2019-01-02 本文已影响2人
Seliko is a solid particle in the relic, also known as &;; Quot; Concealed &; Quot; And ... Refers to the beaded crystals formed after the cremation of the Buddha or the remains of the monk. After the cremation of Gao Dade, strong or crystalline particles were often found in the remains of the remains(relics). So Buddhists, in this relic &;; Quot; Concealed &; Quot; , especially valued and respected, known as &;; Quot; Seliko & amp; Quot; And ...
佛舍利崇拜是佛教中的普遍现象。隋文帝曾广建寺塔,供奉佛舍利,共修塔113座。即使在唐武宗会昌法难之前不久的会昌元年二月,京都长安还大肆崇奉佛舍利。 又唐代佛教四大灵境,均以佛骨著名。 由此可见,唐代时期,安置供奉佛牙、佛骨的佛寺就有数处。其他类型的佛舍利则数不胜数。而流传至今的佛舍利少之又少,本枚舍利子乃唐朝一得道高僧圆寂后留下的舍利子,距今已经最少存在1100多年了,其价值极高。