. At a certain point he even

  exhibited a spirit of collaboration: he remembered a young Pisan Greek

  scholar who was obsessed with computers and imagined that they would

  revolutionize philology. I was touched by the fact that, although he was a

  person who was always buried in his work, on this occasion, for love of me,

  he made an effort to be useful.


“Find him,” I begged him, “tell him about

  Enzo, you never know, maybe some job prospects might turn up.”


He promised he would and added that, if

  he remembered correctly, Mariarosa had had a brief romance with a young

  Neapolitan lawyer: maybe he could find him and ask if he could help.


“To do what?”


“To get your friend’s money back.”


I was excited.


“Call Mariarosa.”


“All right.”


I insisted: 


“Don’t just promise, call her, please.”


He was silent for a moment, then he  said: 


“Just then you sounded like my mother.”


“In what sense?”


“You sounded like her when something is

  very important to her.”


“I’m very different, unfortunately.”


He was silent again.


“You’re different, fortunately. But in

  these types of things there’s no one like her. Tell her about that girl and

  you’ll see, she’ll help you.”


I telephoned Adele. I did it with some

  embarrassment, which I overcame by reminding myself of all the times I had

  seen her at work, for my book, in the search for the apartment in Florence.

  She was a woman who liked to be busy. If she needed something, she picked up

  the telephone and, link by link, put together the chain that led to her goal.

  She knew how to ask in such a way that saying no was impossible. And she

  crossed ideological borders confidently, she respected no hierarchies, she

  tracked down cleaning women, bureaucrats, industrialists, intellectuals,

  ministers, and she addressed all with cordial detachment, as if the favor she

  was about to ask she was in fact already doing for them. Amid a thousand

  awkward apologies for disturbing her, I told Adele in detail about my friend,

  and she became curious, interested, angry. At the end she said:


“Let me think.”


“Of course.”


“Meanwhile, can I give you some advice?”


“Of course.”


“Don’t be timid. You’re a writer, use

  your role, test it, make something of it. These are decisive times,

  everything is turning upside down. Participate, be present. And begin with

  the scum in your area, put their backs to the wall.”




“By writing. Frighten Soccavo to death,

  and others like him. Promise you’ll do it?”


“I’ll try.”


She gave me the name of an editor at





The telephone call to Pietro and,

  especially, the one to my mother-*-law released a feeling that until that

  moment I had kept at bay, that in fact I had repressed, but that was alive

  and ready to advance. It had to do with my changed status. It was likely that

  the Airotas, especially Guido but perhaps Adele herself, considered me a girl

  who, although very eager, was far from the person they would have chosen for

  their son. It was just as likely that my origin, my dialectal cadence, my

  lack of sophistication in everything, had put the breadth of their views to a

  hard test. With just a slight exaggeration I could hypothesize that even the

  publication of my book was part of an emergency plan intended to make me

  presentable in their world. But the fact remained, incontrovertible, that

  they had accepted me, that I was about to marry Pietro, with their consent,

  that I was about to enter a protective family, a sort of well-*-seller almost

  down to the last match; I had won for myself a large supply of matches. And

  so—I suddenly understood—I could do for Lila much more than I had calculated

  on doing.


It was with this perspective that I had

  my friend give me the documentation she had collected against Soccavo. She

  handed it over passively, without even asking what I wanted to do with it. I

  read with increasing absorption. How many terrible things she had been able

  to say precisely and effectively. How many intolerable experiences could be

  perceived behind the description of the factory. I turned the pages in my

  hands for a long time, then suddenly, almost without coming to a decision, I

  looked in the telephone book, I called Soccavo. I subdued my voice to the

  right tone, I asked for Bruno. He was cordial—What a pleasure to talk to

  you—I cold. He said: You’ve done so many great things, Elena, I saw a picture

  of you in Roma, bravo, what a wonderful time we had on Ischia. I answered

  that it was a pleasure to talk to him, too, but that Ischia was far away, and

  for better and worse we had all changed, that in his case, for example, I had

  heard some nasty rumors that I hoped were not true. He understood immediately

  and protested. He spoke harshly of Lila, of her ungratefulness, of the

  trouble she had caused him. I changed my tone, I said that I believed Lila

  more than him. Take a pencil and paper, I said, write down my number, got it?

  Now give instructions for her to be paid down to the last lira you owe her,

  and let me know when I can come and get the money: I wouldn’t like to see

  your picture in the papers, too.


I hung up before he could object, feeling

  proud of myself. I hadn’t shown the least emotion, I had been curt, a few

  remarks in Italian, polite first, then aloof. I hoped that Pietro was right:

  was I really acquiring Adele’s tone, was I learning, without realizing it,

  her way of being in the world? I decided to find out whether I was capable,

  if I wanted, of carrying out the threat I had ended the phone call with.

  Agitated—as I had not been when I called Bruno, still the boring boy who had

  tried to kiss me on the beach of Citara—I dialed the number of the editorial

  offices of l’Unità. While the telephone rang, I hoped that the voice of my

  mother yelling at Elisa in dialect in the background wouldn’t be heard. My

  name is Elena Greco, I said to the switchboard operator, and I didn’t have

  time to explain what I wanted before the woman exclaimed: Elena Greco the

  writer? She had read my book, and was full of compliments. I thanked her, I

  felt happy, strong, I explained, unnecessarily, that I had in mind an article

  about a factory on the outskirts, and I gave the name of the editor Adele had

  suggested. The operator congratulated me again, then she resumed a

  professional tone. Hold on, she said. A moment later a very hoarse male voice

  asked me in a teasing tone since when practitioners of literature had been

  willing to dirty their pens on the subject of piece work, shifts, and

  overtime, very boring subjects that young, successful novelists in particular

  stayed away from.


“What’s the angle?” he asked.

  “Construction, longshoremen, miners?”


“It’s a sausage factory,” I said. “Not a

  big deal.”


The man continued to make fun of me: 


“You don’t have to apologize, it’s fine.

  If Elena Greco, to whom this newspaper devoted no less than half a page of

  profuse praise, decides to write about sausages, can we poor editors possibly

  say: that it doesn’t interest us? Are thirty lines enough? Too few? Let’s be

  generous, make it sixty. When you’ve finished, will you bring it to me in

  person or dictate it?”


I began working on the article right

  away. I had to squeeze out of Lila’s pages my sixty lines, and for love of

  her I wanted to do a good job. But I had no experience of newspaper writing,

  apart from when, at the age of fifteen, I had tried to write about the

  conflict with the religion teacher for Nino’s journal: with terrible results.

  I don’t know, maybe it was that memory that complicated things. Or maybe it

  was the editor’s sarcastic tone that rang in my ears, especially when, at the

  end of the call, he asked me to give his best to my mother-*-law. Certainly I

  took a lot of time, I wrote and rewrote stubbornly. But even when the article

  seemed to be finished I wasn’t satisfied and I didn’t take it to the

  newspaper. I have to talk to Lila first, I said to myself, it’s a thing that

  should be decided together; I’ll turn it in tomorrow.


The next day I went to see Lila; she

  seemed particularly unwell. She complained that when I wasn’t there certain

  presences took advantage of my absence and emerged from objects to bother her

  and Gennaro. Then she realized that I was alarmed and, in a tone of

  amusement, said it was all nonsense, she just wanted me to be with her more.

  We talked a lot, I soothed her, but I didn’t give her the article to read.

  What held me back was the idea that if l’Unità rejected the piece I would be

  forced to tell her that they hadn’t found it good, and I would feel

  humiliated. It took a phone call from Adele that night to give me a solid

  dose of optimism and make up my mind. She had consulted her husband and also

  Mariarosa. She had moved half the world in a few hours: luminaries of

  medicine, socialist professors who knew about the union, a Christian Democrat

  whom she called a bit foolish but a good person and an expert in workers’

  rights. The result was that I had an appointment the next day with the best

  cardiologist in Naples—a friend of friends, I wouldn’t have to pay—and that

  the labor inspector would immediately pay a visit to the Soccavo factory, and

  that to get Lila’s money I could go to that friend of Mariarosa’s whom Pietro

  had mentioned, a young socialist lawyer who had an office in Piazza Nicola

  Amore and had already been informed.






“Did you write your article?”




“You see? I was sure you wouldn’t do it.”


“In fact it’s ready, I’ll take it to

  l’Unità tomorrow.”


“Good. I run the risk of underestimating



“It’s a risk?”


“Underestimating always is. How’s it

  going with that poor little creature my son?”




From then on everything became fluid,

  almost as if I possessed the art of making events flow like water from a

  spring. Even Pietro had worked for Lila. His colleague the Greek scholar

  turned out to be extremely talkative but useful just the same: he knew

  someone in Bologna who really was a computer expert—the reliable source of

  his philological fantasies—and he had given him the number of an acquaintance

  in Naples, judged to be equally reliable. He gave me the name, address, and

  telephone number of the Neapolitan, and I thanked him warmly, commenting with

  affectionate irony on his forced entrepreneurship—I even sent him a kiss over

  the phone.


I went to see Lila immediately. She had a

  cavernous cough, her face was strained and pale, her gaze excessively

  watchful. But I was bringing good news and was happy. I shook her, hugged

  her, held both her hands tight, and meanwhile told her about the phone call I

  had made to Bruno, read her the article I had written, enumerated the results

  of the painstaking efforts of Pietro, of my mother-*-law, of my sister-*-law.

  She listened as if I were speaking from far away—from another world into

  which I had ventured—and could hear clearly only half the things I was

  saying. Besides, Gennaro was constantly tugging on her to play with him, and,

  as I spoke, she was attending to him, but without warmth. I felt content just

  the same. In the past Lila had opened the miraculous drawer of the grocery

  store and had bought me everything, especially books. Now I opened my drawers

  and paid her back, hoping that she would feel safe, as I now did.


“So,” I asked her finally, “tomorrow

  morning you’ll go to the cardiologist?”


She reacted to my question in an  incongruous way, saying with a small laugh: 


“Nadia won’t like this way of doing

  things. And her brother won’t, either.”


“What way, I don’t understand.”




“Lila,” I said, “please, what does Nadia

  have to do with it, don’t give her more importance than she already gives

  herself. And forget Armando, he’s always been superficial.”


I surprised myself with those judgments,

  after all I knew very little about Professor Galiani’s children. And for a

  few seconds I had the impression that Lila didn’t recognize me but saw before

  her a spirit who was exploiting her weakness. In fact, rather than

  criticizing Nadia and Armando, I only wanted her to understand that the

  hierarchies of power were different, that compared to the Airotas the

  Galianis didn’t count, that people like Bruno Soccavo or that thug Michele

  counted even less, that in other words she should do as I said and not worry.

  But as I was speaking I realized I was in danger of boasting and I caressed

  her cheek, saying that, of course, I admired Armando and Nadia’s political

  engagement, and then I added, laughing: but trust me. She muttered:


“O.K., we’ll go to the cardiologist.”


I persisted:


“And for Enzo what appointment should I

  make, what time, what day?”


“Whenever you want, but after five.”


As soon as I got home I went back to the

  telephone. I called the lawyer, I explained Lila’s situation in detail. I

  called the cardiologist, I confirmed the appointment. I telephoned the

  computer expert, he worked at the Department of Public Works: he said that

  the Zurich courses were useless, but that I could send Enzo to see him on

  such and such a day at such an address. I called l’Unità, the editor said:

  You’re certainly taking your sweet time—are you bringing me this article, or

  are we waiting for Christmas? I called Soccavo’s secretary and asked her to

  tell her boss that, since I hadn’t heard from him, my article would be out

  soon in l’Unità.


That last phone call provoked an

  immediate, violent reaction. Soccavo called me two minutes later and this

  time he wasn’t friendly; he threatened me. I answered that, momentarily, he

  would have the inspector on his back and a lawyer who would take care of

  Lila’s interests. Then, that evening, pleasantly overexcited—I was proud of

  fighting against injustice, out of affection and conviction, in spite of

  Pasquale and Franco, who thought they could still give me lessons—I hurried

  to l’Unità to deliver my article.


The man I had talked to was middle-aged,

  short, and fat, with small, lively eyes that permanently sparkled with a

  benevolent irony. He invited me to sit down on a dilapidated chair and he

  read the article carefully.


“And this is sixty lines? To me it seems

  like a hundred and fifty.”


I reddened, I said softly: 


“I counted several times, it’s sixty.”


“Yes, but written by hand and in a script

  that couldn’t be read with a magnifying glass. But the piece is very good,

  Comrade. Find a typewriter somewhere and cut what you can.”




“And when? For once I’ve got something

  people will actually look at if I put it on the page, and you want to make me

  wait for doomsday?”




What energy I had in those days. We went

  to the cardiologist, a big-*-in-*-century paintings on the walls: a

  noblewoman in an armchair with a Negro servant in the background, a portrait

  of an old lady, and a large, lively hunting scene. There were two other

  people waiting, a man and a woman, both old, both with the tidy, elegant look

  of prosperity. We waited in silence. Lila, who on the way had repeatedly

  praised my appearance, said only, in a low voice: You look like you came out

  of one of these paintings—you’re the lady and I’m the maid.


We didn’t wait long. A nurse called us;

  for no obvious reason, we went ahead of the patients who were waiting. Now

  Lila became agitated, she wanted me to be present at the examination, she

  swore that alone she would never go in, and she pushed me forward as if I

  were the one being examined. The doctor was a bony man in his sixties, with

  thick gray hair. He greeted me politely, he knew everything about me, and

  chatted for ten minutes as if Lila weren’t there. He said that his son had

  also graduated from the Normale, but six years before me. He noted that his

  brother was a writer and had a certain reputation, but only in Naples. He was

  full of praise for the Airotas, he knew a cousin of Adele’s very well, a

  famous physicist. He asked me:


“When is the wedding?”


“May 17th.”


“The seventeenth? That’s bad luck, please

  change the date.”


“It’s not possible.”


Lila was silent the whole time. She paid

  no attention to the professor, I felt her curiosity on me, she seemed amazed

  by my every gesture and word. When, finally, the doctor turned to her,

  questioning her at length, she answered unwillingly, in dialect or in an ugly

  Italian that imitated dialect patterns. Often I had to interrupt to remind

  her of symptoms that she had reported to me or to stress those which she

  minimized. Finally she submitted to a thorough examination and exhaustive

  tests, with a sullen expression, as if the cardiologist and I were doing her

  a wrong. I looked at her thin body in a threadbare pale blue slip that was

  too big for her. Her long neck seemed to be struggling to hold up her head,

  the skin was stretched over her bones like tissue paper that might tear at

  any moment. I realized that the thumb of her left hand every so often had a

  small, reflexive twitch. It was a good half hour before the professor told

  her to get dressed. She kept her eyes on him as she did so; now she seemed

  frightened. The cardiologist went to the desk, sat down, and finally

  announced that everything was in order, he hadn’t found a murmur. Signora, he

  said, you have a perfect heart. But the effect of the verdict on Lila was

  apparently dubious, she didn’t seem pleased, in fact she seemed irritated. It

  was I who felt relieved, as if it were my heart, and it was I who showed

  signs of worry when the professor, again addressing me and not Lila, as if

  her lack of reaction had offended him, added, with a frown, that, however,

  given the general state of my friend, urgent measures were necessary. The

  problem, he said, isn’t the cough: the signora has a cold, has had a slight

  flu, and I’ll give her some cough syrup. The problem, according to him, was

  that she was exhausted, run down. Lila had to take better care of herself,

  eat regularly, have a tonic treatment, get at least eight hours of sleep a

  night. The majority of your friend’s symptoms, he said, will vanish when she

  regains her strength. In any case, he concluded, I would advise a

  neurological examination.


It was the penultimate word that roused

  Lila. She scowled, leaned forward, said in Italian: “Are you saying that I

  have a nervous illness?”


The doctor looked at her in surprise, as

  if the patient he had just finished examining had been magically replaced by

  another person.


“Not at all: I’m only advising an



“Did I say or do something I shouldn’t



“No, madam, there’s no need to worry. The

  examination serves only to get a clear picture of your situation.”


“A relative of mine,” said Lila, “a

  cousin of my mother’s, was unhappy, she’d been unhappy her whole life. In the

  summer, when I was little, I would hear her through the open window,

  shouting, laughing. Or I would see her on the street doing slightly crazy

  things. But it was unhappiness, and so she never went to a neurologist, in

  fact she never went to any doctor.”


“It would have been useful to go.”


“Nervous illnesses are for ladies.”


“Your mother’s cousin isn’t a lady?”




“And you?”


“Even less so.”


“Do you feel unhappy?”


“I’m very well.”


The doctor turned to me again, irritably:

  “Absolute rest. Have her do this treatment, regularly. If you have some way

  of taking her to the country, it would be better.”


Lila burst out laughing, she returned to

  dialect: “The last time I went to a doctor he sent me to the beach and it

  brought me a lot of grief.”


The professor pretended not to hear, he

  smiled at me as if to elicit a conspiratorial smile, gave me the name of a

  friend who was a neurologist, and telephoned himself so that the man would

  see us as soon as possible. It wasn’t easy to drag Lila to the new doctor’s

  office. She said she didn’t have time to waste, she was already bored enough

  by the cardiologist, she had to get back to Gennaro, and above all she didn’t

  have money to throw away nor did she want me to throw away mine. I assured

  her that the examination would be free and in the end, reluctantly, she gave



The neurologist was a small lively man,

  completely bald, who had an office in an old building in Toledo and displayed

  in his waiting room an orderly collection of philosophy books. He liked to

  hear himself talk, and he talked so much that, it seemed to me, he paid more

  attention to the thread of his own discourse than to the patient. He examined

  her and addressed me, he asked her questions and propounded to me his

  observations, taking no notice of the responses she gave. In the end, he

  concluded abstractedly that Lila’s nervous system was in order, just like her

  cardiac muscle. But—he said, continuing to address me—my colleague is right,

  dear Dottoressa Greco, the body is weakened, and as a result both the

  irascible and the concupiscible passions have taken advantage of it to get

  the upper hand over reason: let’s restore well-being to the body and we’ll

  restore health to the mind. Then he wrote out a prescription, in

  indecipherable marks, but pronouncing aloud the names of the medicines, the

  doses. Then he moved on to advice. He advised, for relaxation, long walks,

  but avoiding the sea: better, he said, the woods of Capodimonte or Camaldoli.

  He advised reading, but only during the day, never at night. He advised

  keeping the hands employed, even though a careful glance at Lila’s would have

  been enough to realize that they had been too much employed. When he began to

  insist on the neurological benefits of crochet work, Lila became restless in

  her chair, and without waiting for the doctor to finish speaking, she asked

  him, following the course of her own secret thoughts:


“As long as we’re here, could you give me

  the pills that prevent you from having children?”


The doctor frowned, and so, I think, did

  I. The request seemed out of place.


“Are you married?”


“I was, not now.”


“In what sense not now?”


“I’m separated.”


“You’re still married.”




“Have you had children?”


“I have one.”


“One isn’t much.”


“It’s enough for me.”


“In your condition pregnancy would help,

  there is no better medicine for a woman.”


“I know women who were destroyed by

  pregnancy. Better to have the pills.”


“For that problem of yours you’ll have to

  consult a gynecologist.”


“You only know about nerves, you don’t

  know about pills?”


The doctor was irritated. He chatted a

  little more and then, in the doorway, gave me the address and telephone

  number of a doctor who worked in a clinic in Ponte di Tappia. Go to her, he

  said, as if it were I who had asked for the contraceptives, and he said

  goodbye. On the way out the secretary asked us to pay. The neurologist, I

  gathered, was outside the chain of favors that Adele had set in motion. I



Once we were in the street Lila almost

  shouted, irately: I will not take a single one of the medicines that shit

  gave me, since my head is falling off just the same, I already know it. I

  answered: I disagree, but do as you like. Then she was confused, she said

  quietly: I’m not angry with you, I’m angry with the doctors, and we walked in

  the direction of Ponte di Tappia, but without saying so, as if we were

  strolling aimlessly, just to stretch our legs. First she was silent, then she

  imitated in annoyance the neurologist’s tone and his babble. It seemed to me

  that her impatience signaled a return of vitality. I asked her:


“Is it going a little better with Enzo?”


“It’s the same as always.”


“Then what do you want with the pills?”


“Do you know about them?”




“Do you take them?”


“No, but I will as soon as I’m married.”


“You don’t want children?”


“I do, but I have to write another book



“Does your husband know you don’t want

  them right away?”


“I’ll tell him.”


“Shall we go see this woman and have her

  give both of us pills?”


“Lila, it’s not candy you can take

  whenever you like. If you’re not doing anything with Enzo forget it.”


She looked at me with narrowed eyes,  cracks in which her pupils were scarcely visible: 


“I’m not doing anything now but later who





“I shouldn’t, in your opinion?”


“Yes, of course.”


At Ponte di Tappia we looked for a phone

  booth and called the doctor, who said she could see us right away. On the way

  to the clinic I made it clear to Lila that I was glad she was getting close

  to Enzo, and she seemed encouraged by my approval. We went back to being the

  girls of long ago, we began joking, partly serious, partly pretending, saying

  to each other: You do the talking, you’re bolder, no you, you’re dressed like

  a lady, I’m not in a hurry, I’m not, either, then why are we going.


The doctor was waiting for us at the

  entrance, in a white coat. She was a cordial woman, with a shrill voice. She

  invited us to the café and treated us like old friends. She emphasized

  repeatedly that she wasn’t a gynecologist, but she was so full of explanations

  and advice that, while I kept to myself, somewhat bored, Lila asked

  increasingly explicit questions, made objections, asked new questions,

  offered ironic observations. They became very friendly. Finally, along with

  many recommendations, she gave each of us a prescription. The doctor refused

  to be paid because, she said, it was a mission she and her friends had. As

  she left—she had to go back to work—instead of shaking hands she embraced us.

  Lila, once we were in the street, said seriously: Finally a good person. She

  was cheerful then—I hadn’t seen her like that for a long time.

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